Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

Again, misquoting

I don’t even know about who You are talking about.

I think everyone has fundamentally different motivations as to why they want a game mode without planes. However, I find it a bit confusing when players demand this mode while they themselves are hardly affected by the CAS problem.


Misquoting by… quoting exactly what he typed… mega lolburger.

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No, people are quoting me and then responding to Stu.

Bugger, sorry Sybrite. I didn’t see you slip in. I see what happened now, simple error so I hope you understand.

Thanks for pointing it out. You responded to a comment to the other guy and looked like it was him.

Same for ULQ I presume who was in middle of replying to the other guy when you replied to him.

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I think most of us would be genuinely stunned if we were approached by Gaijin and they said OK, you run it how you see it. Im sure true to form that every reaction has an equal opposite reaction, and we would soon see how hard it is to appease everybody.

I just think a CAS free game needs to be trialed for a long period and it will answer the question all ways, good and bad. It will make or break and if it breaks then Gaijin scrap it.

You can see the way Gaijin reacts to certain things said on this forum so they do read it and you can see the changes made as a result of player power and negative press.

I think it’s probably just frustration of getting killed by a vehicle in this case a plane that they can’t reasonably defend against. I generally dont have an issue with CAS, I sometimes get bombed but most of the time I don’t. Personal opinion: I think I would enjkoy ground only mode for a time but I like the complexity of CAS and helis in a game plus the option to take one as well.

There is only one game I truley remember playing a T-44 probably like 4 years ago in which an Me-262 varait literally just did loops over me, destroyed my engine and lit me on fire…30 seconds later, destoyed my engine lit me on fire…30 seconds later destoyed my engine lit me on fire…It’s moments like that when a plane can more or less troll/grief you that piss off players.


Now we are off topic, funny though.
hey lets all agree to agree.

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Not really, he assumed ULQ and I were friends. We are “Respectful Enemies”.


I got a clear picture of three yellow minions in my head xD


I think it’s very easy to do that on this forum. It was assumed by many that UHQ had an anti CAS attitude because he like many didn’t fly. Logical but actually wrong.

I think playing a ground vehicle in GRB is the true highlight of War Thunder,getting into the zone and reading the terrain is like getting your head down in a game of chess. Just to have some f****r kick the board over. I am not the only one who said this.

I don’t want to over dramatize the issue but GRB without CAS is the true highlight of WT and can be one of the truly beautiful things in online gaming terms. Shame Gaijin can’t see it.

Shame you can’t bro :)


See my argument is always convincing Gaijin is a huge hurdle impossible to overcome as it is what they want the mode to be, hence no reasoning can overturn that belief of theirs. Ask for sure, but understand the problem that is convincing Devs to almost give up their dream of a game.

My method has been make the most of the situation, purely because I did. Popping many hours into air only to see the more aggressive “all people who play air in ground are bad”.

Very few are “against it”, just rationalising the position of Gaijin and countering claims that are more opinion than fact.

Nuance is key here. And personally CAS/aircraft just was part of the wizz and bangs and atmosphere of WT for me.

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Yeah huge milage in that principle and a good staple of belief but we have the saying, nothing is impossible which is true in many ways. It has been surprising where Gaijin made a U turn. No company likes bad press and most of the big ones pay good money to collect customer input. With the forum Gaijin get it for free. Well mostly.

Is it all a waste of time? Undoubtedly the whole game is really :) Just passing time in Gods waiting room but it would not surprise me if Gaijin did a No Cas option having listened to the player base for so long. I don’t even see how it could be a divisive as the other things Gaijin implemented like weather or exploding bombs when hit with MGs etc. You either play it or you don’t.

Great for arcade yes. I see GRB as much more tactical. Switching your brain on rather than off. Only in GRB Un harassed by CAS do I really get a real sense of what a great game WT is and that is where the addiction comes in. No other aspect of the game comes close for me and obviously for others. That is taste and that is what people like myself and I think ULQ is asking for and at no expense to anybody else. Sim is just making life hard for yourself, but GRB could go up a notch and hit the sweet spot. Many those people who played Microsoft games in the 90s are still playing games and most of all have the spare cash. Lose the CAS and let’s make GRB the real immersive masterpiece it could and should be.


Ultimately, you’ll find they also don’t really like the whole “mission failed” result when defeat finds them.

Defeat, not aircraft, is what they really have an issue with. Most of the people howling about combined arms matches in this combined arms game are simply upset at being outplayed and defeated.

The more reasonable people, ones with qualms about how CA is implemented, can be worth conversing with…the ones who want to WoT our WT, nope.

Removing CAS is impossible since is already part of the GRB for years and only thing is possible is nerf the CAS that is not rewarding as main weapon but in support role that playing CAS in GRB is not rewarding anymore.

Or add a mode without the air ;)

He flies a lot. He uses it in one of the most exploitive ways which proves the issues of CAS.

Idea that is already posted in forum for months by several other people which zero effect. Gajin will never creating only ground mode because prem CAS is selling very good like SU-25K, Tornado, A-10.

But it is the best solution which would benefit all.