I will never grind another Air event again

Before the event grind was changed to current one, I used to grind it by doing several spawn camps in AAB, dropping bombs in Me 264 and climbing to space during to watching YT or reading books.

To be honest, at least for Air, the old one was easier to grind through than the current one…

Ladies and gentlemen, we found one.

I did not think anybody even played air except at top tier anymore.

There are lots of people who enjoy lower tiers


yeah Air is pretty damn boring especially Air AB. If you need to grind for something, anything, Air AB turns from fun into literal hell and was like this back in the day too. I remember with dread grinding through rank 4 Germany in AB, worst time ever.

Nowadays I play Ground AB mainly + some Air RB on the side (this year I’ll switch to mainly playing air RB for my new objectives).
For this event playing Ground AB takes way more time to get the mark, but again, tank gameplay isn’t as monotonous and chance has it that before the event I took on myself to spade all arties (minus the m109s and the chinese one atm) and get their skins. Sooo things could been way worse for me. For example I could have gone into the event trying to spade some crap tanks, get frustrated and switch to a prem just to get bored and burned out by having to play it over and over again.

For the Air part of the event I just play Air RB trying to spade whatever(ranks 4-5) I didn’t in my very loooong time of playing AB. It goes way faster to get the mark than ground AB even if I do better in the latter.

But yeah, you’re right and no matter the game mode (I didn’t try SB though) this takes lot of time. If Gaijin is watching, to prevent burnout of players they need to do something for future events.

Finally someone that understands what I’m talking about.

Yes, it is. Almost all my controls are the same as RB. The only difference is that I have head control binds for my numpad and that’s it. You don’t need to know much to play Air SIM. If you know how to play Air RB. Then you will perform fine, and if you are bored just play music, or be on a voice call with others.

Air sim is pretty quick and easy. I only ever play sim for the grind events so i am not good at it but it works for me. Bombers will be hard to land but they are pretty easy to fly with mouse/keyboard.

Take a bomber and bomb the mini bases. Each base gives you around 600-700 score so you are getting 1.8-2.1k score per base, excluding the rank multiplier.
Most sim rooms are basically just other people bombing air fields so you wont have to worry much about enemy fighters.

If you are doing low rank stuff, you can also fly your bomber throught the enemy ai planes and gun ships them.

People like this always fascinate me
If somebody would spread your cheeks you would say “Yea, you can do little bit more”
I have free time, I like playing the game and still
I do not like to be taken for a fool
How about you?

Exactly, but even with 3 kills in top br you still barely have 1400 score, to get more kills matches take longer too.

Even if matches take 5 mins, loading and waiting it to starts adds up, so it might take 8 minutes total for fast ones, then you have slow ones too who can take up to 15.

There is less pillboxes now too, in top br ground or air targets (ai) are only 20 to 40 points. Pillboxes can get you quite a bit still, but they are rare now.

To me an average person can get it done in 3 to 4 hours in top rb. So i can imagine rank 4 in arcade can be very tough and time consuming…

But i suggest for those maybe look into sim (with keyboard n mouse, even bombing can be done)

In this video the guy shows how to do it with the f-111 but also how to setup the controls


Morbid curiosity again?

Honestly, watching you and Thorien and RedFox and SpanishAvenger (and yes, even Richthofen) just lay waste on these forums is one of the best things about being in Class Act :)

What have I done wrong this time?

I took notes today:
12 missions in air arcade, about 8 -10 min each. Done my easy and medium battlepass tasks as well. Basically 2 hours of playing time.

It would have been slightly faster if I had started later.

Which BR+Nation?

US and USSR, mostly 2.7

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How are they 8-10 minutes each when they can often last 25 minutes like on Frontline maps?
12 missions for 40,000 is 3,333 points per match before the multiplier which is going to be less than 1 at rating 2.7 which means you need to score over 3.5k in each match. That is simply not possible unless you are flying unharassed bombers without target competition. It takes ~2+ minutes just to get to a bombing target from spawn.
Maybe if you’ve got some decked out fighters and you get what, ~10 kills per match and some ground kills with few deaths? 8-10 minutes per match is ~1.5 respawns.

Also how did you do medium battle task with tier 2 lineup?

Because I take ~10 minutes to end them.

Multiplier is 0.8.
7 matches were above 3.5k score.

Sounds like a good idea.

I bring one t3 while I need it.

That brings up all your 2.7 planes to that battle rating, so you’re scoring 3.5k+ per match while uptiered either 1 or even 1.7 br.

Sounds like a good idea.

That’s not within your control that fighters choose to kill you or not.

Also there should be domination maps mixed in that don’t have bases to bomb.

If only 7 out of 12 were above 3.5, then nearly half of your matches don’t even add up to 40k unless you compensated with 5+k scores each time which can’t happen in 8-10 minutes.