enough trolling mate, large maps aren’t going to be removed no matter how many times you demand it
So you think everyone in the world is incorrect… that narcissism.
You just have such an obvious track record of horrifically bad takes that assuming the opposite of your statements as correct generally is a pretty good way of figuring out the state of the game and what needs to be balanced
For example, if you talk about the maps not getting smaller it’s pretty safe to assume that they are in fact getting smaller
In what world is wanting large maps a bad take?
thanks for admitting you hate large maps and demand for their removal
opinion disregarded with extreme prejudice
you failed to address the central point of my post, did you drop out of high school?
Wow you’re making up fictional stories in your head now
Stop attacking everyone that wants larger maps dude.
It’s obvious you’re just here to post trolling posts with your troll friends.
I addressed your post, but that’s only obvious to anyone capable of comprehending English.
So you allegedly 100% agree with me about large maps, but attack me because I’m wrong for wanting large maps…
Make up your mind dude.
And another thread collapses into anarchy.
Just allow it man, its pretty funny. I dont think there has ever actually been anything of value said on the forums, this thread wasnt going to change that
It’s a sad thing when can’t laugh bro :)
It’s basically this, I am up for a reasonable discussion on the map design in this game, however you can’t have that with @AlvisWisla , it’s like playing chess with a pigeon
Dude, thinking people are unreasonable isn’t healthy.
I and many others here are rational, including Teddy.
I refer to my first post here:
Maps generally need to be bigger (like 8kmx8km) and need to have like 5 or 7 capture zones with maybe 1 or 2 of them being located in a place that requires CQB, enlarging maps would also nerf CAS as it would provide more spots for jets to get shot at from, target acquisition would also be slowed as players would be more spread out
The battle timer also needs to be increased but that’s a seperate issue that affects both air and ground realistic
Maximum engagement range for modern tanks is ~5km.
8km means there’s too much of the map that is without engagement.
At 60kph, that’s 8 minutes to cross the entire map, which in a 25 minute limited game is not that feasible either.
I’d love to talk with you about 6x6km though, as I think that’s plausible with my rewards boost idea for larger maps.
new map sizes aren’t shrinking
yeah nah, they literally just shrunk a couple of maps a while ago
try and gaslight someone else
Dude, I literally posted in that same post you read that legacy maps shrunk.
No one’s gaslighting you.
yeah a 8x8 map would need a larger timer, also don’t know what your point is with the 5km engagement range as i heavily doubt sightlines will exceed 4km