If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

I could see this in the game, but definately not as the main mode.

And even there, CAS would be just as unfair as here.

As i said many times, i (and many others) just want a second mode with only tanks, where skill matters, and not the ability to push a button once, and get kills.

That’s all.


Agreed. I took a lot of flak (no pun) on the last forum for arguing for it. The OP was about trying to make the existing combined arms better though to be fair.
I had some good games on the rare occasion nobody jumped into a plane at all. It does occasionally happen, and the game still works.

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When it happens, it is much better. You don’t have to constantly watch the air and check if you are going to get killed by the next guy with negative tank k/d because he can’t play tanks, so he needs CAS.

It is the same as Arty in WoT. It is in there, so bad players can do something too, rather than them having to learn to play.
A match without arty there - you can move mouch more freely.


I was 3.0 BR before I even saw a match without CAS or noticed its particular absence. Brilliant game in a German halftrack with a 75mm of all things. Held a cap, took six for no deaths. A game so good I can actually remember it. Can’t say that about many others. Incidentally it was Mozdok which must be the most open and CAS ruined map in the game.

That was when it occurred to me you don’t depend of CAS to make the game work. Well you didn’t back then anyway.


He fell out with those who control is for what its worth with X


Elon Musk.Off topic but you took us there.

The issue is surely with me, but i still dont get it xd.

This not you ?


I see,you were drunk when you went off on Elon rant but you are OK now? Ok back on topic then .

No. He is a conman. Educate yourself.

He was a hero before he fell out with Disney and its new masters. I guess not everyone is prepared to bow. Any way off topic.

Balances for Aircraft

  • All CAS spawn on airfield

  • Move airfields farther away from the battlefield, in order to increase the downtime required to re-arm, along with making it harder to eat a SAM or SPAA cannon fire and then fly back for repairs

  • substantially increase the amount of SP required to spawn in aircraft with ordanace, while lowering the SP required to spawn aircraft with AAM

  • Increase amount of SP required to spawn Heli’s with ATG ordance, in order to remove first spawn heli rocket rushes in the first 3 minutes of the match opening

Balances for SPAA

  • Increase the reward modifiers for shooting down aircraft, as SPAA/ Anti-CAS fighter gameplay yields very poor rewards in contrast to how important the role is to your team’s success

  • Add a reward medal for intercepting bombs, GBU/AGM’s, and hostile SAM/AAM’s. Currently using missiles or ammunition to intercept ordanace and protect your team yields no rewards despite how life saving (and costly in terms of SPAA that don’t carry many missiles) it is

  • Give lower BR SPAA such as bofor gun platforms lead indicators with heavily reduced accuracy and prediction range. CAS is insanely powerful in lower BR’s where SPAA is more limited in capability and more difficult to use, and it makes 0 sense that SPAA that have mechanical lead calculators modeled get 0 functionality from them given how vital they are to the vehicles IRL anti-aircraft performance. Such a system could easily be modeled to where it functions very similairly to naval’s range estimation; it takes a few seconds of locking onto an aircraft to produce a lead that isn’t anywhere close to the accuracy of IRST/Radar leads, while becoming more innacurate at longer ranges

  • Remove the TD classification and SP penalty associated with them from the ADATS platforms. They might have anti-tank capability, but they are still very clearly made with a focus on anti-aircraft performance.

I personally feel all of these changes would make CAS a lot less oppressive in GRB, and encourage players to spawn SPAA more and giving them better rewards for doing so.


These are all good, but it does not change that CAS is unfair. These would make it a bit less unfair, but only by a very small factor.

Yeah, i am sure you are happy owning a fully autonomous self driving robo taxi earning thousands of dollars each year, while you can take a quick ride in the Hyperloop from Los Angeles to San Francisco in only 35 minutes, while your house is covered in solar rooftops, at home, you are served a drink from the Tesla Bot, as you watch on the “free speech platform” the SpaceX cargo ships land on Mars in 2022!

Okay, after this, i am finished. But maybe you get out of the Musk cult.

You heard what Musk said his advertisers can go do right?

Yes, and it was hilarious. Like an angry 6 year old when he gets denied another chocolate bar.

No it was somebody refusing to be bullied and cancelled

please take the drama to DMs, thanks. Can we get a mod to clean up this thread?

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