If there is only one plane left and it is outside of the general combat area tickets should begin draining

I’m asking you to illustrate your point. If you are unable to do so it is not my failure.

Doesn’t matter if it’s by an inch or a mile, winning’s winning…

You can’t even acknowledge the point when it’s right in front of you, so there’s no point in wasting my time any further, and I hope that the moderators deal with your nonsense before anyone else is baited into your ‘I’m so smart’ throwouts and avoidances…

Play the objective.

Is this your point?

My point was about your avoidance of going for the objective to make your own ticket bleed… You willingly avoid it because it doesn’t reward you enough, but yet you’ll lose the match because you didn’t go for it…

That’s my point…

What is the objective that you believe I am ignoring?

This is getting towards weaponised ignorance to be honest.

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If you’re unwilling to speak then please stop trying to.

Weaponized ignorance shares many of the same signs of weaponized incompetence, as it involves deliberately using a lack of knowledge or refusal to engage with information to manipulate situations or maintain power. People who feign incompetence may be especially damaging to cohabitate with.

Stop trying to insult me, because you have nothing to insult me with…

No one here is insulting you. You are refusing to answer simply basic questions.

What question am I refusing to answer?

The one you claimed was rhetorical, that you’ve avoided for the past 15 posts…

I asked you if you were making that question rhetorically or seriously. So by this statement I will presume the latter.

Why would I as a player engage with mechanics which do not reward the highest possible rewards?

To win…

You made this thread to complain that someone avoided combat so you had to “waste time” chasing him.
You were offered an alternative to just end the game with tickets as to not waste time and secure the win and go into the next game faster so you can earn more and faster.

Now you’re complaining that it’s points you want. If you’re after points then feel free to chase after the last player and don’t make these senseless threads where you shift the goalpost around.

Do you have something relating to this thread you wish to talk about?

Yes I did.

You did not offer an alternative. The game offered an alternative. As I stated clearly the alternative does not outweigh the rewards provided by chasing down the player.

Yes I play War Thunder to grind research points.

I did chase after the player in question and I killed him. I then created this thread to ask why I am forced to chase down a player who is no longer engaging in the match and is wasting my time. The answer I’ve been provided with so far is that “it’s to make the match longer”.

I do not accept this answer as logical or that it represents engaging gameplay. If this is true then there should be changes to the game mode’s mechanics to discourage this kind of behavior. Possibly the mechanic I proposed in my thread title.

You can make them have no choice but to do something if you can get the tide of tickets to change by reads notes taking out those ground units.

I am not a developer. I do not have the ability to change the game mode’s mechanics.

I can also chase down the player and destroy them assuming my jet is faster than theirs. That is what I chose to do as it provided more rewards than your prescribed solution.

That’s nothing to do with what was said…

Cool, but when that fails, then you’ll have trouble, and that’s where my point lays.

Stop ignoring the point just for the sake of trying to make someone spam things trying to hammer the point through to you as if you’re some sort of troll.

If you recognize that I am not a developer and do not have the ability to change ingame mechanics then please do not suggest that I do.