Here is why map sizes are shrinking and will continue to shrink

I have Mozdok thumbed up, Poland thumbed down.
I’d have Pradesh thumbed up if I didn’t like others more.
And I have Campania banned again since legacy Italy was a better trashheep than what we have now.

Mozdok with 3 points is alrigght, but 1 point is suffering

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It is limited to 1 map with premium. Without premium you have nl influence at all.

There is no way, in which the “map filter” helps playing only on maps that you like.

In Mesopotamian times people believed the earth was flat. In Middle ages came the globe theory. It is still argued to this day. Just because someone has written it somewhere it does not mean that it speaks for everyone. It also does not mean that it is right or wrong.

ye I have whined about nonsense, till I learned more about the game. Guess we are all guilty of it in one way or another. I started playing in 2018 on and off. Now it feels, like with the map discussion, the players are being babysat into progression and wins. However, you did bring out some nice points.

Engagement is one thing. But first rule of CS is to never display or endorse anything that is not official to the company. Maybe here people are held to a “lesser” standard.

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It does not matter if they don’t speak for everybody or if they’re right or wrong, they’re a large chunk of the forum.

My favorite fad about it is the whole “CAS bad” thing… It’s almost as if there are dozens of AA in the game for that exact purpose.

Nothing is being displayed or endorsed but their own separate opinion…? There’s a reason why those who shouldn’t talk their opinion on a subject don’t. Those are Community Managers. Every other moderator doesn’t have an obligation to keep quiet about topics they’d like to put input in.

1 map per squad member, up to 4 maps banned.
Which is hilarious.

That is the absolute maximum, yes, but the text speaks of each player eventually only playing on the maps he likes, which doesn’t even remotely work in the game.

are you trolling?

The issue I see is they are taking away the options to use maps to kill people. Like with Hurtgen forrest where they blocked off the sides so you couldn’t flank around to take out people sniping across the fields, or when they took away all the cliffs and sniping positions on El Alamein. Also they blocked off all of the flank routes on American Desert so you can get around everyone camping at A point.
They are trying to make it more of a brawling game which most of the vehicles were not made to do. Like how is IFV supposed to take on a MBT from the front which happens in most cases on these maps.

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I agree with this, the map blacklist system is very flawed and definitely needs a rework. I personally feel like players are not given any power in influencing the map choice and sometimes it seems like some maps are completely “out of rotation” although I don’t really have the data to back this up.

Its hard to speculate on this system with the wide range of maps that are limited to specific BRs and with every person being able to blacklist certain maps.

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What makes you think that? That map size is actually whag I consider to be “decent”, too. Anything larger is fine, too.

that that maps of this size are unplayable. they may be liked either by developers who dont play this game, or by fans of alternative gameplay.

I love them! And do you know what I would also love?

A real map filter, so all these maps can be kept in the game and the players, who want to fight knifefights in vehicles that are made for engagements at 2+km may do that and the others can enjoy large maps.

The current system makes nobody happy and just leads to more and more frustration.

  1. Then do what every tanker would do… check the surroundings, stay in cover, look for covered places you can use to see before you go and and use your damn binoculars.
  2. that is why you learn maps, learn power positions and if you are on the “wrong” side you know exactly where the enemy is… there were literally no position that was invincible. Even the middle mountain on japan was accessible and you could take out the snipers if you knew how.
  3. like in real life.
  4. see #1
  5. that is EXACTLY what makes the game interesting. what makes new maps interesting.

no, it does NOT require you to get close. it requires you to shoot the opponent without getting shot, and that works well on large maps.

100 maps? I call bull. A majority of these “100 maps” are just the cap point being changed to somewhere else. That’s it though. Or the objectives in the air are changed. The other 100 is completely false in this case.

That’s way too many cap points. It works unless this is a game that has an in-game translator and in-game voice communication that uses AI to translate someone’s voice but doesn’t keep it stored as data. Infact i do not see how this could work at all. I fail to see it being even functional.

I’m chuckling at this.

I was just explaining common issues or complaints I see about larger maps.

  1. That still doesn’t address the travel times issue. Most people would rather get killed 30 secs into the battle, than 1:30.
  2. The thing is, there shouldn’t be spots that give a very large advantage, especially if they are 1 sided. However, some spots will be better than others, obviously.
  3. True, but that isn’t the best for gameplay. The best large maps are ones that allow you to move safely, and give you cover. El Alamein and parts of Maginot do that.
  4. I agree, but that doesn’t change the fact it really sucks.
  5. Fair point.

Capping/decapping a point requires you to get close to the cap, which can mean getting close to enemies. Large (4x4km maps or larger) would work great for a dynamic, EC style match.

“As War Thunder is constantly growing and evolving”
Recent beahviour of the snail only shows that the game is devolving.


This also revers to the rest of this post:

It is not only YOU on the map. There are Tanks with weak attack but great armour, there are fast but vulnerable tanks, there are long range tanks/Artillery.
If you choose a Tank, you choose the playstyle. with artillery i dont seek to cap a point, i rather cover the tanks that cap the point. If i see the map and know the map, and i choose the tank, i know exactly what i can do and what not.

This worked brilliantly on the large maps, except for the players that had no idea what they have been doing…

Snipers got to their positions, fast tanks captured the points and tried to hold it until the slower well armoured tanks arrived, your aircraft took out the snipers unless they have been covered by SPAAG and so on… it was a game play where you had to be strategic and think.
Think and wait, i always found the need for patience a very appealing part of this game.

Forcing all these different kinds of tanks into a brawl style head - to - head is simply stupid.
50% of the tanks in the game now have no purpose anymore.
But simple playstyle for simple people, i guess.
The Developers love them.

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