If gaijin isn't going to update air RB, they need to at least decrease the time it takes for bases to respawn

Games on average at jet BRs for example end under 7m on average, and by end I mean the game is either literally over by this point or one side has secured a clear win and is hunting down the last few players. You (gaijin) have implemented a mechanic where there is a limited number of bases (often far too few for how many players want to bomb bases) but allow them to respawn. However, as you see above, games are ending before they CAN respawn. They need to have their respawn time at least halved. Either that, or offer many more bases but I doubt that is better than just making the respawns shorter.


No. If anything the respawn timer should be made even longer. People shouldn’t be encouraged to bomb bases throughout the entire match.

I’m tired of the game turning into a 2v2, only for my ally to load yet another full bomb loadout and contribute nothing to the match.


Just fighter jockey nonsense tbh. The game needs to expand to allow bombers/attackers to play without the gamemode just being TDM. I am trying to spade the vautour, a jet that can ONLY bomb, and I can’t get RP a lot of games just because Im too slow to get the initial pass of bases then they dont respawn in time.

You’re just upset because of exactly what you describe. You have a perception that bomber = bad player or that bomber = useless player when in reality the reason you have that issue is gaijin not giving them any role in the game besides to farm rp/sl and to be farmed for rp/sl by fighters. I am an above average player and I’m just trying to spade the vautour and running into this issue.


I made a suggestion for Air RB, but it is waiting for the mods to approve it. Actually, you just need to change one thing, and flying a bomber or an attacker could make more sense.
For now, I don’t want to reveal the details—I have to wait for the moderator reaction to my suggestion.

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Why not?

Given how there are way to snipe base and other stuff. Not to mention people flocking to base bombing in their favourite premium vehicle, this seem unlikely, since it will just push even more people to basebombing instead of doing other stuff. I would like the base economy change and more base to map but with the current situation , it seem not possible.

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Better to do this than keep it how it is and do nothing. I’d prefer they rework the gamemode to give bombers better objectives and gameplay but if they aren’t willing to do that this is the next best alternative. The current gameplay state is not good.


Unless we , the player , speak up and focus nothing about ARB gonna be done. I would love to see map change and base economy changes with bomber/strike getting more SL and RP from them and with the RP/SL reduction for fighter. More base then will sound perfectly. But with the vass majority of the playerbase still “fine” with the current state it is hard to make anything come true or the improvement to anything at all let alone ARB


You mean you cant win the game if there are bombers on your team? Sounds like a skill issue to me

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pls dont turn the thread toxic

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Wait until you find out that I just leave if there are no bases to bomb in my Tornado IDS, and wait until you find out that leaving a match is a perfectly legitimate strategy endorsed by the rules of the game.

All your idea would do is guarantee that I J-out on runway after my one base.


Even if your post might look offensive for some -
you describe the 2 main issues in this case:

  1. Base bombing is used as a pure grinding tool with little to zero effect regarding the outcome of a match. The SL/RP reward structure of bombing respawning bases allows progress without the need to learn or improve. So yes, it is not unusual to play 2 vs 2 on paper, but it is effectively a 1 vs 2 because your last team mate is unable or unwilling to do anything else than base bombing…
  2. The underlying purpose of base bombing tasks is since May 2020 (respawning bases) totally lost. The implemented limitations up to 4 prop bombers were challenged with premium strike aircraft with massive bombloads - and with multi-role Mach 2 jets (F-4E, March 2020) there was no point in limiting their numbers.

Bombing a base was never a challenge. Making it through the fighter / interceptor screen (often multiple times) in order to win a match as a bomber with the “enemy airfield destroyed” win condition was the challenge.

Without the reintroduction of this win condition all of these suggestions & polls make no sense as they just try to reduce the symptoms of this disease.

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This is due to gaijin stripping back the ability for bombers to influence the match throughout the years, but most of the damage was done in 2020-2024

What if they’re in a BOMBER?

Plz be more specific.

What planes do you think I’m referring to?

Prop bomber
Jet bomber

There is a difference

Vautour is different from B17?

That’s fine. You leaving the game isn’t my issue.

The problem lies with the players that bomb in their premium fighter aircraft. Recently I saw a MiG-23 bomb a base…
And because it is so easy to just bomb and not fight against other players, the rewards got slashed for everyone.

Maybe some sort of reward multiplier could be added that is based on aircraft class, like bomber, strike aircraft, fighter, etc.
So bombers would get the highest reward for bombing, striker aircraft the 2nd highest, and fighters the least. That would perhaps deter fighter aircraft from bombing bases and instead focus on the other teams fighters instead.
A reward multiplier for the kind of bomb you use already exists, so implementing this would be relatively easy (I would assume).