Idk what you mean by next update. The Eurofighter if anything is the most OP CAS plane currently in the game. Having used it myself in ground, you can practically go head on with every single missile SPAA and dodge their munitions just by doing barrel rolls for days because of that thing’s flight performance.
I don’t see what addition in the next update will make it “more broken” honestly.
My most used AA btw, is the OTOMATIC aka the “worst AA in the game”
If you had read most of the stuff I’ve said in this thread, like the replies I linked in that post, you’d find that I think that yes, in most cases if both players (SPAA and CAS) are of equal skill, the CAS player will win.
I just think that most CAS players are even more dumb that SPAA players, with how they mostly fly in a straight line. (Trust me, I know that, because the only way the OTOMATIC gets kills is by killing people in a straight line! Yet, I have so many kills, I wonder why that is?)
I honestly personally prefer the 2S6 over the Pantsir-S1 because of the mobility… I still wish that Russia had the Tor-M1 in the tree instead.
Anyway. I think you have a loser mentality “if it doesn’t matter” – the fact is currently, it’s not likely that Gaijin will do much about it. So, that leaves the responsobility of doing something to the player.
What can you do? Play AA better. If you don’t want to? Then go play ground simulator battles. If that isn’t enough? I don’t know, go write a suggestion post on the forum, or go make a video essay on why Gaijin is a corporation that preys on people with ragebait. You have so many options, yet you’d rather not take any of them – instead you’d rather complain in the thread of a person who chose to do something about it.
My issue when it comes to AA is sometimes they just dont have the range. There is only 1 vehicle that i believe can reach out to 18km but thats not even good enough. When i play top tier i end up in my Nato AA and see planes like the Su34 for example shooting its ATGM as soon as it spawns then turns back to land and rearm. Majority of the time i dont even notice it nor can do anything to stop it. I feel like we need more long range anti air just to combat these long range anti ground missiles that are being added into the game. Supposedly Gaijin is gonna be adding alot more AA this year but id like a dedicated AA update and add like 10 AA at once.
I like to play CAS, but i like to play SPAA too
My biggest concern is, the SPAA dominance at 7.7-10.3. SPAAs is the most effective vehicles at this BR range. Not just in air, but in ground. Why need a stabilizer for an SPAA? ZA-35, Gepard derivatives, AMX DCA, ITPSV are OP. When you are not in a soviet/chinese tank, you are dead. Nothing you can do.
And off course you dont have chance to CAS, becouse these are the most meta vehicles.
Remove the AP shells from this staff…
What about the other options I outlined? Countering helicopters is something else and I admit, IR missiles struggle because of how heat profiles are modeled for helicopters.
It’s true, and it sucks. Multi-trailer vehicle AA will hopefully fix this. But now we are stuck with this. They should honestly fix the fact that missiles are SACLOS to begin with, radar missiles should actually work on a radar lock to guide them…
Gun AA being used as TDs is a concern for another topic imo. They also skew statistics in the eyes of Gaijin.
I’d also argue that you’re wrong. SPAA is weakest in that range, especially in the 8.7 to 9.7 range where certain planes get precision munitions at way too low of a BR. (Biggest example is the Skyhawk honestly…)
We can agree that CAS is an issue, but teaching people how to play AA would only mitigate that issue slightly, as the skill of AA players isn’t the main issue of why CAS is strong.
Having people get CAS’d is inherently unfair and fun for the one side only, so people will always complain about that.
Again, never said it was. I fully agree. But people knowing how to counter planes does have an impact, to claim otherwise is silly.
Again, I agree, I state so in a size 6 text colored yellow at the start of my OP. Ultimately as a tank, there is little you can do. That’s Gaijin’s fault.strong text
i completle agree, even in soviet vehicles SPAAs are your death, if they dont kill you imeadiatly they disable every possiblity to fight back and because you dont can decide what you are repairing there is only a low chance of survival. I mean i got killed by a gepard in my object 279 threw the upper frontplate… I think spaa should loose the capability to fight that good against tanks, the reward for fighting tanks should be very low → only a few SL, RP, SP on the otherhand higher reward for fighting planes and mybe a reward after the battle for keeping the air space clean
Tbh this is hard to balance. On one hand, SPAA should never be used in that way. but because this is War Thunder — people will…
Idk. The cheap spawn cost of AA contributes to this. But I also do think AA shoudln’t be completely defenseless if your team is getting absolutely hammered.
Honestly, I’m confused why Gaijin doesn’t implement a SP increase system for taking the Anti-Tank belts with AA — and in turn let people run full AT belts both for against tanks, but also to give gun AA the opportunity to actually use the higher velocity of said ammunition types against faster moving targets.
Can you imagine a Gepard using full APDS on planes? I feel the accuracy could increase by at least 60% if it was capable of doing that.
Making players able to use full high velocity belts with a SP increase would make most sense. The code is already there, used on planes — quite literally to the letter considering you can take different belts with planes.
yes i agree about SPAA shouldnt be defencless against tanks and the idear with a increased cost for spwaning with AP is also good but i think i would also cut the reward for fighting tanks so spaa isnt anymore the way to get a nuke in 1min and it doesnt help your progress to shredd tanks (maybe enemy tanks in the own spawnarea or who are shooting in the spawn giving still full XP and SP so defent your self at a point of no return brings money but hunting tanks not )
There we go. Yeah, this I agree with fully. But as I’ve tried to say — most CAS players arent that great either, luckily.
In my experience, against a skilled CAS player, it just becomes a game of hiding behind cover. If you can intercept munitions, thats great, but you actually kind of just end up in a stalemate — especially if you have solid cover.
Stalemate is usually broken by the CAS player coming in with a risky run, or you turning off your radar and luring the CAS in with a false sense of security. Lot of players do forget where you are, especially if you hide and theyre too fixated on killing other targets. But if they’re going for you in particular? Stalemate.
And yeah, it sucks. LWS helps, and the air alert can help too if your team is actively doing it. Outside of that, you have no tools to engage them. Idk, a more skilled player could possibly tell if a light tank that just died on a cap rush is probably gonna spawn a plane, but even then thats a bit on and off.
If you do know there is CAS up, most you can do is just hide behind solid cover. Even then, more heavy ordanance counteracts that as well. I don’t know, that’s all I could think of and it really just comes down to staying aware and assessing if you should be in the open or not (which is what you should be doing to begin with…)
I’ll cut in here and say that SPAA getting nukes in a minute is rare. Yes, there are cases, but equally I can recall the times where I absolutely destroyed that LAV or ZA who decided the best course of action is to hold W straight at me.
Reducing rewards is something I think could be done? In turn I think rewards for killing planes should be increased, so players have a incentive to do their job.
Problem with this is that you have vehicles with much stronger stock belts than others. SIDAM is a perfect example, as it’s stock belt has like 7mm of penetration while Gepard has 68mm.
You don’t need to be that great to sling ordnance outside the range of AA, it’s basic game knowledge.
There’s nothing risky in launching your ordnance 8km+ away while you know your opponents have a maximum effective range of 4-5km.
LWS is mostly useless in higher tier as CAS has transitioned from using laser guided weaponry.
Even if they use laser guidance, there’s a way to bypass LWS until the last few seconds before impact, practically making you unable to react.
i honestly would love that. i don’t mind the mouse guided stuff sometimes but i would love if they actually did use radar properly like they do with air to air missiles. maybe one day
I have now edited the OP because of how much people have misconstrued my points. Any further “discussion” of that sort will simply be flagged. And by that I mean the unproductive sort.