If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

No need to do anything too drastic… just needs some tweaks imo. Maybe some of the following:

  • Some BRs need better AA (probably the hardest thing to do)
  • Get rid of kill cam (or make it less useful as a revenge tool)
  • Spawns and caps need better air cover (not necessarily hard cover just more trees, rocks, ruins, etc.) so ground units have a chance to hide.
  • Chevrons due to hits and machine gun fire should not be visible for air units. It’s too powerful. Scouting is OK but even then maybe it needs to be less precise.
  • Fighter/strike air spawn altitude (or distance to the battle ground) should be inversely (or directly) proportional to payload.
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i believe it will take at least 4 or 6 major updates to be in the game, from now i will spent my time on other games where at least i can win a match

For US and Brtish the only way is add more CAS with CCIP at this BR, hope they can pass adding HVAR ccip for au1 and F4U5

Yep, that is a good idea. Especially if combined with additional or larger spawn points,

what other nations have russia also has it, and also a better version of it

Such as?

USSR always gets the best one, and due to some reason nato nations doesn’t have such kind of SPAA

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It isn’t.

The way is to give other countries such SPAA too.

It is.

The way to make balance is to add cold war planes, not every nation has such kind of SPAA.

im confused

But every nation should get such SPAA at lower B.R.

Planes do just fine against them.

Only USSR or US has such kind of SPAA, which just removes the radar so that keep in low BR, and ZSU-23-4 for 7.3 BR is too OP as well, over 4000 rounds without reload, No props can survive from that.

That is just great to hear that people using the air will need to think

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Overall I would enjoy this game now more if Gaijin devs hadn’t touched it in the last two or even three years.No maps changes ,no BR changes,no vehicles nerfing, just me being allowed to get used to the game and get better at it and excepting all its tricky points and working around them.

Nothing they have done since I started has mattered or made the game any better only worse.The maps are a fine example.

WT has CAS and always will so leave the damn CAS alone. If it’s so deadly then use it yourself, that’s what I did in the end.

Spend less time begging for changes and spend more time trying to get good.

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Sad to hear that people using SPAA without thinking, even the hatred of airplanes has forgotten the existence of Russian bias, now we need to squad with Russia to make sure the other side can’t play CAS

CAS usually doesn’t have to actively look for targets, they roam and wait until they see a hit marker, scout marker, muzzle flashes, or machine gun trails, there is no such thing as them actively looking for hidden enemies, unless you are talking about late game where there is 2-3 enemies left and nobody does anything, at least base on my experience most ground kill by CAS happens due to hit marker or muzzle flashes.

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yup, sometimes I lose sight of the tank or spaa, but the moment they shoot, im like…there you are hehe 😂


unfortunate name to have while claiming that an unfair advantage doesn’t exist

Pretty good one to spot people who are talking about things they don’t understand