There are many ground vehicles that both had and has a horn, and i would like to suggest to add horns to those vehicles, with a possibility to set a keybind wich each player can choose.
There are many vehicles, both heavier tanks, light tanks and personell carriers. Most of these got a horn of some sort, not all of them but many does. Leopard 1 and 2 are some mbt’s that has horns, so are some of the american LAV variants. The lav does have a different kind of horn, that has two settings wich is loud and louder, so that should be an option to adjust and eventually change this while playing.
Being able to honk in a battle could have its positive sides, such as communication. Squadrons could make their own “codes” or it could just be used as its indtended purpose, wich is to warn others of your/your vehicles presence or approach, or to call attention to dangers. But it could also have its negative sides as it being used unnecessarily much.
-If you see a teammate coming driving at full speed, not aware of the danger in front of him, while you have a staredown with an enemy around the corner, and don’t have time to notify your teammate in the chat, you can honk and hope that person understands.
-If you were hit or injured in some way, and a teammate just drove past you, or is not aware that you are injured and would prefer to have some help to repair, it may happen that you are even missing parts, yes then if you can whistle at the person, he might come and help!
-To alert you that you are behind or next to a teammate and may block their path to retreat, or if they are blocking the path you need to take to get where you are going
-Another possibility could be to add a set just for fun, isn’t it fun to honk? Only negative consequence would proably be exaggarated use of it
Here is an example, a leopard with a horn, to the left behind the headlight
Here is a drawing from the horn on a sherman tank taken from a manual
Here is a soviet BT-7 with a horn
Here is the horn used on a M24 chaffe
In this video below you will see and hear an example on a Leopard 1
-Leopard 1 variants
-Leopard 2 variants
-LAV Variants (adjustable horn)
-Certain Sherman tanks
-M24 Chaffe
- Yes
- No