8x8km sounds unrealistically large to someone use to spawns being directly on the border of maps.
Which is my current perspective and concern.
it’s why i specifically mentioned an increase in capture zones as it would increase the amount of hotspots that people would be drawn to and fight around, with some of them being closer to the blue team and some closer to the red team, it would provide an actual incentive for teams to push beyond whatever hull down camping spots there are
I guess I should’ve started with “help me understand how 8x8 could be viable”.
Thank you.
I do apologize for my past negative statements toward you.
I was wrong to make them.
Due to the fact that nearly every map ends in a major spawn camp and every player from one end of the map ends up in the other would it not make sense to have games based on taking ground at the opposing end of the map instead of facing of in the middle?
We have played the same old game for 12 years, maybe its one thing that does actually need changing instead of constantly messing with things that dont.
I had something like this in mind, obviously just quickly thrown together and missing important aspects like terrain types, vegetation, buildings and elevation but it gives you a general idea
I’ve theorized on a gamemode that relies on holding a majority of territory but I could not make it work without it being extremely boring and relying on maps that all look and play almost the same.
There’s also the issue of how holding territory would be determined because i don’t think anyone wants to spend 50% of his match time capturing zones
Another thing that could help make games more exciting is the reintroduction of the temporary capture point mechanic from almost a decade ago where after a certain amount of time a temporary capture point has a cance of spawning in somewhere on the map, which would disappear upon successful capture by one team and drain a small amount of tickets (500-700) from the team that failed to capture it
Company of heroes had good maps .It was about holding areas and gaining things by holding them. It made the game more fluid and less focused on one battle line.
It also had more choke pints such as bridges. The issue with WT overall is that lives are too valuable and you are potentially out after two whereas if we had games where you can just keep going the game would open out more and be played with more confidence.
thanks to that man
I am sure most of the thread will flagged to death by the phantom flagger soon
The issue with WT overall is that lives are too valuable and you are potentially out after two whereas if we had games where you can just keep going the game would open out more and be played with more confidence.
That was the exact issue i ran into trying to make company of heroes style maps work in war thunder, not only is stopping all the time to capture zones boring, but dying is simply too punishing for it to work well
Good points. I wonder how much more fun we would all have if we could use our entire line up before we were out of the game. Might also help the newbies. Less frustration.
Bs. It’s caving to the simps. Clearly the majority hates the smaller maps especially the ones that didn’t need messing with. It’s the usual Gaijin way and it’s fangirls on here praising them.
and still this is how many people arrive in almost top tier, having bought an F4S or whatever
That kinda sucks.
The reason why (that I think) people dislike large maps are:
- Long Travel times. It can get boring driving only to be shot at by someone you couldn’t see
- Power positions. Some large maps have has issues with power positions that can easily shut down a huge part of the map.
- Lot’s of large maps are just not the best. They are often open fields with only a few places you can be safely.
- It isn’t very fun being sniped from someone hiding in a bush on the other side of the map. It makes the player feel helpless and that leads to them not enjoying larger maps.
- Less of an issue with maps, and more of an issue with WT, but learning how to play new maps is a pain. Trying new routes can often get you instantly killed, and this is just amplified on larger maps.
Lastly, large maps don’t work with the current objective system that war thunder has. It requires you to get close. It can also mean that 1 well placed tank can easily prevent anyone from getting to the point to cap/decap it.
I think larger (3x3km+) maps can work in war thunder, but the objective system needs to be reworked. I find the sweetspot for engagement range to be between 250 and 1000m.
You are describing the game here. How about a similar list of issues with small maps in urban areas?
A loud minority isn’t a majority.
Honestly when I first joined the forums I hoped it would be an avenue to talk about a shared absorbing interest in the game and just basically geek out about it. Some of that does happen but you’re right. Most of it is just screeching into the void.
This is the critical factor people always overlook: the respawn mechanic. You’ve hit the nail on the head.
People keep complaining, Gaijin keeps changing maps as a result, and nothing changes. I think about this a lot. When people say “even WoT has better maps” I always think, well, add respawns and CAS to WoT and then come back to me…
The other extreme is games like Battlefield, where respawns are frequent, can restore you to where you died on the map, and lives are cheap.
WT is neither of the extremes aside from air RB. No amount of cosmetic map alterations will make the steamrolling issue go away.
Moderators have the right to express an opinion and you can see five people agreed with it at the point of the capture. We also have bonuses made for activity so its not complete fiction, the game does appreciate the player moving around a little. The forum is littered with opinions on how the game should be played.
The thing is the forum is full of those who want tiny maps so they don have to make any effort driving anywhere, that’s a fact. The whole forum is also full of those screaming for other changes such as rising BR on the last vehicle that killed them or the removal of CAS or bad weather. Its all-player base driven.
I agree with how bad the maps are but is it done at the request of the Fans? I might not see support for the new maps but I still see all the posts requesting them.