Heavy tanks loose sense against modern cold war vehicles!

Performance based repair costs ended months ago

nobody said otherwise

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Yeah, some heavys against first MBTs are almost useless, you have 90% posibilities of loosing. It doesn’t make sense to use a heavy tank and face an enemy that can pen you everywhere, that you can’t pen almost anywhere and that can outruns you easely. Meds and lights are the ones supposed to flank, but against those vehicles you have to flank It, hide or aim really well for the weak spot (this last option usually ends with the heavy without artillery because the enemy can shoot you everywhere and have stabilization in it’s gun). Lots of the last heavys are in this situation :(

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To be fair I see a large variety of up/down/middle tiering so just luck of the draw. Players are not actually known for their savvy lineup choices 😉

Nah, you could select as your first spawn some lower BR heavy you have in the lineup, but not the “normal” one (if that makes sense)

Let’s not forget that you play in a Tiger II, which has at least a good reload time.
Thos IFVs are sometimes even more annoying than MBTs when you throw a 120+mm shell in them and just kill the commander. By the time you’re done reloading, they destroyed both of your tracks, the gun and killed half your crew.


It’s funny when you’re one shotting heavy tanks but then a milk truck shows up and it absorbs shells and there is nothing you can do about it.


Gaijin has to think in the people with bad luck too :(

I think using a heavy in a lineup where the heavy isn’t the top tier is a bad idea. You are fighting even more advanced enemies.

That was the “rule” when I started Ground, so it is odd that arguments about a heavy versing x,y,z in a full up-tier spring up to try and defy the inevitable situations.

These are two separate arguments, however.

“I should not spawn a heavy in this situation because it will worsen my odds to win” is an operational consideration you, the player, take in-game in reaction to the balance you’re given.

“There should be more situations in which it’s competitive to spawn a heavy” is a balance discussion instead; one that argues the balance we’re given should be altered.

And I agree. In a game built around capping points, heavies are already penalised as a general rule. Now add that they cost more to spawn; are less likely to get an early cap; that light vehicles give you the air strike point discount on top of scouting; that light vehicles at several BRs have comparable firepower, and their broken damage model also makes them quite survivable. And finally, that most of the matches you’ll ever play, are uptiers, which heavies are inherently more sensitive to.

So, how many matches out of ten would it be worth to spawn in with a heavy, do you think?

I still do it because I like them. But there is almost always a more competitive option if you’re purely trying to win.

All vehicles in game should be competitive, and classes should have more or less equal tradeoffs resulting in different playstyles. That’s my subjective opinion, anyway.


I agree with this.

The game should be made so heavies are balanced in their respective BR range. Light tanks are broken.


Of course we must also remember that not all heavies are made equal. Some (the Tiger I for example) are actually very mobile and quite versatile. The ones that really, really suffer the current “meta” are those that sacrifice a lot of their performance triangle in exchange for their armour.

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100 % agree, all vehicles should be competitive. Heavys in general have problems because its armor doesn’t perform as It should be, mainly over 6.7 BR the biggest problems for heavys appear. Lights in this game are really strong and have lots of advantages, good firepower, movility and even survivavility.
Of course some heavys perform really well as the Tiger 1, It is really good if you know how to angle It.

I still play heavy tanks because I like them and I don’t really care about loosing or winning a battle, I just want to have fun. But with some vehicles having fun is really hard.
Heavys need the armor to perform ok, they can’t fight against things that completely ignore the armor with their modern weapons.

Those last updates were really good for most heavys, I wish they do more changes like that.
Gaijin, the heavys need your help!!!

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Churchills. Starts at 4.7.

6.7 is end of the sweetspot and Heavies after that are failed ideas which fell to MBTs and IFVs becoming the backbone (5 second fag packet analysis. That’s cigarettes for non UK).

Later heavies come into the merge with Modern Thunder and just like many other vehicles are there for collectors and role players. I admit the game changed a fair bit since when heavies had a more dominant position.

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The game is set up by performance, not fun. Which is what I see as an unfixable flaw which means well intended changes just muck up something else. So a pursuit to give more love the heavies. Often is the case that there is no even spread of heavies across nations at relative BRs.

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Of course there are heavys in lower BRs that have lots of problems like Churchills or even the first heavy, the B1 Bis. Over 6.7 we still have some heavys from last days of WW2 that could fight against each other as T32, Maus, IS3, IS4…
It would be really nice to play all the heavys of the game being able of enjoying their armor. But at least the heavy vehicles whose only strong point is armor should be able of using It.

Exactly! , There’s another complain that i personally think that you guys are mentioning enough , is the 15 sIg. That mf is overpowered for BR 1.0! it clearly needs an uptier!


Is this the War Thunder Competition of 2024 ?

"If you have lost more than 50 matches in a row, you will be entered into the draw for 1,000,000 RP*

The 1,000,000 RP can be used for several unknown purposes in War Thunder

Competition expires on 31.12.2024

I have unwillingly become part of this competition - and I wonder, because I only make up 1/16 of a team - and it cannot possibly be ME alone who is the deciding factor for my team to lose constantly. This is simply mathematically an impossibility.

This is a win-win situation … If you WIN a lost battle, then you WIN some RP’s … you know, those fantastic prices you can win in War Thunder. Lucky YOU !

The heart of the problem is Gaijin’s flawed idea of what ‘balance’ is…

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