If teams stop receiving rewards for losing, I think this would fix a lot of War Thunder's issues. Hear me out

Okay so personally in my opinion, one of the most frustrating things about this game is no one really cares about teamwork or winning the match. Getting gills is pretty much the only thing that matters. Rp, sl, just get kills that’s it. If you win the match hey yeah that’s cool and all but most people just do their own thing. Camping, staying in the same spot refusing to move just because you have this little pixel peak that you get Periodic kills, sacrificing teammates, jumping in a bomber just because you can nosedive 8,000 kg bomb in the middle of a spawn point just get a bunch of kills. Just crazy toxicity.

If a team loses, it’s members should get a very low standardized payout. Your activity or your kills should not change this. Meaning if you lost the match, it doesn’t matter how many kills you get you get like almost nothing. You lost. That’s kind of the point, you’ve lost. You shouldn’t get anything. This would fix a lot of the issues because what’s the point of sitting there sweating a little camp spot and Getting as many kills as you can if you’re not going to be rewarded for it if you lose.

The only way you should be rewarded is if you fight the objective, if you win the match then your kills count, then you’re captured count. You won you should be rewarded for your activity in the battle. But if you just run off and do your own thing sniping from some little hidey-hole just because you want to care about kills or you just do stupid stuff like every member in ends up getting in planes just because they want a bomb people instead of work the points. Then you don’t get a reward if you lose. I really think that this would change the entire dynamic of combat.


this would be the perfect thing to finally get me to quit


Well it’s not very helpful to this the discussion, why? Are you one of the ones who likes to sweat and snipe just caring about himself? If you are I mean I’m not trying to be here or anything but personally I feel people who don’t care about if the team wins or loses and just does their own thing is not a bad thing to lose you as a player.

I’m not trying to be confrontational here I’m saying this will help fix a lot of the toxicity and if you’re against it, then you’re part of the problem. But I’m open to the idea of there may be other perspectives or consequences of this that I’m not thinking about. Share them or just say oh hell no and run away.

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I actually didn’t mind them raising the rewards for the losing team some, but when I found out they took it off the rewards for the winning team . . . yeah, that is not right in any fashion. Gaijin has a way of whenever they give the players something, they take it away somewhere else so the net result is . . . we get nothing . . . all for show . . pity that


No no no no no no raise the awards? No not at all. I’m saying a losing team should get nothing. You might want to go back and reread what I said.

And how is what you’re saying any real commentary or response to what I’m proposing? I’m talking about here right now as a game sits. not the past.


war thunder matches have too many players for one person to have a consistent enough impact to carry their team to victory, it would become a slap in the face if you had a good game but were lumped with bot teammates so you get no reward despite racking up lots of frags
dumb idea that is not good for the game and only makes grind more punishing especially for nations with particularly low winrate battle ratings


Yes, but it would overall cause all players to have a much higher priority on winning the match then focusing on kills. Most players don’t even go to the objective. Most players just run to their favorite spot and sit and wait.

it would cause massive swaths of players to leave as you effectively double the grind for most players, at least when you have a good match but still lose you still get most of the rewards you’ve earned in a battle, instead this “solution” would add insult to injury and only serve to make the game infinitely more frustrating
a poorly thought out “solution” to something that is barely a problem


‘You lose the match you lose all rewards’

Well that’s a splendid Idea, let me throw my keyboard through my monitor and my PC out the window to recreate what will happen when my team is full of people who ride these:


To be honest, there’s a good quantity of ‘bad players’ about who care for no-one but themselves, and that leads to the blinkers on ‘don’t care about the team’ nonsense.

That ‘carry’ is an elitist term, which sort of sucks.

I call out positivity in matches and often get good results from the team, but there are so many players who are ignorant to the match about them. There’s definitely cases where the actions of one can define a match, especially in terms of waiting on the cap for others, calling out for where others want artillery, or where they’ve placed their artillery.

Even to the point of that one lurking flanker who’s out in a quiet spot, if you ping that and get it noticed, you could change everything for a team.

I disagree that it’s hardly a problem… For a while I’ve mentioned the attitude from some makes new players think that that’s how the ‘teams’ are.

The old ‘turn chat off’ and ‘enemies in blue’ stupidity…

I do disagree with the OPs idea, but I do acknowledge the issue.


Okay I do see your point and I understand how that would be frustrating. But, currently we sit on the other end of the spectrum where everyone runs off does their own thing only focusing on getting as many kills as they can without ever really paying attention to the objective and refusing to move from their little favorite sniping spot.

This is a war game. Taking the point and objective is the whole point of the match or it’s supposed to be but it’s secondary. The objective and securing it is the point of the entire game? But the reward system makes it more or less irrelevant to most people.

No. I want to get PAID when i play Russia 10.7 and not get my money stolen by fake USSR mains which barely a positive K/D playing in premiums.

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A thorough and well thought out response. Yes I agree my idea is heavy-handed. But right now the current reward system basically prioritizes getting kills and not much else. And if the point of the match is too windy objective, what’s the point of being playing the game? Oh yeah for yourself. If that’s what you want we should have a free-for-all or something like that. No one ever caring about actually winning or losing the match kills someone like me who was in the military for 10 years.

I mean just look how much of the team goes to the exact other side of the match. They have their tactic for the map, not the match.

ranked matchmaker

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How does that change anything? I want people to start playing the objective and caring whether or not they win or lose the match. That will do nothing to make people stop focusing just on kills.

So your solution to players not performing to your ideal is to make the game toxic…


Ohh yeah… and the current dynamic is not toxic.

you know where else that happens? casinos!


shitters get filtered by lower ELO. Non shitters will play the objective if its the winning factor in order to maintain/achieve higher ranks

Why are so many people offended by the prospect of not being rewarded if you lose. You shouldn’t get a trophy if you don’t win the baseball game. Too many people are used to being patted on the head and told they did good when they lost.