How about uptier limiting?

My point is that you were quite strong in this:

When you do not seem to have played them as much as you think, aside from a few. You might see a change of opinion if you spend some more time around that bracket. They are not as good as they once were with the constant messing with AP. Maybe 4.0 and below is still pretty much as it’s always been.

I do not play ground much, but when I do, usually I play Britain, for I find them enjoyable and easy to use, more so than other countries (Aside from Germany). I do not play ground much. I have stated this multiple times.

You don’t care … as I said … selfish.

No, these are not the same thing

  • No, I don’t care, correct
  • But also no, that’s NOT selfish anyway.

Because it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Pick any one person, and I am 50% of the time on their team hurting them slightly by leaving, but 50% of the time I’m on the enemy team for them, HELPING them slightly by leaving. So they are overall completely unaffected by me long term.

In this case, I can not care and also have it not affect anyone negatively THAT I don’t care. That is, in fact, part of the reason why i don’t care. If it did affect others, I might have cared. But it doesn’t.

You are hurting the game you leave. It is not about a specific amount of time. It is the match you leave. Because the moment I see how many left the game in the first 3min of a match it hurts me. Next match is next match. But this game! This game when you or other leave is hurting me and other. I’d rather loose a match with a tough fight then a loose a match where I simply can’t stand any chance because of runaways like you.
And it is a 100% hurting for every match not 50%. Because when I get this 10 times in a row. It hurts even more … and you are happy while I just want to quit the whole game because I suffer due to behavior from players like you that are justifying this with even that you are HELPING. How sick is this … kinda narcissistic. Doing bad things and saying it is good …
Just for you to know … whatever you write now … I will not answer. I know you will not change your behavior and you know that I will not accept that this is kinda fair.

It’s good that this is just your guess, and gaijn will never confirm it, I personally have a different opinion that there is no such thing in the game

They have made it in the past, then it have been deleted because of god knows the reason,…

(it is about Queue time, if anyone didn’t knew yet)

Aaaaaaaa classic, how many times has it been like this in this game, they added something and then removed it

Too many,… but most of the time it is because of cry-babies and biased stats,…

I would like such a system in the game, maybe not based on br, but on classes at least in planes or ships, how many times in a match I had 2 fighters and 4 ju288 and every match lost and the rest of the enemy team only fighters, or ships, I have only 6.0 cruisers and one battleship in my team, and the enemy has only a battleship and almost no cruisers, And that’s a tragedy.

The bomber were limited to 4 aswell, then it somehow disappeared.

And the other 50% of the time, it helps you.

3 games you were hurt and 3 games you were helped = You were overall completely unaffected by me. (+3) + (-3) = 0

Insisting on only looking at one game makes no sense, when human beings persist over many games. It only makes sense if you know you have no argument and intentionally cherrypick to try and win a thread anyway (why you want to win an argument you already seem to know you are wrong on, as seen by the cherrypicking, I don’t know)

I dont want to win an argument. For me it’s not about winning here. It is about my feelings and the things I see and experience in the game. Calling me cherrypicker and imply that I know that I’m wrong shows even more what kind of person you are. Hf … even your way. You can believe, do and think what you like. Feel great if you want and need it that way. I respect that.
I feel not respected by you …

“The things I experience” So… are you denying that you experience a benefit when people on the other team leave their team? Because that’s the only logical conclusion left if you’re speaking from experience and not cherrypicking.

Leave it as it. I’m done with you. And its no benefit … its a shame to win that way.

it’s a shame to win that way

Except even if that’s your take, most of the time, there’s ALSO some other guy leaving on your team even in the same match, so you didn’t even get an unfair advantage or disadvantage half the time. And that’s still ignoring the other huge element of the conversation that “Gaijin just replaces people who leave with other players who have join-late settings enabled anyway, like 95% of the time”, unless it’s 4AM or something.

I play 3 nation’s, US, Germany and Russia in arcade ground at BR 4.5 to 6.0 in all 3. The only nation I ever find myself on top side of an uptier is Russia. GR and the US I’m always on the bottom the dogpile.

Draw your own conclusions…

The matchmaker today has me reminded of a quote from the movie “Heathers”; namely “F*ck me gently with a chainsaw.”

World of Tanks did exactly this with their MM changes, and it was absolutely horrible. Those few top tier vehicles absolutely stomped and were almost unstoppable. So yeah no thanks

If you’re referring to the idea from way back at the opening post of the thread: That already exists in game, as was pointed out right away. There’s currently a limit of 4, almost exactly the amount he asked for.