How player skill with SPAA effects the CAS problem

The plane seeing clouds of smoke without a friendly tag in it

Not gonna lie, when I run the Mirage 2000 I can do it using a GBU, F&F are nice for the simultaneous strike capability, but they are not needed to utterly bully any SPAA that isn’t the Pantsir.
And even the Pantsir is just going to end up in a stalemate at best where we won’t kill each other, but I’ll be killing his team while he watches…

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But if they have no tag, it leaves you space to be moving about and making it harder for them to get a genuine direct hit.

I commonly fire a few smoke out so I can move a bit, then put out distraction grens as well to make that smoke wider.

How about players not wanting to play SPAA and shoot at planes any more than ARB want to spend time shooting at player operated SPAA .They want dogfights ,we want Tank vs Tank fights .Pretty simple really.


Whaaat??? Only devil knows how many times my top tier AA didn’t locked on plane or helicopter while, how many times it loses lock if plane does slight turn or goes close to land.

All cas has to do is fly 7-10 km away and lunch rockets, most AA isn’t even capable to catch that far.
In other hand, we have AA who can’t even leave spawn because instantly gets clapped by MBTs, if plane has lock on AA, it’s over… Rocket will find you and rocket will bang you.

SOLUTION: only ground mode. Or do + 300-400 point for CAS, only 3-4 plane for team, no air first at least 3-4 min.

(I know, gaijin will never do that, because if do so nobody buys CAS anymore)

After being away for two weeks due to implementation of the AMR solution for the client, my first game was of course like that:

After that I just killed the guy

but again it destroyed the fun as dying to someone You can’t do anything to (while in a Tiger) is preatty bad in terms of gameplay. Having to spawn another class while the said guy could still have a chance against me while in a tank I have none doesn’t justify such gameplay. Now in SPAA I was able to stay to the end of the battle, but if my team needed help on the ground against ground units I would need to again die in order to spawn something else.


Maps like Pradesh and Red desert should help a bit with the problem.
Yet we dont have that many bug maps like these, and people generally ban/dislike that map, therefor its less in rotation.
We need more open big maps like these, and ground EC maps.
But the rewards should be increased exponentially with EC maps, due to the duration of the game wheb playing on EC maps.

Also, more long range capable SPAA like the Tan-Sam with its radar.
At least 20+ should be needed.

Also, Gaijin profits a lot of CAS.
So nothing will change to fight against that untill they have another wanted mechanic that will earn them money.
Its very bad for the game its health, but this community is the one giving oxygen to the already big fire. Especially these US and RU mains, because no other nation gets the same capabilities.

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And what’s the issue with that sense? Just because you don’t like the advice and proclaim it to be nothing, doesn’t mean it’s not do-able.

If You die faster than CAS can appear then You won’t have an issue.

I once watched a replay of a guy who was saying that he is able to “dodge” the bombs and “hide” from aircraft. The best part is that he was talking about “dodging” bombs of someone who just dropped them badly at the distance that even if he haven’t moved he wouldn’t be harmed.

The best part is that the same people refuse to provide anything to back up their claims while trying to maintain the “moral high ground” and if You just show them that things are not as they try to proclaim them to be by just simply showing their own in-game profile, they will try to act like a victim and cry about it.

“You can’t say that what I describe doesn’t work by showing that I can’t perform that!”

But yea, dodge 5000kg bomb


Ye, I agree with you. Only time i struggle with CAS is 12.0 BR when they fly so fast and you are some maps either bottled to spawn or get shot by enemy tanks in open. Germany and Russiea do have very potent AA’s across br’s and it helps alot too.

Yes, perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

I killed 3 of them, but still skill issue for still being able overrun by their OP spam. Yes.

cas fuckers

3 deaths out of 3… to C*S, while doing nothing but to try to fight them off and partially succeeding to no avail still, even spawning backup SAMs.

This is outrageous. The match stopped being a “ground battle” to me and turned into a “C*S vs SPAA battle”; and even though I took down 3 of them, they just keep coming over and over.

And that’s just my killfeed. In total, our team had taken down TEN helicopters and aircraft- and it was STILL NOT ENOUGH. By the time the match ended, there were STILL some of them flying. The enemy C*S alone killed more than half the spawns of my team.

There IS a problem here that has already even been acknowledged by the developers, who stated to be working on more capable SPAAs to solve this situation.

The notion that “you just have to leave the spawn” is even more hilarious when C*S is already pre-emptively bombing it and your only and best chance to take it down is to do so while your spawnprotection lasts, which disappears sooner if you move by the way- and which also exposes you to enemy tanks. No, this is not a “sKiLl IsSuE”. This is a real problem.


That’s why people one death leave, why bother respawn just to become a target practice for CAS degenerates right? Ground battle my ass


As you can see, they kill me every time barely after my spawn protection is gone.

I spawn TOR-M1 at 6:00; take down an enemy at 6:06… and am destroyed at 6:23. RIGHT after the spawn protection is gone.

Later, again; I spawn TOR-M1 backup at 6:40, take down an enemy at 6:46… and am destroyed at 6:56; again, RIGHT after the spawn protection is gone.

And they have the BALLS to say that “we just need to move out of the spawn”. When, exactly, when missiles and bombs are falling into the spawn pre-emptively the moment an SPAA spawns?


Thing is, who was on spawn in the first instance who was firing MGs as they left, or SPAA mindlessly trying to strike when they spawn…

That is the most common reason you can notice spawn, and why things drop there.

Many don’t wait until they’re clear of the spawn and just fire.

Whilst you didn’t fire it doesn’t mean that no-one else did.

People strike spawns because they’re large, open areas with a high probability of targets who aren’t in cover, as well as the most likely spot for SPAA to be hiding. Outside of a cap circle that’s actively being capped, there is no other area of the map with better odds of finding targets to strike. CAS aircraft are actively incentivised to strike targets in that area first, since it’s generally got the best odds and lets them potentially surprise SPAA before they’re recognized.

It has absolutely nothing to do with people giving away their positions by firing off into space, since spawn locations are completely static every match, not to mention visible on the map.

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Spawn protection though makes you waste your loadout, so you’re better off to search for a better bunched set of targets…

It does have a lot to do with someone firing because that tells me you’re moving out of spawn, and you are vulnerable.

And the amount of people that complain they get bombed on spawn when they’ve made their way out of it is common.

And that’s only a noob thing to do, because the second you open up, your team will be wearing what you’ve attracted.

And that’s incorrect, as map knowledge plays a hand, knowing where the snipers sit and where chokepoints are.

Others in here would tell you that no matter where you are, you’ll get got.

I appreciate that you actually tried it, but I want to stress something:

I never claimed it isn’t a problem.

I will quote the disclaimer at the start of the thread that I feel a LOT of people have ignored.

“I understand that this topic is rather controversial (and rightfully so!) So I remind you all to try to stay on topic with the main point of this thread! That being the player aspect of this issue which I wish to bring forth to discussion with this thread! I would also like to remind you all to stay civil, and read what I have to say before you reply. Thank you, and I hope this thread opens healthy discussion regarding the topic!”

In my opinion, there is an issue. A very big one.

I have addressed these concerns so many times before, you can go read these now.

  1. The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #70 by Busheedoh
  2. The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #71 by Busheedoh

I’m frankly a bit tired of seeing people come in here and always give the same retorts that I have already debunked a million times. So let me summarise it very simply for everyone:


I know CAS is an issue. That’s just a fact. They should triple the spawn costs for top tier CAS to the point where if you use CAS you prevent yourself from getting a nuke in all likelyhood. But I want to raise awareness regarding how people not knowing how to SPAA compounds that issue, and I want to offer at least something akin to a solution in regards to it.

Should I rewrite the OP slightly? Probably. But I just want you to know that I have never claimed the CAS is not a problem. It is. Should there be a ground only mode? Absolutely! I play ground sim to get that fix myself, because 90% of people don’t know how to use planes in that mode. AA is like VERY strong in that game-mode because of reduced visibility (especially before targeting pods are a thing)

So, yeah. Sorry if this feels like bit of a lash out, but I’m just a bit tired of people misconstruing my point.


Doesn’t matter how good someone plays SPAA, CAS is still stronger right now and next update makes it even stronger.

Most of times AA radars can’t detect plane right front of it, or can’t lock helicopter 2 km away and I’m talking about top AAs. And all planes have to do to avoid AA missiles is slightly turn, or go down.

That’s reason why players leave after 1 death mostly, it was high tier thing, but last time i noticed more and more people leaving at low tiers too. Beginning of 6.3 6.7 at least 5-6 players leaving with 1 death and it’s because of CAS.