Heavy tanks loose sense against modern cold war vehicles!

This last update was really good for heavy tanks, mainly for 6.0-6.7 ones. I wish they do the same with the 7.0-7.7 ones, some of them as T32 or T95 still perform pretty bad, too much Heat for them. 7.3 IS-6 is a shame, I think It was well in 7.0 with the IS-3.

Not sure what you are playing, it’s almost always 7.3 and 7.7 games.

When I play the T32E1 and M103, 8.0 or 8.3 is far more common.

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You are really lucky.

Yeah, most of the times I’m uptiered too, a crazy nightmare.

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No, apparently facts say 7.3s mainly get 7.3s due to reasons:

How about we shift all heavy tanks in the game 0.3-1.0 BR lower, but given them an even greater Spawn Cost (maybe match that of a plane?), so that it will be impossible to spawn them as your first spawn? It will make their armour actually significant, without making other tank classes obsolete.

As I played heavy tank - Tiger 2 H (6.7 BR, rank 4), faced against early MBT T-54 (1947), I’d lose, unless I end up flanking it somehow.
But, good luck actually trying to flank anything with this oversized chonker of a cat.

The biggest annoyance personally is that I have no way to fight it from the front (aside from pixel sniping the turret, but, seriously? pixel sniping in a heavy tank?), while it can easily destroy the Tiger 2 H with no issue.
Why are Tiger 2s supposed to face these things? They stand no chance.

The idea of heavy tanks would be that they are large and heavy, they can have high firepower and armor, at the cost of speed.
They should be able to either withstand whatever is thrown at them from the front, or have firepower to destroy anything anything in their way, or a combination of the two.
Their weakness should be overall slow speed and vulnerability to flanking.

With these early MBTs, it can neither withstand their fire, nor can easily destroy them.
Worse still, even flanking is not needed to take them out.
Why are they here?

As for IFVs (like the pt 76) - they are a bit out of place facing against tanks of World War 2, but at least it’s not as obvious - these might be powerful with missiles and modern shells, however, they can be destroyed easily. So they are pretty much glass cannons with mobility.

So, yes, heavy tanks basically become pointless the moment some of the early MBTs appear.


Yeah, 7.0 mainly sees 7.3, there is not a lot of 7.0 vehicles in game. But seeing 8.3 vehicles is scarier than 8.0 ones xd. Some vehicles from other lineups as T32 maybe can go to 7.0 to make It more possible to play in that BR. And in that way you don’t break really interesting lineups as the IS-6 IS-3 one and made new ones as T32 T95 ones.

These tanks should just be balanced on attributes. NOBODY here wants performance based repair costs, or in this case a synonymous ammo cost charge back just because the vehicle is decent.

Just raise BR until it’s fair. Simple.

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Performance based repair costs ended months ago, and I agree that performance based repair costs were bad.

Maybe not so hight as a plane but It could work. I think you should be able to spawn one at the start of the battle but spawning the second one should be harder. Some heavys need to spawn at the start or they can’t even reach the battlefield xd. And if you want to play heavys is nice not having to play another thing first. So first heavy should be able of spawn at the start of the battle.

Performance based repair costs ended months ago

nobody said otherwise

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Yeah, some heavys against first MBTs are almost useless, you have 90% posibilities of loosing. It doesn’t make sense to use a heavy tank and face an enemy that can pen you everywhere, that you can’t pen almost anywhere and that can outruns you easely. Meds and lights are the ones supposed to flank, but against those vehicles you have to flank It, hide or aim really well for the weak spot (this last option usually ends with the heavy without artillery because the enemy can shoot you everywhere and have stabilization in it’s gun). Lots of the last heavys are in this situation :(

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To be fair I see a large variety of up/down/middle tiering so just luck of the draw. Players are not actually known for their savvy lineup choices 😉

Nah, you could select as your first spawn some lower BR heavy you have in the lineup, but not the “normal” one (if that makes sense)

Let’s not forget that you play in a Tiger II, which has at least a good reload time.
Thos IFVs are sometimes even more annoying than MBTs when you throw a 120+mm shell in them and just kill the commander. By the time you’re done reloading, they destroyed both of your tracks, the gun and killed half your crew.


It’s funny when you’re one shotting heavy tanks but then a milk truck shows up and it absorbs shells and there is nothing you can do about it.


Gaijin has to think in the people with bad luck too :(

I think using a heavy in a lineup where the heavy isn’t the top tier is a bad idea. You are fighting even more advanced enemies.