Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

You don’t know anything about me. Your time wasted here is irrelevant.

Offer a counter to my proposed solution. Otherwise, take your bias elsewhere.

Funny watching you try and argue against one of the longest running Tank Only advocates in War Thunder… you need to troll harder.

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I don’t need to know more than what Your profile shows. My time spend on game shows how much I know about it, compared to me, Your point is invalid.


My idea isn’t a troll. It’s a common-sense solution to an obvious problem. I like the idea of a GV-only mode. I think it would be very popular. I am not “wrong” offering an idea in a discussion thread simply because you disagree with it.

The fact that you initially used my time played as a disqualifier is what I have a problem with. You went out of your way to gather my play time rather than simply engaging in a discussion. You’re not better than anyone else. Neither am I.

Of course it isn’t… wink wink.

People generally want more modes not to limit the current ones. You want no ground in air and no air in ground, a poor idea to stop what already exists.

So back to your YT vids and other time wasting schemes.

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If anyone was curious, this is the definition of bias.

I dont think I have ever seen a big push for more modes, only more maps and variation in objectives of those maps but outside of Ground Only Mode or Combined thats about it in regards to “modes”

I literally said I was on board with Ground-Vehicle-Only modes.

I never said I wanted “no ground in air and no air in ground”. In fact, I stated I didn’t care.

I had the same notion of a CAS free game at around 3000 games played. It was about this time I noticed how good a game with no aircraft actually was and that in GRB games where nobody spawned CAS the game not only worked but was more fun. I could have had this epiphany much sooner to be honest.

At 11000 games and having learned to fly I am at the conclusion that the game still needs a no CAS option. Maybe for different reasons and with a better in game knowledge but same conclusion.

Using logic is being biased, nice.

People can have different opinions of the game. Your “logic” assumes that anyone with stats like yours would agree with your conclusions…they don’t.

Not everyone rushes a cap in an M2A3, J’s out and spawns an F4U, bombs a couple tanks and quits…<- case and point that stats in a profile don’t tell the whole story.

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Yep, you didn’t say it you typed it.

While “not” trolling with:



And on a more honest note; I thought after 90 days inactivity you could not comment. Damn… so you don’t play either.

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You two have gotten yourselves into an agreement-based pissing contest lol, nice. What will it be like when you disagree? :)

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But you were the one with a terrible idea, and I’ve never seen anyone ever seriously ask for Air to have ground removed from it. Most just want an extra mode as many do like combined

Your lack of experience, in a game you don’t play, just adds to the poor thought to your “comment”. Cough troll cough…

You don’t know how people with my stats think, with people I have talked to and who have better stats than I do, they tend to agree with me on many points ;)

And videos showing something different really shows what I do ;)

What was my idea? I think you are confused in who you are replying to, maybe take a look at the name and then respond…

I’m sure your 3 friends agree with you.

Well, he (Stu) trolled with silly comments and put forward a poor idea. Then seems all hurt by it as someone hovered over his name which shows battles.

I think all three of you are capable of an adult discussion. The forum fuckery has gotten hold of you all. It does happen

He is asking for removal of air from ground and ground from air, he just forgets he typed it.

His opening comment was there for reaction, aka troll. Just calling it as it is.

I’m not serious here and already stated I bit on purpose. He wanted attention and brought forward terrible idea is all.

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