Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!

Which RMI? The RMI-1 X/H or the RMI-8 X/V? I’ll assume the RMI-1 X/H:
Yes, I’ve seen some confusion with its armament, that may be because people confuse it with the RMI-2 X/G. This is because as far as I’m aware, the RMI-2 was an unarmed trainer for the RMI-1, so it was quite similar. Both the RMI-1 and RMI-2 were completed, but the RMI-2 has better surviving images of the completed aircraft, unlike the RMI-1 which only has surviving images of it during construction. The RMI-1 was planned to have armament as it is a heavy fighter/fighter bomber/CAS aircraft, but the armament was not mounted in order to get the prototype airborne as soon as possible and test the flight performance before mounting the armament. The fact that the RMI-1 didn’t yet have its armament and the fact that some confuse it with the better pictured RMI-2 unarmed trainer version is why some people may have been confused and thought that the RMI-1 was never supposed to be armed.

Good for you. 99.999% of the War Thunder community does not.

For you, probably nothing as you have said before that you have no interest in Hungarian vehicles and you much prefer Italian vehicles. But if you do care about indigenous Hungarian aircraft, then you would be waiting for the rank I-III Hungarian props to be released sometime later, where I’m sure you’d find something indigenous to be attracted to.

Then why are you complaining? This subtree was not made to make you personally happy and give you more things to be attracted to and grind. If you want something to grind play another tech tree. This subtree was added to quickly give Italy a lot more aircraft to help bolster and fill their previously lacking lineups, and to give them CAS options which they severely lacked. I don’t see why you complain about the copy-paste, how does it hurt you? Nobody is forcing you to play copy-paste vehicles. And copy-paste vehicles have been present in every tech tree (including Italy!) for ages, so it isn’t like this is anything new to complain about.

I’m not complaining, because I simply can’t seek them out. The thing you don’t understand is that this game is now aimed at new players, veterans of this game are fed up with all the duplicates, many of which are useless, that are added to all the TTs, that’s why after completing the ground and air TTs of USA, DEU, RUS, GBR, JPN (air only) and ITA, I have no intention of starting another country.


You literally are complaining about the copy-paste and that you have no incentive to grind out the Hungarian air tree. Your first comment was you just complaining, why even leave such a comment if not to complain?

Don’t tell people what they do and don’t understand. I clearly do understand this. And I know that “veterans” don’t like the copy-paste, but Gaijin clearly chose to go down the copy-paste route a long time ago, so the Hungarian air subtree (for now) is just following along an already established trend, you should have expressed your frustration and disagreement at the beginning of this trend and decision when copy-pastes first started appearing, not now, several years after this has been going on everywhere in the game.

Only an abhorrently unplayable vehicle is useless. Everything else occupies a useful niche or helps out a lineup for someone.

Ok, but how does the Hungarian air subtree bother you then if you don’t want to grind any more? Just do what you want, but I don’t see how this addition causes you any problem.

I have no problem, and I repeat, I’m not complaining, I’m just criticizing certain choices, I’ve been waiting for seven years for two of the most iconic planes of the Italian TT, the MB-326 and 339, and now I see myself adding things that don’t interest me, I can make this criticism? Am I allowed? I have to stay silent like a “yes man”?


If your point was why haven’t they added this yet, then why didn’t you say so or mention either of these aircraft originally?

What do you mean you see yourself adding things you aren’t interested in?

What? If you want the MB-326 and 339 to be added then just say so the first time you write.

We’re not at school where I have to justify why I haven’t done my homework.

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??? Of course not, it just makes no sense to say something completely different if your main point is something else.

The content does not change.

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I really do hope that the early indigenous designs are added but I highly doubt they will be now, especially not as tech tree vehicles. Why would Gaijin put time and effort into creating unique tier 1-3 models to put in the game for free when they could make a tier 7-8 model and sell it for $75?

A sad time to be a ww2 fan 🙁


Same, as do pretty much most people. Almost everyone was disappointed to find out that no Hungarian aircraft are going to be added in the Hungarian air subtree.

Fortunately, this is where I think you are wrong. If you look at the main subtree line, it starts from rank IV with the Yak-9P and there is clearly a huge empty space for rank I-III aircraft. Gaijin has confirmed that they will be adding more Hungarian aircraft later and implied that these will be unique and indigenous (hence why they need more time until they are finished and ready), so we can expect rank I-III of the subtree to be filled out with the indigenous designs, though we’ll have to wait for them.

Yeah, unfortunately high tier premiums are their priority rather than low tier free WW2 stuff.

Agreed, WW2 doesn’t get much attention anymore, and it’s very sad because the whole game was made to focus on WW2 originally, and now it is just forgetting its origins.

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I agree re WW2 .I cant decide whether Gaijin are out of touch with their player base or whether I am out of touch for still being interested in WW2 :)


This is twofold I think:

  • Gaijin promotes modern vehicles ('cause they take the most effort/money to get, therefore meaning people will tend to spend more to reach these high RP/SL vehicles, thus also including grinders that want to get these vehicles.)

  • Most new players are exactly interested in the new stuff. (Younger people are more interested in the current used stuff, and as this game has a somewhat younger-leaned playerbase, interest seems to lean towards that.) And people that want to reach top tier need to grind them with expensive premium tanks.

Personally I’m most interested in mid WW2 and cold war stuff for ground and naval, but for planes and Heli’s I like modern stuff (eurocopter, rooivalk) and ww2 props (P-51, spitfire,…) best.


Here’s the statcard I made for the WM-23. The WM-23 is a fully indigenous Hungarian WW2 fighter, and one of the aircraft I am most hoping for.


A 50 mm Rheinmetall gun for the KF-41 is under development in Hungary. In the future, the U.S.A. and all armies will use the IFV with a 40mm larger cannon. Answer to the Soviet BMP-3’s 100mm cannon…
In the future, I will bring interesting things because there are interesting developments in Zalaegerszeg Hungary Rheinmetall factory.

Repülőbázis induló - Song About the Royal Hungarian Air Force (

ZMNE film - 03. (A M. Kir. Honvéd Légierő története 1920 - 1945) (

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Germany propably gonba wait and pu sth like that on the mgcs chassid

The easy copy-paste stuff has been added now and should help a lot to bolster Italy’s high tiers. But the WW2 and prewar planes that are actual Hungarian designs are a lot more interesting and I hope Gaijin adds them eventually.


Yes, apparently you want to open America?
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