How bad are the U.S. teams?

What are you expecting to see as a spall liner? A big wet rag wrapped around the inside of the hull ? lol


omfg The spall liner is apart of the armor array. How many times do we need to say this?

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Dawg thinks everyone got the same kind of spall liners.


How about about a tank so good it does not require spall liners or has armour that wont …er…spall.

Oh no, something that’s different from the Russians, no there’s no such thing!!!

Yes it is, even if it’s historical. Giving the T-80UD 3BM46 and thermals would be a buff, and also accurate.

Fact is DU is in some Abrams and not others .The USA wont export it so its depends if your Abrams is USA or a model sent to other countries .Ukraine wont get DU.

Spalling depends on the make up of the Armour some armours are prone to it some not.Its such a huge general issue and Gaijin simply do not have the info to decide either way and to be honest neither does anybody else in the public domain.The variations are too great.

As a kid ,if a book says its true then it must be but as an adult you realise that Governments lie not only to deceive the enemy but their own people and not just civilians but their own military as well. M1 was all about cost from the very start. Most MBT projects are.French crews being socialist in nature were aways very openly critical of cost cutting on the Arriete. The arms industry is a con few service personnel get the best they get the best for the best price.

I think as far as this thread goes ,its not even relevent if the M1 had DU or spall liners its whether the players of USA feel empowered to play a game until the final whistle or not.

Quitting early destroyed the good stats I had built up when I had enthusiasm for this game.The poor win rate is not down to bad tanks ,same as Germany in Mid BR.Maybe chat less and concentrate or have faith and stick the game out until the end.

I you cant win the game as a team, then at least stick around get some kills as the enemy overrun you.

USA Players would do better to stop being negative and come together.Maybe use this forum to squad up with each other and start kicking ass.Make America great again : )


Id also like to note that the bradley has easily visible spall liners so coming to the conclusion that since its not visible on the abrams it means its literally not there therefore the abrams doesn’t have spall liners
Also spall liners inside the armour array? Please tell me you aren’t serious that literally negates what a spall liner does and makes it extremely hard to replace the spall resistant material

People that actually seriously play USA are tired of getting ground down, 35 percent win rates at top tier, and an abrams model that is known very well to be wrong, even with 4 bug reports about the hull and bulkhead and tusk 2 armor submitted and accepted 6 months ago.


Do you think every armoured vehicle is at risk from spalling ?

Every sufficiently armoured vehicle that gets penetrated will spall what are you on about

(talking about the image) Thats podboi aka anti radiation lining, which, according to CIA provides abilities of a spall liner.

T-80UD did not wield thermals, only T-80U did, back in 1987 they trialed Agava 2 and Progress 2, Agava 2 won and was in production in 1990.

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Seriously ? You believe that ? That all armored vehicles are the same?

Ah yes, “the grass is more green on the other side”.


Comparing an IFV to an MBT nice.

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NADBOI is purely NBC protection it provides no spall resistance if that were the case then every soviet tank down to the T-55A should recieve a full spall liner covering the whole vehicle interior

Have you got definitive proof that the Abrams has a spall liner?

nadboi is outside of tank, what you sent is podboi, and is inside of the tank.

It does provide them according to CIA, and no, not every each, T-62 ditched it IIRC, modern russian MBTs as well, cant recall each one.
The coverage is also not complete tank and the resistance is still lower than of kevlar.


What comes through the tank when it is penetrated by DU is not spall its radioactive dust .HESH creates spall and similar ammo.To say a virtually WW1 tank and the latest MBT are the same is ridiculous.
Fire was the biggest issue not Spalling.

Take a modern cash carrying truck used in civvy street.All kevlar and plastic. Nothing to spall. And you really think you are going to see a visible spall liner now days? Many modern AVs look like the inside of a fridge not like something from the Fury movie.Its a view point bordering on mental illness lol Jeez!

Sums this forum up : )

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