How do you people even enjoy playing this gamemode?

I play A-4E, someone would say a bad plane, but when flown on a big map, strikeing ships or ennemy troops. It awesome, yea you take down max 4 ennemys with TV navigated bombs, but than landing back on the carryer comes and takeing off, that is my fun in the game, to perfecly land on a ship and take off.
And also, for fun you dont wanna die, because then you get in negative SL and hole game is kinde ruied.

that’s easy, I cant cause I cant play it since we are still waiting for the setup wizard and control saving to be fixed for consoles ( and I can’t play sim without a hotas, at least that I know of )

Sadly is the less bad mode. I can understand that in realistic the enemy has name tag at 5km, but the radar that watches 360° is just dull

(literally) cancer

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Killing PVE players makes it worth it

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I have fun cause bombs plus after bombs I go into attack players in air to air combat plus if you get a huge group to populate a map it’s even more fun cause comms are like a DCS lobby what would make Top Teir sim more fun is the introduction of AWACS that update movments of air and ground forces and their is a balance way to implament them too

I’m not playing SIM only because i CBA of the learning process and (actually even more) to set things up to play it. I’ve played very few games to see how it operates though.
Way better than ARB. WAY BETTER. At some point i may start it , but i have to push myself to start it.
Where i base my opinion? It’s better set up and it’s not (only) a deathmatch. You’re actions matter PvE or PvP.

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Usually happens on lower end hardware with low resolutions. I encountered it a lot on my old Thinkpad

Ah yeah, not an issue I have either. Im pretty much on maxed out settings

I am now too, just got a gaming rig with an RTX 3050, haven’t had an issue on movie settings yet (except issues caused by my monitor)

@warhead_beast @WalletWarrior69 Going forward keep personal arguments in PM and avoid profanity while arguing.

Im on max settings, it looks like the anticheat or visibility mechanic bugging out

Once you kill one of them, the entire lobby teams up against you

probably is then, same issue with tanks rendering

Skill issue on your end.

I bait them out, people that camp are not good and often do not realize that even if they’re higher they’re at a lower energy state. Either way they’re easy claps.

Happens, but at a very low rate.

They die.

I’m having a lot of fun for more than 3k hours now.

While anyone can easily fly an airplane with an instructor or mouse operation, the individuality of the airplane is lost.
Of course, in AB/RB, basic performance such as speed, acceleration, and turning ability are of course important, but I think the appeal of flight simulation is that you can experience the quirks and individuality of each airplane, such as the airplane’s reaction to the control stick, the propeller characteristics, and the behavior during a stall.
The individuality of an airplane, which cannot be expressed in numbers, is like a person’s personality, and pilots also have their own personalities, so naturally there will be airplanes that suit different people and ones that don’t.
In fact, even popular models that have a reputation for being strong can sometimes be boring when you actually try flying them. On the other hand, there are many cases where an unknown airplane that no one has flown suits you surprisingly well. I think it’s also fun to carefully study and try out each airplane one by one.
I see many people who are fascinated by the highest class of high-performance airplanes, and see the dawn of mid-range reciprocating engine airplanes and jet airplanes as a journey, and even feel that it is a struggle, even if they are reluctant. It’s not that I don’t understand the feelings of such people, but from my point of view, it’s a great waste.
The best part is discovering things that can only be achieved by taking the time to interact with the aircraft.

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While OP has a questionable activity history of J-ing out to deny kills, please look at the following clip and tell me it’s “skill issue.”

Sim has rendering issues.

Do you see a white contrail and a black dot from ~more than 12km out?
Very high probability friendly.
Very high probability A.I plane.
Low probability that there’s another black dot nearby that’s friendly that hivemind spotted it for you.

Do you see a white contrail and NO black dot from ~more than 12km out?
Confirmed hostile since the black dot didn’t render

  1. A.I aircraft always render
  2. Friendlies always render
  3. Hostiles players seem to stop rendering ~12-13 km out (you can test this with a buddy by going into 1vs1 on smolensk or vietnam and flying on the far edges of a gridsquare. Coincidentally, A points are 16x16 km across
  4. Hostile players also de-render under ~12-13km under not well understood circumstances. Per videos, it seems related to looking away for a moment, zooming in/out and also complicated by LoD switching (zooming in for instance can swap LoD from “black blob” to “fully rendered aircraft with camo” which rather obviously messes with human vision and is unrealistic artifact of the render engine.
  5. If hostile aircraft would NOT render according to game logic for YOU, but would render for a friendly, you will see them regardless of condition (“Hive mind spotting.”)
  6. I’m told RADAR affects rendering. I don’t fly radar-equipped planes enough to confidently comment.

Example of LoD switching:

Low LoD from zoomed out

High LoD from zooming in

If after the LOD switch you cannot find the guy... here's the plane encircled.



You did play a decent amount of sim in january, but 3000 hours? Are you sure you’re answering about sim and not RB?


You see this is the only propper mode where you can do CAS in some way with out having to earn the SP in ground battles before hand. I really do love doing objectives and stuff and SB is the only mode that seems to have a hint of actually contributing and getting something for doing propper groundpounding without the Call of Duty players who go for kills exclusivly( also in RB and AB ground kills doesnt give as much rewards it seems)

its exactly like the situation in the video

Enjoyment can be had with the game but it feels like you need to fight the game and its many issues to find it. I’ve discovered a new bug as well where your aircraft bugs out/lags when taking off causing your aircraft to bounce on the spot (you can nose over if you’re not careful) until you luckily manage to take off.

Like I said it CAN be fun but I’ve never known a more neglectful nor misguided bunch of game devs than the War Thunder devs.