If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Not anymore.

Its not the L-62 thats the issue, tbh that… thing is far more of a TD, even in 'cade

Its mainly the Lvkv, because that pos has less ammo, double the firerate, and like

+1.3 the br

Its just not good there- it iirc historically got APDS, as well as HE-VT, which provides a good opportunity to buff it.

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USA mains, German mains and USSR mains: you cannot do that! the Swedes already dominate 11.7 with their funny looking Leopard 2, and then we have a low tier 120mm SAV which could kill 6 T-34s in a span of 10 seconds!

laughs in IKEA meatball launcher

SAV is definitely busted, though HE-VT wouldnt do much in RB, I think.

Mainly due to low gun velocity (tho idk, dont play RB much)

In AB, though…

Don’t forget the VIDAR, give it to a somewhat experienced player and watch him sit at a corner of a map and stealth kill everybody with the 155mm HE, if it’s far enough then you know it’s always OHKO because of the bullet arc right into the dome of tanks lol

Russian bias is so outdated, it’s been Sweden’s bias for a long time.

Okay imma be real
Sweden is either niche but powerful stuff, or stuff that is completely and utterly useless.

Very little in between.

Also if a guy is arcing VIDAR shells at 70°+ then thats just pure skill, and I cant do anything but congratulate him.

And I’d be willing to bet that when they look at how all SPAAs affected by that are gonna skyrocket in BR past their usefulness while becoming considerably more annoying to fight, they’re probably not gonna take that trade.

I frankly don’t see how making SPAA worse at shooting aircraft is gonna shoot more CAS down.

The comparison was against the current Ostwind 2 with the shitty APHE. Again, literally zero reason to play one with HVAP when I can have a much better vehicle at the same BR. Maybe if I wanted a funny heehaw autocannon tank, but IMO the HVAP would go better on an entirely separate vehicle:

(this was real, no pictures survive)

The SPAA wouldn’t be spawned next to you. All the way back in spawn.

Both of those get slaughtered by tanks anyway, even the Kugelblitz after the HVAP nerf. But the ones that don’t - low tier swedish SPAA, ZSU-57-2, Falcon, ItPsv - are all extremely powerful at shooting tanks and will rarely be seen doing their damn job because they’re decent at shooting tanks, so that’s all players ever do. None (aside from the swedish bofors creatures) can reliably melt tanks from the front - they don’t have to! They’re arguably deadlier than actual tanks if they catch your side.

The whole reason the Tunguska had such poor stats that lead to the Pantsir being introduced was that so many neglected the air and just went to shoot tanks.

Actually, we already have this for floatplanes in naval, which you can:

  1. swap to seamlessly
  2. capture zones with
    And I haven’t seen hot swappable floatplanes result in anything of the sort. For the like… 3 people that play naval.

And again, while a tank is always useful in a ground battle, SPAAs aren’t. This is even worse at high tier where there’s no amount of fictional gear you stick on them, a Type 81 or Ozelot aren’t gonna be defending themselves from something that doesn’t fly.

I simply don’t see how you’re addressing the root issue - you can’t fight CAS and tanks in a tank, but any half decent fighter bomber can bomb tanks and shoot planes down. So the tradeoff ground vehicles have to do just isn’t present for aircraft. Adding HVAP to SPAA might make them better at shooting tanks, but they’ll inevitably become worse SPAAs due to BR increases.

Sure, bombers of various sizes exist which are worse against aircraft, but that is a compromise for far better bomb loads - in some cases (pe8/lancaster) they’re even largely immune to SPAA by virtue of flying at higher altitude.

If only they were so eager to beta test Air RB EC…

Adding HVAP to SPAA might make them better at shooting tanks, but they’ll inevitably become worse SPAAs due to BR increases.

Depends. Some SPAA should be treated as LT’s, given HVAP/APDS, and moved up. Some that are actually good at fighting planes, (.50cal barges, 20mm barges, .30cal ones, AAMs), would be balanced off of SPAA capability.

Personally, I’d add a timer that prevents CAS from spawning for 5 or so minutes.

I’d increase the spawn cost of CAS loadouts using automatic guided weaponry. Dedicated Strike Aircraft can have a lower penalty, but still an overall increase in spawn cost.

I’d remove the Predator Drone from Ground Battles. Scout drones can stay.

For helicopters, I actually think they’re mostly fine. Aside from Vikhr missiles, they rarely give me any issues. With a single good AA player, the average Helicopter pilot can be grounded an entire match.

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I’d remove the Predator Drone from Ground Battles. Scout drones can stay.

Only if we get a naval-style aircraft spawning menu that allows tank-only players to use a random CAS.

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I would make it so ground based radar couldn’t see through hills or ground clutter.

You don’t make anything off of Predator Drones, so there’s no point to them being there. All they let you do is get two free kills for 750 spawn points, which is a horrible trade. They’re specifically used to revenge kill by petty players 90 percent of the time.

The only thing I use those things for is spotting for my squad mates. They’re horrible.

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In my eyes, to balance SPAAGs across-the-board, people need to stop flipping out when an AA kills a tank screaming how “illegal” it supposedly is. An AA must have the ability to easily shred tanks through the sides so it can be played like a light tank and thus the average joe will actually move outside their own spawn to places on the map where they’d actually be effective at surprising and shooting down aircraft.

Track & Barrel Torture, however, that’s another story, really only due to barrel damage itself.

Naval has this idea for all users whether they bring their own air or not. Simpler to implement still.

Then if everyone has the counters, nobody has an excuse not to at least try learning them.

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Well yes you’re absolutely right, its unrealistic trash. So please do us the honor of listing all of the German bombers and fighters that where flown into the ground having just dropped their load of bombs prior to the pilots suicide just to kill a single tank because I, and I’m sure many others, can show you replay after replay where that is precisely what players are intentionally using planes to do.

Its a game, its made of pixels, its all unrealistic trash! I am a licensed private pilot, there’s all kinds of “unrealistic trash” going on but making it truly realistic would make it too difficult for the general masses to just jump in and enjoy. Seriously, temperature and altitude pressure all impact flight characteristics and engine performance. What were the icing conditions and you’re carb heat settings during your last flight? If you fly in a perfectly level circle does the plane suddenly start shaking as you hit your own wing tip vortices? Nothing is realistic, its not meant to be.

There are basically 2 kinds of players, those who want to play the game and advance while playing within the intent of the game. Then there are those who don’t care and just want kills with no regard to the intent of the game or “realism”. My understanding of this discussion is as an attempt to try to find ways to stop those who don’t care about the intent of the game from ruining things for those who do care.
I can totally respect my tank being destroyed by a skilled player doing what players are meant to do in the game. I have nothing but respect for a pilot who destroys my tank (properly) in the battlefield proper. I don’t like it but that’s fair game and the pilot earned the kill. But when I take out my brand new T92 for the first time to start spading it, find a nice hole to hide in so I can TRY to play the vehicle to its strengths, get lined up on its first target only to have a twin engine aircraft fall on my head and the pilots 500LB bomb go off near me a few moments after the pilot dies, that’s just cheap, “Unrealistic trash” and not what I would take as what the game intended.

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Ah, you believe realism = clunky. Which is unrealistic.

if i could re-balance CAS, i would do three things:

  1. do not make plane spawns based of of SP, but off of # of kills(I.E. to spawn a plane by itself, no suspended armaments, you need two kills. if you want to use say the deafult load out, 3 kills. anything that you had to research, like bigger bombs, more kills) this would make it to where poeple cant jst push points, cap them, j out, then come back and bomb you)
  2. If you revenge bomb someone(bomb the person who killed you within 3 minutes of dying to them, as long as they are not taking a point or in your spawn) you get no XP, no silver lions, and your bombs do no damage to them.
  3. Remove the 750 SP drones from everything below 11.7, as they can be annoying to kill
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I like the 1st and the 3rd one. 2nd one can just be shortening the kill cam to the rounds impact or removing it for RB as it will reduce the revenge/kamikaze bombing.

So punish players that play objectives, scout, or get assists? Kills aren’t the only useful actions in game that should be rewarded. Also, this already happens in arcade and isn’t really a great system in my opinion.

Yes, punish players for utilizing game features… The problem here isn’t planes, the problem is the kill camera providing the location of the attacker. Fix the problem, not a symptom.

Yea, drones are just free air support in RB.

it would be to specifically target people who use a tank to cap a point, then spawn a plane. the system could be modified to account for assists and spots, but i dont think capping a point should allow you to spawn a plane instantaneously so you can go bomb people in the first 2 mins of a match