I mean no offense, but non-naval players' suggestions for "new stuff" will be detrimental to naval gameplay

I see subs working just like in the event, as essentially Naval Helicopters

they can bring down some Batteships but the path there is dangerous, especially with Destroyers nearby which would give those a reason to exist too

Aircraft carriers I’m essentially seeing as Drone hubs that spawn with heavy fleet, the player has to.control the planes sort of like the Recon planes we already have mixed with the Squad plane mechanic from the Campaign missions
since AAA is so dominant in Naval this would give it a use besides murdering single player controlled planes and because AI gunners for AA are already so powerful I think that could even be balanced

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It’s so fucking frustrating to deal with. I cant believe they have not done anything to remedy it yet!


Already has happend. Who in their right mind would think ships with guided missiles was gonna be a fun addision for anyone else aiming their own shots?

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Carriers are the only bad thing you listed.
Everything else is entirely plausible and desired by genuine naval players.

As for spawns… 12km is 24 minutes at 30kph, and 12 minutes at 60kph.
Naval spawns can’t be too far apart.

Carriers would indeed only be one player controlling one vehicle at a time.
They’d have no control over aircraft spawning or not.

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Posted the map on the more appropriate thread regarding sub introduction

from what was shared on the forums from the files, they could command entire squadrons of planes to do an action

Right now CAS may seem very weak in naval, but defending against 1 plane or 2 while having 2 or 3 ships with very capable AA battery is not the same as defending against 10+ aircrafts.

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I really like the submarine event and I hope they add them to naval battles.

-Spawns are often within line-of-sight of one another, leading to deaths within seconds of spawning

This is an issue, specially when we respawn into incoming torpedoes. A temporary spawn protection like the one in GB needs to be implemented.

Spawns are far too crowded

Spawn areas need to be larger than they currently are.

Losing a shell room means no more firing from that turret for the remainder of the game

This is realistic. Might be annoying, but usually you have more functional turrets. Also it’s not a frequent event.

Absolutely painful grind, especially in coastal mode, where average RP earnings, with premium, are under 3k per match.

Coastal is the hardest grind. Boats should have higher RP bonuses.


This is an issue, specially when we respawn into incoming torpedoes.

I mean, this is only a problem if you:

  • get yourself killed and
  • spawn poorly

But yes, naval is too hard to keep most players coming back and this does impact the learning curve

It doesn’t help that spawns put you randomly anywhere in the “spawn circle”. So they couldn’t do anything about it. and before you tell me to spawn elsewhere they could have been in a boat/map with only 1 spawn location for that type of boat.

I agree with %99 of your post , but I would actually like to see Yamato Bismark and Sovyetsky Soyuz in the game. WW1 super dreadnoughts have gotten boring

Again, you can time your spawn and pay attention. If you think torpedos have been fired at the spawn, immediately turn into them, they’re not hard to dodge and you DO have spawn protection.

It’s not long enough and runs out instantly due to it using the ground system. Move = no spawn protection. Due to the fact boats spawn moving this makes them feel like it is not there.

Well, the system works just fine in ground battles it is not suited for boats and at the very least naval needs, its own version.

Depends on what I’m in. I mostly play coastal and many of these boats are too slow to do something like that. And if I died elsewhere I’d have no way of knowing about the torpedos.

Your advice is sensible and will work with a good number of boats but not all.

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As a player that will absolutely yeet a full torpedo load at the opposing spawn on maps where it’s meaningful (i.e. the likelihood of getting a kill with them anyother way is 0 so they need to be unloaded as a liability), and a player that has literally never been killed by a torpedo fired at spawn, the ONLY way anyone ever gets a kill this way is if someone on the other team spawns in asleep.

As for coastal, no coastal spawn has LOS unless you’re bringing frigates. For anyone to get LOS with torps on a coastal spawn requires a fair bit of skill and smart play on the launching player’s part, and even then the tiny size of coastal vessels makes scoring a hit very unlikely.

I agree getting a spawn-to-spawn torpedo is theoretically impossible.

As for coastal may I introduce you to motor torpedo boats? These things are the rats of coastal on can have at least one end up in spawn before the team can kill it. Well, I’m aware they are not the same it the coastal equivalent.

Yeah look, I know the game isn’t easy, and yes naval either needs to be made easier/more forgiving to attract and retain more players.

But sneaky players doing sneaky things a part of all of war thunder and one of the things that makes it great. As mentioned, I have a gun kill from an S-701 on a Des Moines (as well as plentiful torpedo kills with other torpedo boats). Mine kills are also a glorious art form.

If you KNOW players are going to do something sneaky, you KNOW how to counter it. And don’t rely on your team to counter for you, you have to play to carry.

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everything you said is wrong and Naval needs premium Musahi and Iowa…

If you think gaijin are going to give in to silly demands then you are as… just ignore them

I understand that this is satire and naval needs an overhaul, but by getting more interest with big players (not Yamato or Iowa thats waaaaayyy too good and hard to balance) or even the prospective submarines, it might motivate them to rework it.

yea naval needs a big rework mostly with maps and spawning and some ships that where never more than fantasy on paper that never even floated on water just Stalins imagination need to be toned down…

As a British main i’d appreciate longer range maps or better shell arc’s for diving shells (also more Royal Navy ships because having the second least top tiers after France is an insult).

Honestly that one is an utter pain in the ass too its one of my most hated parts.

I don’t mind the laid down rule because it helps many nations later on. They should nerf the Russian WW2 era ships that were laid down though because many of their ships weren’t finished for the precise reason that their industry couldn’t actually achieve those goals. For instance Sovetsky Soyuz in the future should have a 2 piece belt as Russia couldn’t actually build the plate 16 inches thick but only 2 nine inch plates.