HunterF1 to 8.7

So i dont really get why the hunter F1 is still 9.0. F2 sabre, mig17 and cl13 are just some examples of planes that are on the same level if not better in certain areas than the hunter f1 and they are 8.7. Just take the Cl13Mk5 and mk6, Mk5 is arguably better than the hunter f1 at litterly everything except fire power, Cl13mk6 is a better m5, stronger engine, two missiles and wing slats and that thing is at 9.0???
Another example is how the new hunter f6 in the french tree is at 9.0 with a stronger engine and two missiles

When gaijin change the BR of a vehicle they mostly go on how good the stats are of that certain vehicle (win ratio, kd and kpg). A good example is the F104 that is now 9.3 the plane itself should not be at 9.3 but the players that played it probably did so bad that the stats of that plane was below 40% win ratio, kd and the kpg was below 1. My theory is that not enough people play the hunter f1 compared to the sabres and migs so gaijin dont have enough information about the plane if it should go down or stay at 9.0.

But yeah anways gaijin could you please just put it at 8.7 :')


It is quite questionable that F.1 now have same BR with French Hunter F.6 which is ways better.


Those should just go up instead. Gaijin compressed that BR for some reason, and it desperately needs to be undone. The Mig-17 and its counterparts should be 9.0, and everything around them should be balanced accordingly.

It went down because it faced undertiered all aspect missile slingers, and good 10.3 aircraft. It should go to 9.7 now that 9.3-10.3 is less compressed.

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