How about uptier limiting?

dude… No, i Completely disagree. The rounds have Excellent penetration for most of the tanks/rounds… but other than that they are Extremely OVER tiered.

I play british tanks whenever i need to complete the assists daily missions, because they are basically incapable of one shotting anything… .its always 2 to 5 shots

What level are you?

Hmmm interesting, sometimes it is difficult to one shot things, but if you aim for critical components it isn’t bad


i have played Every vehicle, in every nation (minus Israel) to about 9.0… British tanks are Extremely up tiered. Yes, skill can help. but even if you aim properly the rounds do very little dmg post pen, for 9 out of 10 shots

I suppose I started with British vehicles so I always used them as a reference, that’s why I see them as good, and not bad, I do like other countries’ vehicles, but British vehicles have a special place in my heart.

one. you are crazy and 2. biased… and… 3… wrong



Well, they work for me so :)

psh, they are still bad, because they are over tiered… by far, more than any other nation

One word for you: France

nope, They are similar, since a lot of them get solid shot only… however… they usually have quicker reloads.

but yes… the 2.0 and lower french tanks are the worst in the game… by far

Nahhhhh FCM.36 is the best tank in the game what are you on aboutttttttttttttttttttt

all poo

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yup, just played a game as britain… shot an m61a1 with 4 kill shots… and only got crew like 4 times… and then “hits” the rest of the time… all of them were KILL shots… Absolute trash tanks

M61? Also what vehicle were you in, and what round were you using

Sorry, type-O

M6A1 USA, 5.0 BR

I was playing the comet, 5.3 shot SV mk.1, i prolly should have switched to the shot MK.8 for more shrapnel… but literally all of my shots… were kill shots…

You don’t care … as I said … selfish. You are making for others the game a worse experience. I can accept that it is not funny for you. But maybe you are in the mood to accept that you force others into a not funny situation. If everyone would do it like you the game would get in real trouble. And it is partly …
This behavior starts to go down to any rank right now and battles are decided within 3min now. Those battles where everyone throws 5 tanks into a battle are so rare these days but really the most challenging and rewarding battles.
I don’t want to force you to change your behavior. Just think about it. You don’t have to fight against my words. In the end we all want to have fun. The way we have fun is not always the same.
I see a small difference in Gaijin is forcing you into a situation and I get forced into a situation by other players. Gaijin makes the rules for the game. Now other beg Gaijin for a solution for a problem that hurt their fun in the game and you came along and simply throw in that you don’t care for those players.
Yeah nice but let us discuss this problem and maybe find a solution so we can have fun too like you.

I don’t think 2 high tier Premium planes counts as being a British main however. And Cent 1 is not the last vehicle in the tree, nor is 23 matches many to work out how good a tree is, respectfully.

Only because you make quite a statement of how other vehicles are better at same BR (can be, lots of vehicles/nations/BRs). And of course there is the “time you played them” relating to BR at the time, performance of AP at the time, Nations/vehicles added at the time.

As an example I spaded my Cent 3, Caernarvon, and FV4202, before stabilisers were added, and initially the AP/APDS was in a period of low post pen (and obviously lower pen compared to now). So before many other nations added and before volumetric.

Your top Brits are OK tanks, though the Avenger is amazing (was a TD when I had it), the Firefly I hate (as Avenger is a LOT better for me - and apparently for you too), the A30 Challenger again is a very good tank (purely down to speed, RoF, and the turret traverse and reload all being very good). Still all down to how AP/APDS performs on that day/patch.

However, usually to say a tank has been good for you (as you have) at least a 1 for 1 kill ratio would be expected, and maybe even spaded (I spade ALL, regardless of how poop a vehicle is, which is in part why I have too much Salt in this game). Of course the stats never show assists/hits/caps/all the things that help to win a battle/get score/RP/SL but can’t be recorded (win rate and k/d not being the be all by any means). I don’t think you have a positive ratio on ANY of those tanks, and there is a lot more than the Cent X Premium (since that comes fully spaded).

[Props to the Archer play though. And heck, you do a lot better in the Tiger 1 H than almost ANY of your Brit vehicles!]

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Lol thunder skill is great. FYI I am researching the Tornado, and have up to 11.3 for tech tree, also “main” refers to what country you mainly play, which, for me is Britain

Don’t worry, I know. I just don’t play ground above 8.0 because it’s ass.

They are better than others in my experience, I don’t do well at ground, I never claimed I did, but I do better in British tanks than I do others.

APDS is stuffed ATM, doesn’t do diddly squat against anything with a mere paper plate on the outside, is objectively worse now.

Avenger is Ok, I don’t use it much.

I love the Firefly to bits, it’s an amazing vehicle.

Purely my go to vehicle in uptiers, I like the APDS for the 17 pounder,

No, it’s just what I best perform in, I am an air main and I play ground sometimes, but I’m not very good at all, never claimed to be.

I barely play the Cent X. I have played it maybe twice since APDS died.

It’s a great vehicle for me. Haven’t played it in a while though sadly.

Tiger H and E are broken vehicles. They deserve the BR raise.

One last thing, please stop using ThunderSkill… it is completely inaccurate, it shows me as having the Churchill Crocodile. I don’t own that. Never played a match in it.

Ground has enough players to function with a 0.7 matchmaker. This would limit severe tech imbalance that is currently present at some BR ranges.

I concur.

I know, just it’s an easy place to get a snapshot. And as I mention it doesn’t show anything but kills and win/loss, where there is so much more to the game (nation paired, BR, foes met, assists/teamwork, caps, etc.).

It isn’t accurate at this either, I don’t know when mine was last updated but I have been getting better recently, I used to be a horrible player which is where my low KDs come from, now I’m mid at best