IFVs for top tier minor nations

“I hate IFVs and do not want to see more added to the game”.

It’s a very simple thing to say rather than this deflection towards any issue but the actual thing you care about, the addition of more IFVs to the game.

“I don’t care about IFVs enough to get them added”

There we go, how about instead of arguing your point and deflecting, you can admit that as your actual intent.

Repeating your previous lies isn’t going to suddenly make them truthful.

Yeah that one is a reach the is a boxer we have but it has 50cal and a javelin so a much worse weasel

in game its technically not spaa but an ATGM carrier

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How do you define a “full line up”?

I will be honest, I only really know Britain, but they dont really.

We have a lot of MBTs, not going to deny that fact, but they are all nearly identical and all share the same massive weaknesses and drawbacks.

Our only functional SPAA system above 8.3 currently is the ADATS, which is classed as an ATGM launcher and therefore does not benefit from the reduced SP costs. We could do with something like the Tracked Rapier to off-set this issue.

We have no IFVs above 8.3, where several nations have IFVs all the way up to 11.3. We do have options for these and they have been suggested.


I mean, it isn’t a lie. I’ve outright stated that 1/4 vehicles pledged have been added in the last 5 years, and you still refuse to do it.

There were 2 people who linked vehicles to this thread. Me, and Morvran_. One of his posts even has a list of vehicles that were added to the game due to it.

Would love to see all of the IFVs that are missing from Chinese tt that should have been added a long time ago


3-4 MBTs, AA, 2-3 planes, helicopter.
My current lineups for Italy, Russia, Germany, America, and Sweden consist of 3 MBTs, 2 aircraft, 1 helicopter, 1/2 AAs, and 1/2 light tanks. Past that I just add a reserve or 1.0 biplane like the Po-2 or J-11/CR-42.

I feel sorry for you. I myself refuse to grind it out on this account.

I feel like using a pretty mid hull from the late 70s to early 80s has a very large part in this. That was the main issue I found with the challengers, along with the godawful powerpack and tranmission.

I’d love for the ADATS itself to go up to 12.0 if it meant an AA reclass. It would make America more enjoyable late-game if things don’t go too well, as well as give me a reason to choose it over the LAV-AD.
I heard the Starstreaks have been super fucky recently, is that true?

Yet here you are, still professing you don’t hate IFVs while speaking otherwise.

I haven’t spoken anything that would say I hate IFVs, because I don’t.

“there is no disparity between tech trees”
“france / britain / china have full 11.7 lineups”

You discount the existence of IFVs and balk at the addition of high tier IFVs.

If your reason for doing so isn’t that you hate IFVs, the only other possible explanation is that you’re intentionally trolling which is against forum TOS. Which is it?


Granted we have that. Though the lower mobility of the Challengers would beenfit massively from a light tank/IFV, even just a good 10.3-10.7, for support.

It was painful and until the Challenger 2s have been fixed, Im just sticking with ASB for now.

It does have some IRL drawbacks, but dont take the ingame interpretation to heart. It has sooooo many issues its actually insane. Check out: Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion - #2 by Morvran I actually need to update that list, we’ve had a lot more submitted in the past few days.

Yeah, that would work too, though quite a few would still absolutely love the Tracked Rapier, its quite an iconic British vehicle. Even if the ADATS was still the prefered/better, I’d still want it.

Completely broken, apart from a few months like a year ago, they have been since added.

Not only is the Stormer HVM, missing a LOT of features. The Starstreaks themselves are having some kind of issue where they essentially phase through a target. Planes usually, but will also happen to helis. Its possible its something to do with the speed of the missile and the server tick rate or something. But they dont really know and we have absolutely no timeline for if/when it will be fixed.

Though the Stormer HVM could be equipped with different SAMs, as a stopgap, and none of them would be unreasonable for the current BR. THey would be on par to other nations. The main one is called LMM

(Apache could probably also do with ATAS for now as well, at least as an option)

We also have several other SPAA options, like the Stormer Air Defence

Which would add a stinger based SPAA system with radar and 30mm Gatling gun.

Though we have LOADS of SPAA systems that could and should be added which could offset the issues with the Stormer HVM. Even a rover with javelins mounted on the back :D


True, though I feel the mobility of the challengers would benefit massively from a good selection of powerpack. Take some fucking notes Britain.
Would love to see the Ajax though.

Oh shit, wanna play sometime? I’ve been trying to grind down Italian air to get the AV-8B+.

Many of the points given in your Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion - #2 by Morvran post don’t address issues that I personally find with it, and even if all of these were to be fixed, it isn’t a tank that is appealing to me.

I feel this would end up somewhat like the Chaparral. Just another crappy vehicle to get in the way of vehicles I’d rather have.

There are many server issues that I take issue with, and having entities despawn at certain distances only makes this worse.

As an ATAS user, no.

Maybe at some point. Just gotta make sure Italy and Britain can actually play together.

Would be fine if it had its IRL 20-22G of pull.

But yeah, as for the rest of it, Cr2 will always be niche. Kinda why alternatives I think are really important for the British TT (Just 1 Canadian Leopard please) but also IFVs and ATGM launchers (Boxer that fires Brimstones anyone :P)

But yeah, its tricky. Gaijin seem obsessed with adding more and more Challenger 2s, but its just not what the British TT needs.

Thats just Gaijin. Regen Steering please. And APU as well.

They do, though I’m fine with anything.

Not even that would save a contact fused missile. I hate them altogether.

You have a T-90S, I feel as if a Leopard 2A6M isn’t that far of an idea.

What do you mean it isn’t what the TT needs??? You mean to tell me you didn’t want 9 Challenger 1/2s???

APUs are something that no nation has, though it seems as if they’re contemplating it. I personally see this as more of a ratty addition.

True, though would help at lease

yeah it really isnt. Why the hell they picked a T-90 is beyond me, so many interesting options. The Challenger 1 Falcon won the poll for something to addf instead of it. But yeah, just one, either that or we could have gotten the Australian M1A1 AIM, but that went to the US tree.

Would be nice, just for one alternative.

Yep, nor is regen steering. But with most British vehciles, they are bad due to missing game mechanics and not becaues they are bad IRL

Awesome. Would be fun to fly with people.

I tend to stick above 8.3. Im lazy and like SAS mode. I have been meaning to learn props, but I think I need rudder pedals first.

I think it just easier for them as the arjun wouof been a better choice as it similar to whats already in the tech tree

You wanna talk about this shit?

How about most of the games mechanics not favoring VR or HOTAS applications, as well as control binding being very limiting. That’s my most hated thing.