Hungarian Leopard 2A7HU

I feel theres some misccomunication so let me repeat what i said.

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I see that everything in here is peaceful and everyone is enjoying this discussion

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Finaly good mbt for italy


@Smin1080p pls yeet this to the devs so they can make the Leo 2A7HU nice and accurate, at least in it’s exterior.


considering they gonna copy the german 2a7v model, it will be quite wrong either way, since the model has problems as well

But its a great video, has some very nice shots and the 2a7hu definitly looks great, i love the hungarian camo, but a bit sad the 2a7hu didnt have its RCWS or the add on side armor


As the tank commander says: it has programmable HE, it can be programmed in 3 ways depending on the nature of the target…both the gunner and the commander can program it… for example, if we are talking about attacking soft targets, it can explode 25meters in front of a squad or 3 meters above it.

Moral of the story: never believe what a CEO says to customers.

The commander also mentions at 36:00, answering to the question , “can the Leo’s armor be strengthened”: He says " it can be strengthened and they will be strengthened."

i am aware it propably always is the case xD Still the problem about primary and secondary sources.
Besides that about the armor, i guess he is talking about the add on side armor, which still might be restricted or not completly available to show of. Since it is weird we didnt see any hint of it yet

Gaijin should take the word of an active duty tank commander as primary source on the shell.
Regarding the armor, I think we gonna see it on them…don’t think he would have said “will be on them” otherwise.
They are kinda slow on the 2A7 stuff. Its mostly the 2A4 leos going to exercises, not the 2A7s.

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they didnt take the word of an general and active hand of the 2a7v upgrade as a primary source and denied the 2a7vs armor upgrade xD

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And even if they take it, it doesn’t mean anything as all the Turan III and Zrinyi shells still haven’t been added despite the reports having been accepted. All we can do with Gaijin is hope for the best


I guess he meant this.


so there’s a posibility of Italia getting two leo 2a7hu in some point? one normal leo 2 and a up armored one

depends when gajin adds them, because it is the same leopard, they arent different tanks and have the same disignation. it would only be a mod upgrade if anything


looks at the Ariete PSO
Yeah about that…
I think they’ll split it just for padding and to have more viable vehicles.

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I was thinking about this, I mean, they could be separated vehicles just to add a second backup, it’s a posibility, we have a few examples of that in the game, but who knows

its not an italian vehicle xD thats the big difference, besides that the other problem they wanna avoid is the copy paste outcry, if they add it without the additional armor, many people wont be happy. Specialy since neither italy or hungary arent exemplary or big leopard users.
And nothing against hungary here, but they just are very very new with leopards

What apfsds is it?

latest and greatest i assume
i f you mean the one in the video that’s a drill crtg…dummy shell for the plebs I think

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11th Tank Battalion of Vitéz Tarczay Ervin The Battalion where the Leopards serve. Should be added to the game.