If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

You’ll soon find CAS is CAS. I dont really want any changes to CAS as I find the game OK as it is but I would still enjoy a game with no CAS.

IF CAS is fine, no issue, no concern and everybody likes it as the anti TO people keep saying then why all the calls to mess with CAS?

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An issue I see with this is that it would lead to one team basically getting air superiority at the beginning of the match. This usually means that said team would have a large advantage soon after a match starts.
CAS would honestly suffer from the air spawn because the air spawn is outside of the AF aa. One team would win the air battle then camp air spawn for the whole match.

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That’s one of my worries as well and why I would want to test it first to see what happens.

Snowballing is the norm in War Thunder it must be said. As it is now you already get the snowball in the air as well as ground too, because the team that won the first engagement is the one that also scored more SP to get into planes to begin with. The killstreak power up problem.

So you’d need to test not just if the issue exists, but also if it’s qualitatively different from the snowballing that already happens.

That is an issue as well but if I remember correctly from the road map, they’re bringing in a change about how the air spawn works in GRB, are they not? We’ll have to wait for the details on that one, but my understanding was that they wanted to make air-spawn-camping harder.

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Of course. I mean, the thread is asking how would you rebalance CAS, not would you like an additional TO mode or something like that.ù

If two modes existed, one with CAS and one without, I’d probably play both just to experience the different metas. But if we’re only discussing the CAS part of the equation, then rebalancing CAS does not mean nuking it into the ground, you know? I’m ok with the idea that it can be a part of the battle and influence its outcome. It just needs rebalancing I think. The most straightforward and obvious solution is to just raise SP costs but I would also like to see other solutions tinkered with to see what works.

Always remember the people who write on the forums are a super mega tiny minority of the actual playerbase, and people usually complain just about anything. A lot of the time people complain about pure nonsense.

I think CAS has issues, to be clear, but the proliferation of threads about it is not the proof that it has issues, is what I’m trying to say lol.

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Sort of but not really. They are just adding the marker to an enemy plane that is in the spawn zone. Wont prevent them from being there but it will at least warn you.

I agree. However, I believe that the air theatre is much faster than ground. Having air spawn first would basically be having half the battle happen then the ground battle happens.
One way of putting it would be like having half the map locked for a few minutes then unlocking the other half. The team that won the first side now has plenty of flanking spots to have a large advantage.

I would be down to test it though.


I think this is also something that would change massively with BRs, I will say. At the lower BRs, it takes quite a bit for many airfield-spawned fighters to climb to a good altitude. Obviously that is less true at the higher BRs.

In theory the ideal would be that you manage to time it so that fighters get over the tank battlefield at more or less the same time that the first CAS planes start spawning, which is usually two to three minutes into a match. And they can get there earlier if they stay low of course, but that comes with its own risks, just like in Air RB.

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The only solution (for fighters first) is a „player class” matchmaking, where battle consist of people playing certain role.

So You would need to change a game in its core.

Then people would complain about players skill and how getting one bad player means lose, so next would be skill based matchmaking and then people would argue that gaijin is giving them bad teams


A lot of these arguments already exist to be fair, mate. We read most of them on a daily basis on here.

I think there is some “player class matchmaking” in Air RB already, or am I wrong? And I’m pretty sure that WT has, while not exactly an SBMM with a normal ranked system, an engagement-optimised matchmaker that distributes players so that two teams have more or less the same total of “average position in the team” scores.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there are no issues, just that it’s worth giving it a try with a set up where the fighters can’t get to the tank battlefield too early. If testing it then shows that it’s a mess, no big deal, we move on. But even something as simple as doing, say, a 3-day test event, then gather data, would be very nice.

If I had more time I would set it up in the CDK and invite people to try it out in custom battles, but yeah :D


I Dont know about top tier but they have had 12 years to get CAS right so could we assume its as good now as it will ever be? Games balance themselves, I mean some become a silly CAS fest and it can be time to leave but many do not and it only requires that the player accepts they were killed by a plane.
Yes if we had two modes I would play each and I imagine they might be very different games.

I agree and so many who are not on the forum and accept the game as it is must wonder what the hell is going on with all these constant changes and who is requesting them.

I am certainly not having a go at you for daring to answer a question only that I thought about your proposals already and still cant separate fighters from Ground attack in the game ,not in open vehicles.

If we all like this game then why are we always looking to change it? BR always moving and ruining line ups and attacking peoples favorite vehicles, Map changes now more CAS changes.

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I would take that one step further and make all planes, except for level bombers, start at the airfield. The energy advantage is just too much, just like the strike airspawn in Air RB. It’s a realistic mode, so all planes except for those unable to climb (level bombers) should start at the airfield.

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Limit of 4 bombers per team per match. To my knowledge it was implemented long ago when bombers would actually win games. Other than that it doesn’t matter.

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Depends on their goals at the end of the day.

For example, I think CAS is both way more popular and way more profitable than SPAAs, which is one of the reasons why SPAAs are not allowed to be anything more than a bandaid.

That’s the nature of the beast. A PVP MMO is the playerbase. The players and their habits change over time, so do their expectations, if you look at it from Gaijin’s POV you have to keep them engaged, keep them queueing up even over an extended period of time, and keep adding new content to generate interest.

So you have to keep vehicles at a certain rate of efficiency (so areas of domination are as few as possible and there are ideally no “dead BRs”). Which is further complicated by the fact that the introduction of 200 vehicles a year has an impact on existing BRs. And you have to keep changing things up to avoid creating a stagnant meta where we all know exactly how to play X vehicle on Y map.

The equilibrium state of WT is constant expansion. If you remove your player eyeglasses for a second and look at the history of the game over even just the past six years you’ll see how deliberate they are about keeping it that way.

Thanks, that’s the tidbit I couldn’t recall properly.


Trees and Bushes don’t render properly from air, making it way easier to spot ground…


Then the said tank will be up in br naturally to a point where it starts seeing things with great optical zoom and starts getting out-sniped then is a matter of time the WT universe becomes perfectly balanced, as all things should be bro.

The worst offender is hit marker and muzzle flash, as someone who also flies I can say you don’t miss something like that, even when it’s 7km away.

This is the perfect example how extremly bad balanced the CAS is in GF.

Planes need a huge SP increase ASAP.

Do something about how boring and how weak SPAA are to play below 7.0 and such.

Most people who play SPAA just use them to fight tanks and don’t bother with trying to shoot down aircraft.

But nearly any tank could use these positions. Should we push every tank to top tier?

Ain’t Gaijin raise the br based on how the vehicle performs? It will get raised into a br where it will eventually face things that could compete against, hence it stops overperforming in its respective br, it could be due to the speed no longer giving it an advantage in the new br, which prevents it from reaching a dominant position before the others, or firepower, or lack of STAB, Object 120 for an example, it used to be 7.3 and now it’s 8.0, it’s currently in a br that it starts facing more enemies with STAB and lose most of its advantages and becoming a former self. From the look of things, it will stay at 8.0 for a very long time, unless we gather 10,000 players to intentionally play the Object 120 like a bot, hold W to the cap, and die with 0 kill/0 assist, we might drop it back to 7.7.

Make planes and tanks same SP with increasing adjustments in ordinance as they get bigger with nuke at the top 😆