The hunter is outperformed by most things at its br and a full uptier in it is criminal how is it at 9.0. Why?
Yeah, should have moved down to 8.7 months ago, no idea why it didnt.
Is it equal to a MiG-17 or Lim-5p?
If so, keep it at 9.0, it shouldn’t go down further. I’m mostly against moving stuff down in this BR range just due to the amount of compression and poor balancing decisions there is.
worse turn time worse guns than the mig 17 worse speed too
They previously stated this:
and moved aircraft like the Mig-17 and Lim-5P down from 9.0 to 8.7
It was, for years, their rough equal. But in that change, Britain and France were forgotten and none of our aircraft moved down accordinly. The Hunter F1 is okay, but gets shreaded by anything with missiles in an uptier and doesnt really stand much chance vs most 9.0+ aircraft.
Im just glad the French Hunter F6 is no longer 9.0
As they should be, the MiG/Sabres should not have been moved down too in my opinion.
We really need decompression in that BR range.
Agreed, but the bias towrads the major nations sucks,