Hornets BR. It's too much, Gaijin

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT

Dear Gaijin. Since you not show us final BR of the Hornet family i would adress this before it’s too late.
All Hornets underperform against most of their competitors.
They literally have worst overall flight performance of top tier jets.
These BR’s you gave them - is insanely high. 14.0 for jet, which barely can pass mach 1? Really?..
Cant be serious, guys… it’s cap - 13.3. Like Su-34 which have +/- same weapon capabilities and better top speed.
Hornet A probably would be fine at 12.3 but better set it to 12.0.
And premium Hornet shoul be at 12.7 max but i would better say - 12.3.

Hornets already outdated jets which should be added about a year ago. Dont ruin it with dumb BR please🙏


no it would not be 12.0 it would be criminally under br’ed then even 12.3 is a stretch seeing as it has quite a few missles

no need for them to be the same br as F-4EJ KAI

I cant speak for the F/A-18C Late though


And why is that?
So premium Mirage F1 with unflareable Magic 2 is fine at 12.0 and Hornet with just 60 countermeasures and useless 9L’s is not?..


sure Magic 2’s are good however it only has 2 of them compared to the either 6 9L’s and 4 aim-7s or 6 Aim-7s and 2 9L. along with a not so great flight performance


Maybe. The hornet shouldn’t go down. We should get decompression


Previous decompression wasn’t good thing.

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cause it wasn’t much?

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usamain copium


Personally I find the Br of the F/A-18A particularly low, especially in simulation, even if the flight performances are slightly lower than those of the other Br aircraft, the combination of a very good radar and good air-to-air missiles will be devastating


This ain’t 1. april


Imagine a Hornet in the same Br. As the British phantoms with Aim7e lol.


I just realized it’s a MatAWG video.
F-18C is the 3rd best airframe at 14.0, only behind Rafale and Typhoon, and it’s barely behind Rafale.
If F-18C doesn’t deserve to be 14.0, none of the 14.0s do.

And Su-30SM has the worse 14.0 airframe performance.

F-18C with same-fuel time as F-16A performs the same in energy retention right now.

Su-34 is infinitely worse than F-18… Russia would have to pay me directly to lie about that.

Get good at 14.0 or don’t play the BR.

That’d move F-18C with Rafale, Typhoon, and F-15C/E.

Also the 12.7 Hornet has all the performance of an F-16A with the potential of more weapons.


No, 13.0 is a minimum with everything they are getting.


What is this then?


And how it’s 3rd best?
You compare ultimate dogfighters which bypass mach 1 without afterburner and one of it (Rafale) have ultimate agility and one of the best dogfight loadout with jet which barely can pass mach 1, have worst maximum speed over even older jets.

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Supercruise is primarily a fuel consumption thing…

F-18’s top speed is only ~60kph slower than Rafale.
Maximum speed doesn’t win matches, survivability does.

And Rafale is ~6% better than F-18 in flight performance.
21.something deg per second at 2.75 minutes of afterburner fuel vs F-18’s 20.1 in energy retention.

Maybe, but Rafale/EF2k/15E/16C/Su-27/Su-34/etc. easy reach their max. speed while Hornet stuck around mach 1

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Which doesn’t matter because this isn’t a racing game, this is a combat game where more than just raw speed matters.


Raw speed gives you energy, gives your missiles longer ranges and reach target faster.


F-104, upgraded with avionics and weaponry to carry AIM-9P/J’s and AIM-7E’s…