Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!

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Well… Congratulations to the Hungarian WT community for having now a bunch of copy/pasted and repainted soviet aircraft shoehorned into the Italian Tech Tree. Meanwhile there is not a single indigenous Hungarian aircraft (No Sólyom, no Héja II, no WM23); No new Italian airplanes like the Caproni bombers. No Hungarian CR-42 or Re-2000, not even as premiums. Not even as a camouflage option. In fact there is not a single new Axis-made plane, even if the justification for stuffing Hungary into the Italian tree was that ”they were in the Axis together”.
Sorry for being overly negative but this sub tree as it is now is everything I dislike about composite tech trees, so I felt the need to rant somewhere… Don’t let me spoil anyone’s enjoyment.

Happy 15th of March and Isten, áldd meg a magyart!


Agreed, and thank you, but for a bit of positivity, the subtree in its current form is incomplete, and Gaijin did say they will be adding more Hungarian aircraft in the future, so the rank I-III aircraft may come in a later update, and they implied there will be more interesting and unique additions. To me, it seems they added the postwar-modern easy copy-paste stuff now, and they are working on adding the more unique interwar-WW2 models later. Although it still would have made more sense to release the finished subtree all at once.

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Yeah… I wouldn’t keep my hopes up if I were you. Speaking as someone who’s been waiting for unique WW2 fighters for years… they’re exceedingly rare now. Even battle passes offer slightly altered copy pastes. Simply because low tier ww2 aircraft do not make any money, you don’t have a horde of players instantly buying 800k rp worth of GE for the new jets or mbts and their module, so they’re barely worth working on.

I may be wrong and they’ll actually add hungarian made stuff but somehow, I doubt it.


True, and it’s a huge shame as WW2 aircraft were once the only vehicles in the game, and now they barely get any attention. And yeah it sucks that only the vehicles that make the most money are “worth” modelling and low tier vehicles are not prioritised and easily neglected instead. But I’m not sure what could even be done to re-incentivise Gaijin to care about WW2 stuff, when modern vehicles offer way more profit margins for a similar level of work.

Well, not exactly. There always were post WW2 vehicles since the very beginning of the game back in 2013. An F-86 Sabre in the US tech tree, an IS-4 and T-54 in the Russian ground tech tree… but it sure was a minority of vehicles. I do agree that adding meaningful stuff only on top tier is absurd.

But when you look at newer tech trees, like the French navy, for example, that only had one brand new ships (Vauquelin) added since release, everything else being modifications of already existing ships (including three foreign destroyers in the normal tech tree, something that makes absolutely no sense), It certainly doesn’t bode well for the future of the Hungarian tech tree.


This sentiment starting to piss me off honestly. People are pretending like some pure Italian aviation tree got desecrated meanwhile the AMX is the ONLY Italian jet, pure Italian jet and not a C&P past rank 4. Everything is either license-built c@p or straight c&p. Its just has an Italian flag on it so purists don’t loose their shit

Edit: As Victory pointed it out there are a few more Italian jets 5 G.91, Ariete, Sagittario 2 and AMX. Still minority in the whole jet era.


What about the G.91s and the Sagittario 2/Ariete? But true, the Italian tree already had lots of copy and pastes, as do all trees really.

True. that makes it 8 with all the G.91 variants



The one in red are straight C&P the others in green are italians.
F-104S was made for and in Italy with the help of the italian industry.
The ASA was made by Aeritalia and other italian companies.
The Tornado was made through the Panavia consortium, this is formed by UK, Germany and Italy.

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I would say the F-104s and Tornados should be yellow/orange as in “partially Italian”.

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ADV is a bit questionable imo, since Italy only leased them from UK and didn’t participate in development of this variant, did it?
PS Italy is still missing a whole Aermacchi family sadly(


Yeah, ADV was entirely a British venture. Germany considered it, but decided the F-4F ICE was better.

AMX…For EMBRAER, the program has 30 percent…Brazil has been in the program since 1981…Memorandum of Establishment between the Governments of Italy and Brazil, 1982…The engines are English…The radar is Israeli

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Unless the Italians modified them, those are as Italian as the HU built BF109’s are Hungarian

The F-104S were modified and made in Italy, even the first flight happened at Caselle.
The Tornado is italian as much as it is british and german, it’s not a design of a single nation that it is later exported, it was designed through the multinational Panavia consortium, quite different from just building some BF109s.
I admit that the ADV is debatable but at the end of the day it’s a lengthened IDS with around 80% of commonality, but you do you.

So the ADV is less Italian than the Me 210 Ca1 is Hungarian
Again while at least there are a number of jets that can be called Italian to a varying degree, the upheaval from the Italian purists is a joke as the Italian tech tree in the jet era is mostly C&P.

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The problem here is that italian players want the more unique Macchi family instead they saw a vagon of pure soviet C&P jets dumped in the TT, as I said before, it would’ve been better to have Hungarian aircrafts mostly in the WW2 era and Romanian mixed in when it comes down to modern aircrafts, at least that wouldn’t have been a pure C&P experience and a reason to attract new players.

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This directly correlates to WT’s monetization policy. We can wish in one hand and crap in the other, see which gets filled first.

In name of God, no. May Gaijin wake up and decide to introduce the Caproni/CANT planes of which there are plenty and set Hungary up as an autonomous tt.

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