Calling it brainless isn’t fully accurate, but I’d call it overstimulating/too quick instead.
It was… 4 years ago, it hasn’t since.
There’s a reason I main 8.0 and 7.7, and it’s not cause they’re compressed.
Maus is the strongest it could ever be, cause any decompression WILL move Maus up in BR as it’s currently balanced, as one example. Also almost all if not all 6.7s would move up as well cause they’re currently balanced, then all 5.7s, then all 4.7s, then all 3.7s until 2.7 is decompressed.
AMX-50 lacks a rangefinder and stabilizer, yet retains a potent round in an autoloader. That’s how there’s a 1.0 BR difference. T-55A has a marginally better performing round to use with that rangefinder and stabilizer.
The exclusive difference between Tiger IIP and IIH is the front turret armor, it’s marginal.
And M26 has an extremely potent APCR round. The fact that T26E5 is still 6.7 is largely a miracle.
Air sim needs an AI overhaul as well, but not as much as air RB EC. The reason why they can’t copy-paste is cause air RB gives more information just from the third person view. So they need MORE AI, and smart AI to make it easier to hide in the cloud.
Gaijin hasn’t lowered rewards.
Player choices are outside Gaijin’s control.
Games last up to 25 minutes, and I’ve had at least 5 25 minute matches in the last 2 weeks.
Not sure why you have a post portraying a love of short matches so much.
They do care and they are making changes, changes take time.
“They didn’t code a new AI in 1 hour! BAD DEVS! WHAA!” Meanwhile it took DCS 3 years to code new AI.
Kind of, but higher you go the more automated it becomes to the point it becoming really simple.
You have me262s and hortons and gloster meteors fighting sabres and mig-15s.
In fact, they can even face off against mig-17s.
confidently incorrect
Exactly. We need decompression, and that is quite literally how it is done. Increase the max BR to 13.0 ofr GRB, and then do all of that.
A stabilizer is worth 0.3BR, same with a lrf, APFSDS, and better armour. And don’t forget about the AMDs APS.
lmao. Marginal.
They shouldn’t be at the same BR. If the T26E5 moves up, so does several other 6.7 heavies, and then that would mean that many other tanks would move up too in order to keep stuff balanced. Sounds alot like decompression to me.
Just use the same marker system like ASB, and that still doesn’t stop them from just running a TEST for a few days.
Please do NOT put words into my mouth. I did NOT say that. Do not do that again.
We’re talking ground for some reason cause Ion brought it up.
However, air 9.0 is an issue as I stated previously.
I’m not talking about Maus.
I’m talking about vehicles with full stabilization, darts, LRF facing tanks that lack all of that and also have other cons.
Player choices are outside Gaijin’s control.
Games last up to 25 minutes, and I’ve had at least 5 25 minute matches in the last 2 weeks.Not sure why you have a post portraying a love of short matches so much.
Right, it’s just players that design the game, the fact games end in 5 minutes is completely out of Gaijin’s control… surely.
The only substantial changes to the mode in nearly a decade were the removal of destructible airfields in most maps and a general homogenization of map design, the core PvP TDM meta hasn’t changed in a decade and few if any changes have been positive for attackers/bombers. I’ll be very surprised if they ever change that aspect.
All of those MBTs are 9.0 except T-55M and some Centurions.
Even then AMX-30B2 is better than all but the T-55M in fighting and that’s without a stabilizer cause it has thermals, LRF, and the best dart at 8.7.
T-55A doesn’t have “APFSDS”, it has APDS with fins added. It’s worse than Chieftain’s APDS round.
AMD’s APS only functions against ATGMs which were brought up in BR.
LRF and Stabilizer are the only things, and better hull armor works sometimes so yeah, 1.0 difference.
No? T25E5 has a better round than all the other 6.7 heavies while having better armor than most, and being rather quick.
Be patient for new AI in War Thunder. Then we can get rid of this 2010 AI from IL-2.
PVP will never change in any game. Zero games in the world have changed how PVP works in over 20 years for a reason.
You can name every single game released after 2010 that’s PVP and they’re all the same gamemodes from PVP games released between 1990 and 2005. Reason: Psychology.
The ONLY thing that has changed is PVE cause there are far more liberties around how you do PVE than PVP.
Game matches last 25 minutes, if you’re not in there for 25 minutes, it’s cause players decided that.
For air, the 7.0-10.0 bracket is even worse for BR compression compared to ground.
Here’s a funny thing I’ve thought of to showcase BR compression. All of these aircraft are 1.0 BRs apart from the surrounding planes.
F-15E > Mig-29 (9-12A) > Mig-23ML > Mig-21MF > Av-8 > Mig-17 > F-80C/Me-262C/J29A/F-84G > Me-262s/F-80A/SK60 at 7.0.
You can bridge the gap between an Me-262 and the F-15E in 7 planes. The same planes that can face Me-262s, also face 20g overload missiles. The same planes that face F-15Es also face Mig-23s.
It’s totally not because the game spawns you on 2 airfields that are barely 50 km apart in a straight line, on a single airfield for both sides of 16 aircraft.
With objectives all clustered in some 16x16 square in the middle with some minor variations. Oh, and these objectives are irrelevant and can be ignored except for the automated ticket bleed which WILL interrupt your dogfights if they happen after the initial massacre.
Totally not, right @AlvisWisla ?
Gaijin absolutely can’t do anything about the above, right?
Some maps you literally take off, fly barely a minute and are already making contact with the enemy (Mozdok for prop tiers, operation uranus for korean jets). Even side climbing doesn’t change this.
F-15C is still 13.7, F-15E is 14.0.
It’s wild.
Mig-23ML-Mig-21MF is closer than AV-8-Mig-17. Though Mig-17PF beats AV-8 every time.
The fact Mig-17PF isn’t closer to the AV-8’s BR is cause of 9.3 compression [10.3s].
Game matches last 25 minutes, if you’re not in there for 25 minutes, it’s cause players decided that.
Yeah crazy that players decided to shoot eachother… who could have predicted that.
Gaijin’s working on a forced random spawn system for air, they’re focusing on air spawns as that’s the only way to really do it fairly without one side guaranteeing a win.
The reason why you can’t let people CHOOSE their spawns in air is cause the side where all 16 players choose the same spawn win purely from choosing the same spawn.
And losing cause your team decided to choose different spawns is not a fun feeling: It happens in ground RB on some maps.
Where’s proof of that? If anything, their recent activity shows they’re working on minimizing time to contact and space to maneuver for advantage.
Air RB needs more spread out AND impactful objectives AND multiple airfields AND maps appropriately sized for the average aircraft of that bracket with respect to acceleration, top speed, turning performance and climb.
We seem to be getting the opposite if anything.
There is no other round at 6.7 that compares to the APHE fired from the long 88. that gun has the best combination of reload, pen, and post pen for that BR. APCR isn’t good or reliable enough to be considered better.
It still is APFSDS.
What’s wrong with a 1.3 Br difference? Why leave the game in a compressed state?
I challenge you to play a match that lasts a full 25 minutes above 6.0. Do it in air too, not just ground. Matches in high tier end almost always end in 10 minutes or less. They rarely hit 15 minutes, and they almost never hit 20 minutes due to ticket bleed and other factors.
Not in the live server.
False. The Mig-21 has vastly worse performance, missile count, missiles, and flare count when compared to the Mig-23. They should be atleast 1.3 BRs apart from eachother.
Proof? Fields of Normandy. Flanders. Etc.
The side that spawns all one side wins almost every time if not every time, because they’re inherently playing as a team more effectively.
Now look at 3BM8, the APDS round that 3BM25 is based directly on.
You’ll notice the performance is almost identical cause they’re identical penetrators.
The game isn’t compressed at 7.7 - 8.0 ground for MBTs. You can argue light tanks, but not MBTs.
France 7.7 has been borderline OP for years at this point, and the reason they’re not is cause of how balanced 7.7 is.
Mig-23ML performs worse in dogfights than the Mig-21Bis, which is one of the many reasons why I avoided buying Mig-23ML.
I’d rather face a Mig-23ML in a Mig-21MF [which is the best 10.7 Mig-21 in the game, and better than the F-5C], than face an AV-8 with a non-reheating Mig.
Olifant is at 8.3 with stabilization, dart and LRF. That thing should never go against 7.3s.
Class 3, TAM, T-55AMD, Object 685, Vickers 11, Type 74, Object 122, etc… can also see plethora of unstabilized tanks.
We need a bit more space to fix things around 8.0.