How bad are the U.S. teams?

Me when i schizo post

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I have a question what do you think a composite spall liner looks like? because if you think its the kevlar liner that looks like a rug let say, you are wrong.

This is a spall liner for the BTR-80A, if you look carefully it looks like a regular steel add on like the other parts of said vehicle but isn’t. Whats bad is this is a UK company making spall liners for African nations using old soviet equipment. Spall Liners | Composite Spall Liners For Military - Permali
Now to answer your question, yes the Abrams has spall liners.
Where? I don’t know but just saying i don’t see it isn’t the answer.


In reality : Woven and non-woven S2, E glass fibre fabrics and tissues

Kevlar and Twaron rubber coated aramid fibres

Ballistic grade UHMWPE fibres, including DSM Dyneema and Honeywell Spectra Shield

In Nano-gaming’s world …an old bed sheet.

This is in fact not BTR-80A. Just compare the amount of inside space.

BTR-82A with kevlar lining inside of it.

you do realize their is a rear compartment for the infantry its carrying right

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Yes and kevlar is seen, the image you sent doesnt even seem like an inside of BTR-80A to begin with.
This looks like emptied M113.

this is a picture of an upgrade to said kevlar to a composite package offered by a UK company. The BTR-80 has been gutted and the new spall liner placed inside so the rest can be placed inside at a later date. God some people just want to argue for no reason, because either way be it a BTR a M113 or just someone’s van it proves spall liners aren’t just carpets draped on the inside of vehicles
also the btr interior is not that small

I am not arguing if this is spall liner or not, the upgrade page itself showing BTR-80A contradicts what you sent.

Now on more recent image it’s not screens but fabric.

Which is oblivious it’s not a screen but a fabric by its sole look.

And no, just a screen shouldnt be isntantly taken as spall liner, as in case of Chally 1 it can actually turn out as sound dampener.

ActUAllY ItS A ScREEn. Then how do these companies sell these “screens” when they market them as spall liners and countries buy them.

the bradley is not a abrams, it isn’t even made by the same company. .

im tired of saying this go read the bug reports we’ve posted this numerous times on how the spall liner is made on the abrams, people who even crewed on the abrams have said this. I dont know why you and other people keep ignoring the amount of times we’ve said this.

I dont care what you call them.

I clearly see one is a rug and one is flat and even has completely metal like shine.
Both are spall liners.
And by what it seems i was right, the original image you sent wasnt BTR-80A, it was just some other vehicle showcasing these spall liners installed.

Look the nation that provides every single member of its armed forces with NVGs, LVL 4 body armor, and provides CLS courses in order to keep their members alive is also the same country to provide zero spall liners in the crew compartments of any of its vehicles.


one is from the UK. The other is a stock photo from a russian btr not upgraded.
Its ok reading is hard.

lol thats why i come back to the forums, to watch these insane people keep type the same b.s over and over again abrams has no du in its hull! abrams has no spall liners! . Comical relief. Whata even funnier is these people and gaijin think their " beliefs " are rooted in reality.

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You got even that wrong.

ok what is it

Definitely not stock russian BTR.
Could be one of ukrainian BTRs, which are by themselves upgrades over soviet BTRs.
Russian BTRs dont use sights like that.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 145714

Straight from a Russian forum. It’s a BTR-82A1. But yeah its def just an Ukrainian one, right? Must have blown your mind huh


You beat me to it .