Helicopters are unfairly nerfed in comparison with other types of vehicles.
1.Avonics is only modeled for helicopters but not jets.
2.Critically damaged mechanism that prevents repair should be removed for helicopters (see point 3)
3.No helipad protection at all for ground RB
4.MAWS mechanism is bad (there should be a option to turn MAWS-binding to countermeasures by default)
How can helicopters be unfairly nerfed with only one change in comparison to planes and ground vehicles in general? This huge survivability helicopters had just to eat a shell was been for years, and now it has been addressed with few of them with new change, not all.
honnestly heli and cas in general should be nerft even more. It is a tank based game mode, if you want to fly, go in the right game mode, we don’t want any birdy in ground battles
Oh look kamov player wanting to have special treatment bevause he has a skill issue on one of the best helis in game lmao
Shoots a helicopter directly at center mass from the front with MBT dart.
Damage of tail.
Helicopter continues to fly perfectly normal.
Yeah I don’t think your helis are unfairly nerfed.
Ka50/52 are some of the best helis in the game very powerful plus they can out range most SAMs and SPAA platforms (a lot of helicopters can not just the ka50/52) they need a way to be defeated be it better spaa/sams or CAP aircraft costs
What where you thinking making this post
A lot of things I want to say but…no point saying as its all repeated in other posts lol but yea, Helis are already and still are very strong in GRB and soooo incredibly difficult to shoot down than jets…
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This is a lie.
Radar, flight control, etc are modeled on fixed wing aircraft.
No objections for other points.
Top tier helicopter sits 2m above the peak of the hill.
MAW activates.
Dips down few meters in order to dodge a missile.
How are SAMs supposed to counter this gameplay ?
My dude you were somehow able to fly back to your airfield while missing two-thirds of your tail and as far as I can tell your left wing was broken off. Losing your horizontal and vertical stabilizer should make the helicopter uncontrollable above 100 km/h impossible (of which I doubt you stayed below that coming back), but the CoG shift alone should’ve pitched you straight into the ground.
You forget to realize he said avionics, not control and radar systems
If this were the case, where is the classic MiG-27 vibrating the entire instrument panel and making it fall into the lap of the pilot modeled?
u know that is a Ka50 right? U know in WT there isn’t such thing as wind, or even turbulence, so it have no problem flying back as the thing itself is in equilibrium of forces.
Still wouldn’t matter; a gust of wind is nothing to a helicopter in that configuration.
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Actual MiG-23 conducting missions with 30mm gun:
‘Comrade Brezhnev, Banzai!!!’
But it is missing a wing, which means the pilot IRL would need to control the force of lift on the right side, a gust of wind would mean if he doesn’t react: he dead.
Which isn’t possible above 100 km/h, due to the rotors not having enough authority (as even single-rotor helicopters can fly straight above 100 km/h without a functional tail rotor). Any sort of overcorrection, no matter how minor, should cause an uncontrollable crash.
Also, the CoG change should cause the helicopter to crash regardless.
If it’s missing a pylon side, that doesn’t change a thing, only helicopter that would matter on is the Mi-24, as that was the entire reason for the Dihedral wing and pylon configuration. Centrifugal force alone is enough to counteract it.