If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Can you specify what range is “lower BR” for you? On rank 1-2 I don’t got real issues with CAS. It is even easier because planes fly slower. And lead indicators are … I think they are a bit to arcade. There is a small trick you can use to find out if your lead is ok. If the bullets disappear behind the plane your lead is too far. If you see the bullets in front of the plane passing then your lead is too short. My tactic is to start with more lead and most of the times plane fly faster then I turn my turret so the lead shortens right to the point where the plane fly into my burst.
Another thing is that players start way to early to shot. On higher ranks … not my world. Got some nice kills with the russian 7.7 (don’t know the name right now). But planes move much faster on higher ranks and the rocket thing … I lack skill on this point.

Thread seems pretty dead.CAS threads are too many ,does need tidying

Remove air spawn for all planes.

So the game is over before you get there ? How about ground vehicles come in by train first as well?

And repairing the tank could become a minigame where you have to press the right button on time ^^

The whole game is becoming an over complicated farce

What would be the point of CAS if it was fair? It would never have been used historically in the first place. Air superiority, clue is in the title and if any team used it properly it would certainly stomp every time. Fighters protecting CAS or heavy bombers. This is how wars are won whether it be WW2 or the Gulf War.

CAS destroying the game for the land game enemy is the whole point of CAS really, attack with impunity.

This is the whole problem. War Thunder introduce a vehicle that was made to be deadly to land units and everyone complains when it is.

Attack helicopters were made to sit behind a hill and fire indirectly at land units’ which hopefully can’t retaliate, The A10 another legendary tank killer made to make life a misery for …er…tanks.

What fool actually thought it was a good idea to even bring the A10 or similarly legendary tanks busters in? Why the player base of course, They were the ones who nagged for them to be implemented and you see it’s still going on, what piece of crap can we flood the game with next they ask like we are desperate for new vehicles when we can’t make the existing one’s work. Now they are here we can either scrap them or leave them, but a better idea would be to do both as it has been suggested.

Have a mode with no CAS to represent the times in history when air support was not available and give WT players a different experience. It doesn’t even have to be a downer on flyers just a different mode like Sim or Arcade is different.

Raising SP just hands CAS to the better players who are already stomping. A long flight just makes the game boring.

If there is one issue with War Thunder it is the fact that the game makers are constantly pissing about with it, nerfing things, fiddling with maps, raising and lowering BR to destroy line ups etc etc. Can’t load this game without wondering what stupid thing they have done to it today, what favorite sniping spot has been removed, what has been nerfed in secret to create more paranoia.

So I am for leaving CAS as it is otherwise, we have another thing that simply does not work and is no longer fun to use. We not only have shit tanks but shit planes.

Leave it and create a TO mode. SPs and soft skins get a new lease of life and hopefully all those players on Reddit/Steam/Quora who quit and go on about how CAS ruined WT for them will come back to the game and sort the queue time issue out if there is one.

Bit of a blunt and windy old rant from me but this game is pissing me off. Just one thing after another, secret nerfs and map hacks, It never settles and is never finished.

After 12 years it’s worse than it’s ever been. I can’t even get onto it currently.


You just admitted that CAS is unfair. If you think that this is OK, then we can just close this conversation.

You know the difference between a “game”, and a “real war”?
Why aren’t you going out, and advocating for historical MM then?
You know, where you would fight T-34s, and KV-1s in a Panzer II, and IS-7s in a Pvkv IV, and Object 279s in a Panzer IV.
If you want a game to be actually successful, you need balance. That’s why we have a BR system in the game, and not some historical matchup.
Nobody would want to be in a team that can do literally nothing against the enemy, and also, nobody would want to play more than a couple of matches when they just annihilate the enemy in 2 minutes without losing a single vehicle.

And SPAA is designed to counter it, yet it stands no real chance. And i am not even talking about low tier. At top tier, a minimally skilled pilot can annihilate the entier team against multiple SPAAs, an ground mode.

At the other hand, planes can have their own mode, where i can’t get into with a patriot system and shoot down defenseless planes from 100km.
Would that be fair? No. Do Air players have to worry from such threats? Also no.
is CAS fair? No. Do tanks have to worry about it? Yes.

Do you see the difference?

Yes, that’s why they are not fixes. They might fix a specific problem, and introduce another one.

Sorry, i might not get this fully. Could you rephrase it please? ( i am sure it’s just my stupid head not getting it xd)

You mean leave the current mode as it is, and give a separate tank only mode?
If you mean that, then of course. That would be a very easy, and quick fix.

Chill, dont get mad. Not worth it.


I should hope CAS is unfair or what it the piont of having it? Nothing to admit. I would hope a BR4 tank is better than A BR 3 as well.

Sounds good, off topic and if that were to happen you certainly need CAS to balance it. BR is makes the game unbalanced or rather the failure to implement it correctly. Take CAS and you will notice the difference in BR even more.

All I see is high tier flyers complaining what a no go missile fest top tier flying is. So I can only assume you are wrong there or they are lying. I also hear top tier is a Helicopter hell. Dont know don’t play it.

So are you agreeing with me or not?

That is just plain English to me but here goes, sometimes in history we had battles with no planes. Battle of the Bulge for one. Germany rolled across the map because the Allies had no Air support due to fog. No CAS different outcome. Fog lifted Germans F***** again.

So WT imitating that with no CAS means a very deferent game play and that would be good or bad depending on how you look at it. You can sit unmolested in your Tiger 2 in the open on the down tier all game and smash what comes, and nobody can touch you. Great for the Tiger player not so great for the opposing team. For somebody to win in WT somebody has to lose.

Either way NO CAS GRB is just another WT tank game like Sim or Arcade is. I play CAS in GRB and I have played for a long time without it hating it.

I see both sides of the argument. I know GRB works without CAS but I also know it is a different game without it. Hope I explained that. I also don’t play above 7BR so I have nothing much to about CAS at that level.

Yes that is what I meant, and I have said it so many times on so many posts I just assume everybody knows my stance which is overstating my importance big time ,but I know so many people on here and what their views are.

We agree on much and maybe not on other things. That is cool.
Forums are tricky, communicating by writing is tricky.

I will cut through my own bullshit and try to simplify.

Introduce New TO GRB mode. Those who hate CAS have no more CAS

Leave old GRB as it is. No nerfing CAS, No Land spawn, just leave it. Those who like CAS or even rely on CAS are still fine to use it.

Everyone is happy. If those who called for TO GRB find it to be crap, then tough lol they wanted it. It is like deciding over Baseball or Football You can try to mix the games together or just play one or the other.

Maybe I am confusing you by trying to play devil’s advocate. I see both sides and if a TO mode came in, I would like to think I would play both.


Germany rolled across the map because the Allies had no Air support due to fog. No CAS different outcome. Fog lifted Germans F***** again.

The historical effect of CAS on ground units, before guided munitions were introduced, is highly questionable compared to what is shown in WT

unrealistic cas

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Well aware of the possible overstatement regarding the effectiveness of Allied CAS but the Battle of the Bulge was what it was historically, and bad weather also cancels out high level bombing which was undeniably effective. Fact is overall that Air support or air superiority was a war winner for the Allies and lack of air support was a war loser for Germany so CAS can’t be that ineffective overall. Air support is also spotting the movement of land units.

Bear in mind that losing a track could put a tank out of the war in certain circumstances in reality but not in the game.

Saying that, yes this is a game. Same with all those complaining about how Russian tanks are equal to Allied tanks in game, yes we have to have a game don’t we ? Can’t have one team fielding Pawns and another sending out only Queens.

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I’m pretty late to the party but I think a good way to balance CAS is to make it cheaper based on how many enemy SPAA are active.

Like if the enemy has 0 SPAA then it should cost 750 minimum for CAS and if they have like 5 SPAA active, then it should only cost like 300-400.


I’d raise the spawn cost for them a bit more. Or have spawn cost be reflective of the ordnance the plane have on them.

Something a bit like this?

That is only half of how Naval’s aircraft spawning works. You can still bring your own aircraft in RB to use. Plus, I bet it wouldn’t go over to well if you got a random tank in a certain br range when you spawn in for ground vehicles. Noone wants arcade’s spawn mechanics because it is all random nonesense. I mean, in Naval one of the bomber spawns in a level bomber with a torpedo that you can’t even launch because you have to lose all of your altitude and speed, otherwise the torpedo gets destroyed when you drop it. Keep arcadey randomness away from the RB modes, please.

So making it a random thing? If people know that no planes can spawn because of the increased cost due to the lack of SPAA, then noone will ever use SPAA. Balancing them off of actions of other players isn’t a fair way to balance them.

Yeah just realized that pretty big loophole :(

Yeah, pretty much!

I’m working on that now. Currently going through the rockets right now. Just have bombs for high tier jets, helos, torps, and guided munitions left before I can put out a copy for the community to go over and critique before I make the suggestion post.

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One thing I’d be interested in testing is a variant of the fighters first concept. The problem with fighters first is that they can cause absolute havoc on newly spawned open top vehicles on first spawn, but if you can remove that issue somehow, they are the perfect counter to CAS.

So what I would do is make it so that fighters can be used on first spawn, but they spawn on the airfield, so that you end up with a quasi-Air RB situation where if you decide to stay low and focus on ground targets, you’re giving up valuable altitude and energy, and might be vulnerable to the other side’s fighters.

If you decide to start climbing and prioritise positioning, then you’re obviously going to leave ground targets alone.

Then CAS planes can keep their air spawn and will have to rely on friendly fighters having achieved air superiority in order to have a clean run at ground targets (SPAAs notwithstanding). If the airspace is contested, then CAS will have a riskier time of it.

My hope is also that this would draw more skilled pilots from Air RB.

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