Hull down meta sucks

Nope, not really, I’d rather have balanced maps that have multiple playstyle options. I believe I’ve discussed it on this forum too.

that’s because it is
it’s just call of duty/battlefield with handicaps

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And i already answered your glorified stance on CQB as well on that same thread.

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You mean you interpreted a balanced stance in attempt to mix both play-styles to hold your own opinionated platform?

You like CQB and i like long range combat. The thing you remarked the relevance on balanced layouts with both open long range and CQB areas was the only thing that i agreed with you, even if it’s not the current state of affairs, as the map pool enforces CQB for capture points quite heavily.

Top tier really shouldn’t be modelled around CQB as most if not all the respective vehicles were NOT built for such, their capabilities doesn’t match the playstyle. Is like forcing the current top tier aircrafts to guns only to enforce dogfights because there’s some niche liking that, thus dragging everyone else to that environment.

However, given how much some of you want to brawl on a Challenger 2 that clearly wasn’t modelled to engage under 300m, CQB should coexist with long range engagements throughout the layouts, so everyone can play based on their respective likings.


Most maps are wide open? Where? Which ones? Because thats the exact opposite of my experience.

Most maps are more close range or close range adjacent, where you CAN go wide but have to get into CQB to play objectives, even the notoriously “big” maps like Fulda or Maginot.

My dislike for a map is directly connected to how urban it is. The more urban = the more I hate it. Sweden, American Desert, Alaska, others, I hate all of them.

Give me Sinai or Fields of Normandy every day of the week at every BR range over those tiny ass urban maps.


this has to be bait

You appear to be the only one who gives a f*ck about the rules

I despise the “who’s gonna peak the corner? game”, it takes me back to 2014 world of tanks.

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That thing singlehandedly eroded my entire will on playing that game you mention. It’s the absolute peak of a game design limitation.


Instead it should be more like a scaled down arma map, let’s take chernarus since it’s famous.
If you take the concept of a wide, open yet terrain and gradient dense map and scale it down to war thunder size (bigger than something like Maginot line or big Fulda would be enough to do it justice) and then place a myriad of small villages with a couple of landmarks, there should be large swathes of forest complimented by hills so you can have cover or high ground at the risk of a lack of visibility (if lurking in a forest) or exposure (sitting up on a wooded hill).

Maybe this is just a fever dream statement, it’s certainly not a finalised suggestion but I am desperate too see maps based in wide, rural and preferably european/asian settings (since america hasn’t yielded a good map to date) and with more dynamic gameplay styles yielded through larger maps and potentially longer matches


Hull down is literally what every tank from the end of ww2 onwards was built to do.

I think its less of that people either hate CQC or Hull down sniping and more that its only really the extreme of one or the other

I love rhine in things like the Centurion AVRE because I can bonk people with a HESH mortar but at top tier its ass.

I love sniping in a chieftain but I also hate spawn to spawn sniping on fire arc

pretty looking map.

Ah yes, all 3 of them

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The game is trash what do you expect?

Hard disagree, urban maps suck and make anything that isn’t an MBT a nightmare to do well in. It’s annoying to unlock a new tank like the mephisto and then get 5 consecutive urban maps with no long range options. Not everyone wants to lock in with their $70 premium mbt and mash W-key.

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I rate this.

Bait used to be believable.

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CQC lover when facing Strv122 and T-80BVM in their clickbait or any mbt that lack hull armor and lose
“Why this tank so weak?”
Or get bomb by CAS within two minutes after match start
“Why CAS OP?”
You asked for it