If there is only one plane left and it is outside of the general combat area tickets should begin draining

Are you seriously asking the question of whether a player would be incentivized to do the task which rewards them more?

Not at all, I’m actually asking why you see it beneath you to go for those targets when they are part of the objective rather than fixating on the player you can’t get to merely lose by being distracted.

It shouldn’t matter about the reward, but the actual outcome of the match.

That is after all, one way of making the tickets bleed.

I don’t understand why you’re asking this as a rhetorical question.

Stop using words you don’t understand… It’s not making you any more engaging.

Why are you literally ignoring the WW2 era vehicles, that are soft, that can take tickets out, and instead complaining about a player whom you cannot get, but still won’t take out those targets because they don’t ‘reward’ you as much… It’s like you’re shooting yourself in the foot intentionally to spite someone.

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You’re asking an illogical question posed as a rhetorical question I’m trying to figure out why.

If you don’t understand why you’re doing this then it will probably be better if you stop asking the same question.

You’re actually avoiding the point as per usual, and trying to act smart in the interim…

I’ve rephrased that question a number of times, you’re just ignorant to it and want it to be the same to make it easier to keep moving them goalposts…

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I’ve been asking you to clarify your point. You are the one refusing to do so, not I.

I’m pretty sure that my point is crystal clear, but you choose to debate and try avoid it…

You even stated that the convoy was WW2 era vehicles with little reward, and I directly asked why you don’t go for them to cause the ticket bleed…

It shouldn’t matter if it doesn’t reward you with anything if it can win the match, but alas, the usual, gamemode must change to suit you mentality reigns supreme, and avoid the point as much as possible to continue the faux ‘engagement’…

It’s alright, it shows that you cannot have any sort of engagement if it doesn’t match your agenda, or ‘topic’.

Play the objective, it’ll work out better for you.


If there are no rewards for the action why is the player incentivized to take that action?

To win the damn match… Duh…

War Thunder has no SBMM.

What in the actual heck has that got to do with ANY of this?

The same question you ask.

SBMM has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, and the point I made, so I cannot fathom how you even threw that in there…

Like, seriously, what even is this NONSENSE…

What is the point that you made?

Read your own thread, and stop playing the fool…

I have no confusion as to why I made this thread or the idea it puts forth. I’m asking you to illustrate the point you are trying to make but you seem incapable of doing so.

You win the game → you earn more rewards
What’s so hard to grasp?

You ignore the points made all the time so there is no point to continuing with this charade.

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You do more in the game → You win more after the game ends

A kill is worth more than ground targets. Especially reduced ground targets such as those found on this map variation.

That is before discussing the Skill Reward Bonus which is multiplied by how many kills you achieve.