Hungarian Ground Forces

the tank commander already debunked that CEO’s crowd-pleasing disinformation. Besides, even the 2A7V uses it, thus also its upgrades/evolutions.

I bring you guys new toys.
This looks like the hungarian dkyranger configurarion.

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I’m still waiting for the Toldi and the Turan II to be added to the tech tree. It seems horrible and stupid to me that two tanks that entered service and combat are only premium, event tanks and impossible to obtain. If only they were prototypes that They only remained on paper, or only one was made, but tanks that were produced in series should not remain like this.


It’s kinda the same situation as a lot of other nations, for example for germany there is still the Stug IV, Luchs, WW2 artilleries like the Hummel is yet to be added. My hope that they will come evenetually. But boy it would nice to see a ww2 themed update sometime soon.


Me too. Just make a different skin for the premium ones and add the normal tanks to the tree.
Or add the tanks to the tree with full metal plate skirts or just without them.

There are so many ways that they could be readed to the tree.


Since Hungary got added as a sub-tree for italy, shouldn’t this post be closed down?

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This suggestion is for a Independent Hungarian TT Not an Hungarian Subtree. A similar thing happened to the South African TT suggestion on the old forums where the suggestion is still up inspite of the addition of the South African Subtree since that suggestion also advocates South Africa to be a independent TT


But would Gaijin even be willing to remove a sub-tree and make it it’s own?
Especially if that means making Italy worse

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That probably wont happen. Honestly, someone needs to do a Machinary of war discussion about what vehichles could be added to the hungarian techtree, and this topic could easily be locked. Or we can just keep the way is, and nobady has to write another topic.

Especially if that means making Italy worse

Except not really, if anything the contrary is true since Gaijin added a bunch of pointless copy n paste Soviet built vehicles in the Italian TT , especially the Air TT with the only sole excuse is that Hungary operated them and also they are becoming increasingly more lazy when implementing vehicles


I dont know if it will be locked, it depends on the moderators.

As I and others said that this forum post is about Hungarian ground forces/vehicles and not specifically about the sub-tree.


It hasn’t happened yet and the likelyness of it (especially for a country such as Hungary) is very low, but the possibility should never be ruled out.


seems the KF-41 SPAA has been revealed


i mean, its a skyranger turret on a kf41
its not realy that special.
The turrets version that exist are all already known

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He 70K and He 46E-2Un

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Which gun is that one mounting? There seems to be way too little info out there about the PSZH proto.

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Yeah I absolutely agree. Mistakes like this need to be fixed rather than ignored.

This can actually be done quite easily. Like @atta26hu said, they can give the battle pass versions exclusive camos and markings and maybe rename them to something like “Turan II (2nd Armoured Division)”. They could also make the battle pass versions into the prototype/pre-production versions with maybe some differences like armour.

For the Toldi IIA and the Zrinyi I, I actually have some more unique solutions. The Toldi IIA could be renamed to Toldi IIAK. It would stay exactly the same, apart from receiving a new optional add-on armour modification. If you look up the Toldi IIAK, you will see what this add-on armour package looks like with side skirts and extra armour on the turret. This armour package modification can be dismounted if the player wants to use their tank as it was before. The Toldi IIAK was (AFAIK) a single Toldi IIA that was experimentally given the armour package for testing, so it could also get the exact markings of that specific Toldi IIA. Like this, we could get a tech tree researchable Toldi IIA, and the experimental Toldi IIAK would be the battle pass vehicle, and everyone would be happy. The tech tree could even get the Toldi III, which I believe could mount the same add-on armour package.

As for the Zrinyi I, the solution is even simpler. Add a researchable tech tree Zrinyi I, but without the rocket launchers (and maybe with some add-on armour like side skirts and tracks). The premium Zrinyi I with the rocket launchers should be renamed to “Zrinyi I Sorozatveto” (“Zrinyi I rocket launcher”) and it should finally get its rocket launchers fixed, because they have been incorrectly stuck aiming upwards and unable to aim perfectly horizontally forwards (at 0 degrees of elevation), even though they were able to in real life. This, as well as fixing the other bugs/mistakes the Zrinyi I suffers from, would make the Zrinyi I’s rockets actually useable and useful tools, which would set it apart from the standard Zrinyi I without the rockets.

A unique solution specifically for the Turan II is yet to be found.


Yes, this feels really unfair. I’m starting to feel like they have something against Hungary, considering their consistently terrible implementation of Hungary.

Simple enough. Just apply a specific unit marking to the Turan II premium and add that unit to its name, while having a generic Turan II in the tech tree. Or if there’s some notable Hungarian tank ace who commanded a Turan II, make the premium into his tank.

I agree with your point on the Zrinyi I. It would be really easy to do as well. As for the Toldi IIA, I suppose another option would be to add in the experimentally modified one with the add-on armor as the Tech Tree vehicle, but with the add-on armor as a modification which would let us get the best of both worlds. With the Turan II, there aren’t any good options aside from maybe just renaming the thing and having it represent a specific Turan II from a specific division.