Historical matchmaker for everyone

Memoirs are not primary sources for vehicles.
Google agrees with myself, Italy, and Gaijin.
All colleges agree too.

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Than what are the primary sources for Vehicles in the era of classified information?

Documentation from investigators on broken/cut-up vehicles [armor].

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You mean illegal documentation? Or just guess work?

What does any of it matter in a fictional setting were era is not even recognized anyway?

Like I said

No, no not “Like I said” Your statement of removing prototypes makes no difference in how players perform you also shrink trees and make players perform worse since they’re now required to use a vehicle the way it was not intended in mind.

Prototypes also should not magically be a scapegoat cause of bad players either. They’re just bad players simple as is. You cannot change that, they want to learn their gonna have to go out of their way, but some just don’t want to. While others have improved those who didn’t are still not good at the game are now on the War Thunder Forums making an already discussed thread post since they didn’t bother looking for the other one.

That is the basic logic, start blaming yourself for not being a good player. Quit blaming vehicles. It’s not the vehicle it is you. Maps are bad I get that but that is still not an excuse to start deflecting. Now there is more I could say but I’m not gonna, these repeated thread posts are seriously annoying and provide zitch to the progress of the game they just demandy thread posts cause some bad actors to refuse to get good at the game and rather scapegoat instead of admitting…

Everyone will only play NATO and probably only the US.

Fact, but maybe with israel also for example

You cannot balance a game and have realism still in mind. It is one or the other.
You can have Semi-Realism but not actual realism.

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You can, but not at all periods.
If take in mind Su-27 with it’s 1985 loadouts(without ER/ET) and F-14B of same year - everything will be fine. There will be also Mirage for example.

But soviets and other will be bad in 1975 for example, or 1980.
Theres only MiG-23 against F-14, 15, 16

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It’s not illegal to cut open a legally obtained vehicle and document what you find.

Era is fictional.

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These were also in service at the same time too.
images - 2024-07-31T060527.817
images - 2024-07-31T060509.401

Historical mm sounds so much fun…


Keep it planes guys. Keep it planes


It would pretty rapidly go from M-51s fighting T-54 and Panzer IV tanks to T-54 tanks fighting Merkava tanks lmao

Planes would not be safe from this either.

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Wait wait wait that sounds fun. The only time i can shot on russians hell yes.

Well, in tanks it might be different
But in planes less massive problems

Do you want to fight an F-22 in an F-5…?

How about an F-35?

That would also mean the M1A1 would be facing the original T-80 lol.

As far as I’m aware, Gaijin is adjusting based on consumer trends. Why do you think they’ve been heavily pushing out modern vehicles despite lack of technical accuracy? It is because there is heavy demand, and money is flowing there. To say they aren’t delivering what “modern” players are asking for sounds incredibly inaccurate, considering we on the forums are a minority of the player base.

You and others were constantly told by other forumers with valid reasons why a historical matchmaker does not fit the state of the game for normal public matches excluding events. You disagreed and give your own definition of what War Thunder should be per your expectations and defended your position, only for an employee to explain what others have been telling you already. Unless the employee is a buffoon too, you would do well to reevaluate what you think you understand about the game. I can assure you are mixing some of your wants as game needs.

Because, as @SinisterIsRandom is showing as examples, it would be heavily unbalanced. You were even told that by the employee, and now you’re dismissing them as stupid.