Historical matchmaker for everyone

Well, most of modifications like that doesnt have place in year balance.
But still can be funny

Year and Balance do not coexist. Reality is not fair. Games can be.

Like these?

images - 2024-07-31T062016.711
images - 2024-07-31T061954.316
images - 2024-07-31T062138.625


Reality can be fair in part of cases.
But main trouble - theres always one nation that ahead from others

Well, if they want Historical Balance as Russia, China, etc, I’m sure the NATO mains won’t complain :)

No, not really. For every Sherman 75 your Tiger can see, there’s always a T32E1. Would you enjoy using a Panzer IV against a T32E1?

How about a T-72B firing 3BM42 versus a SEPv2 firing M829A2?

I already described case where Su-27 against tomcat. Which balanced and historical at same time

An Su-27 wouldn’t just see a Tomcat, it would see a Super Raptor.

The Su-27 already struggles against much younger F-15 models. You do realize the F-15 was around when the Mig-23 was, right?

If anything, NATO mains are the ones being held back.

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That’s equipment that is not a justification. By your logic, if I took an F-4E and gave it the equipment it was first given then it should serve along with the F-100 Super Sabre. They both came from the same period and their loadout coming from around the same period should serve in the same battle ratings.

But also going by your logic then the F-4G “Wild Weasel” should be serving alongside the F-14 Tomcat.

It’s an F-4 Phantom II that cannot perform in combat against an F-14 and an F-100 cannot perform against an F-4E. The F-14 and F-4 in this context are superior in every aspect.

So no loadouts are not a justification for where a vehicle should be ranked and placed at battle ratings. They should be fighting what their capable of fighting but only capable of dominating depends on the pilot.
MIG-21’s vs F-4’s is perfectly fine. The SU-27->F-15 Eagle
MIG-23/MIG-27 and to an EXTENT MIG-31 equal foe to the ->F-14. However, that said the MIG-31 isn’t in the game but I’m gonna mention it since it would be somewhat relatively on the same plate.


I realize what will be, literally gulf war

Should and “Su-27 and F-14B” slightly different

Because the F-14 is a Naval Aircraft. The Su-27 doesn’t have an aircraft carrier to launch off of.

So no, a fight would not be realistic between the two under most circumstances.

Secondly, while an F-14 could see the Su-27, it could also see Mig-21 and other lesser aircraft. An Su-27 would never stand a chance in a realistic fight between it and an F-14.

And your Su-27 would also see F-22, F-35, F15 (all), and much more.

F-14 can be used as fighter, like killing lybian Su-22 in 1981. But not Su-22, Su-27 in that case

Btw, most of soviet aircrafts starting from mig-21

As I stated the F-14 and Su-27 are not equals. Does not matter what variant you’re using there on different plains of existence. Now with that carry on with your discussion with Baron.

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No, there’s no problem.
Problem is, when newbies been crumped by pros, without even chance to resist.
This is discouraging them, and get them to idea leave the game rather then “be better”.

But if they will play with equals - they have equal chances to win/lose, and this will encourage them play better - because they know, that game was fair, and they really can see progress if try improve themselves.

While pros just too much higher, and its almost impossible to reach their level before they fall into despair.

Don’t forget about the huge time head start.

Do you know lot of vets, who try help newbies, especially if they not friends/regiment conscripts?

I know only fistful of guys/girls like that.

And shitton of overall dcks, who just joyfully beat up obviously weaker opponents, in order to later boast about the statistics they have earned, and b̶i̶̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ whine about how their lives are being disturbed by newcomers who play worse than them (or just not tge way how they want), thereby insulting their “refined” taste.

(This, by the way, is the essence of single-respawn players - if they get into a fight with newcomers, they simply shoot from a meta position. If among the opponents there is also an experienced player who smoked them out, from their rooster perch, they immediately lose interest, get offended and leave from the match, justifying themself by saying that “we’ll lose anyway, there’s no point wasting time”, even if team really gets tryhard to win.)

It was launched from an Aircraft Carrier. If any aircraft was to fight the Su-27 over Europe, it would be the F-15 and F-16. The F4U did not fly over Europe just because it could. Your entire point is realistic fights, but this would never happen.

And no Mig-21 should really fight the F-14 Tomcat, but Realistic Matchmaking would mean it could fight even some props.

How about ASU can respawn at any place on the map due, to its air mobility trait?

And against Chieftain (if i get it right) must be at least ASU-85, or even BMD-1/2, with ATGM.

Su-27 can be not only over Europe

In theory - it possible
But in reality it will not happen because of soviet union politics

Dude, the complete opposite. You also cannot claim “level (Insert number here)” has any actual meaning. It doesn’t. Never has and never will. You can be a guy with Level 100 and perform just as badly as people new to the game. Level means nothing. It’s just a silly way to look professional and that’s it.

Gonna ignore the rest of what you said since it has little substance for me to bother reading. Gonna take a page out of Uncle_J_Wick’s book but your welcome to express your opinion even if it is wrong.

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The Russian one would not be anywhere other than Europe realistically.

No. You’re coping hard to prove a point that would fundamentally break the game’s balance. You do not understand what is actually best for the game when you suggest dumb ideas like this.

I am not going to sit and watch as you earnestly try to spread this idea of “Realistic” Matchmaking being our “savior” just because you want to try and weasel and unfair advantage where none actually exist. Your Su-27 would not be better if the game had realistic fights, it would actually be buried in the dirt after being hit by the latest generation NATO ammunition that no Russian Engineer can physically compete with. Russia is already being given things that most of their equipment do not have just to compete. Their tanks rarely have thermals in real life and the T-80BVM doesn’t get the upgraded engine most of the time IRL either.

The idea of Realistic fights would not be fair for anyone and would unnecessarily complicate the game’s matchmaker to a point of absurdity. It’s not only physically impossible, but incomprehensibly stupid to think it would improve the game.