As I’ve tried to explain to them a million times, the Abrams’ armour issues are mostly doctrinal, the LFP and Turret ring/breach will always be a weakspot due to their proportions compared to the rest of the frontal armour profile
Imagine the screeching if US players had to wait for multiple years for major bug fixes like minor nation players do lmao (Chally 1 having its AP detonate when shot was acknowledged for 5 years before it was fixed)
Well most abrams players think it’s unlikable (which history has proven to not be true)
And, as you said, they don’t play hull down nearly at all.
Oh god, don’t get get me started on the Aubl 74 HVG, I got it in the silver crates in spring of this year… it’d be easier for me to cut my limbs off with a butter knife than have a good time in it.
Because it’s 60 mm spalls like a 20mm.
And I did some digging recently, and found it got bug reported a couple years ago, but nothing has happened about it.
It’s also not survivable in the slightest.
Speaking of reloads, why does the abrams have a 5.0 sec reload for its 120mm, yet the Aubl has a 6 sec for a 60mm… where the first stage ammo is literally between the gunner and commander? (Should be 3.5 secs if abrams is 5 secs tbf).
But gaijin requires historical documents to prove it, yet USA gets constant not historical buffs, kinda one sided if you ask me.
I noticed they like to stick to a single metric like it decides 99% of the vehicle’s BR placement. In case of AA missiles it’s G-load, in case of base M1 it’s the lackluster pen and in case of top tier M1s is the (actual decent) armor. They’re switching it up as they seem fit.
Just notice how quickly they started moaning about F-15E getting a slight nerf, all the while still being absolute UFO and best plane at that time.
Plenty of M1s like M1A1 and AIM shouldn’t have received the reload speed buff in the first place.
Giving them 5s reload is like slap in the face to Challengers.
The chally being stuck with its pitiful 4 round ready rack and soviet level survivability really sucks
After the reload speed buff, there’s simply no reason to play UK over US, as the latter got better MBTs, lights and AAs.
Isnt it crazy how it still lacks any ability to detect aircraft through their radars to this day and only has half of it’s G’s? Both of these have been reported for long, with first being reported before Strela-10M appearing on live servers)
Truly suffers))))))
It was more like faster M60 with much better mobility armour and fcs, as fcs or stabilisation of M60’s was very lacking, which im pretty sure even USA admits.
so please find where anyone said it was incapable of kkilling other MBTs? this would be like me telling you the SU 27 is incapable of killing other planes.
the abrams reload rate is 3- 5 seconds IRL you aren’t going to pass as a loader without meeting requirements, its the same thing for the leopard and the challenger.
anything sub-5 is either competition loading or lap loading in NATO MBTs, a typical loader cannot sustain a reload rate of sub-5 seconds for more than 5-10 rounds without fatigue
The only issue it had was jittering of the GPS when moving at decent speed.
You use the best round in the game bro
Obviously abrams under a few specific condition is way worse than its counterpart but regardless still a good tank
Its fine at 10.3 but for it to be as good or having a better chance to survive in top tier it need armor changes(e.g turret ring,ufp,spall liners, whatever…) and gajin actually decide to not be “heavily” bias and make changes for it to actually be decent or atleast have a better chance to survive against its counterpart
Edit: rep to @Demokrat4
Passing time is 7 secs, and let’s be honest, people are friends and a 7.19 sec load is magically a “6.19” sec load time.
A lap load can be done in roughly 3.5 secs. An average reload (so say an expert crew) loads at a rate of 6.25 secs per round, while an ace crew should be at best 5.95 secs.
That isn’t how it works. It’s not a PT test. Stop talking about things you don’t understand. Do you think people just hand out marksmen when you don’t qualify in the infantry? You’d be getting remediated until you got it right. It’s not a desk jockey taking a PT test.
Stop making up stuff in your head to justify your stance.
You mean the LAV-AD? The vehicle with 12-16 missiles, a rotary cannon with good pen, stabilizer, great mobility, thermals, and a literal hydra rocket pod?
Lmao I’ve seen all this first hand. As the recruitment needs need to be met. If they’re very close but not exact, they’ll get passed unless it’s someone nobody likes