Heavy tanks loose sense against modern cold war vehicles!

Last sentence means you can’t use the “I can kill” argument to explain the BR of a vehicle because with enought skill you can kill really good vehicles with really bad ones.
And T32E1 only has in common with Maus It has a good frontal armor, at least for WW2 vehicles, for modern vehicles It doesn’t has armor at all. Maus has good side armor and a good gun meanwhile T32E1 has good depression and movility, that’s balanced.
So you admit that 7.7 is heavily compressed?

Oh, you’re admitting 7.7 is compressed now. Nice.

I have been saying 7.7 is compressed since the first post of this forum. That’s why they should make a barrier to keep heavys safe for all that modern stuff.

Then neither of us are admitting anything because we never argued against it. :)
Also some stuff should stay at 7.7/8.0/8.3.
BMP1 should stay within heavy tank range. It’s bad. :)

Amazing :()
I think a new start BR with vehicles like BMP, T92, M46 and that kind of stuff that are not really good could work really well. Like a 1.0 for cold war after the WW2 top tier.
In that way WW2 vehicles don’t have any problem with modern vehicles and all those bad cold war vehicles are in a BR where they don’t find dangerous menaces.

No, there should be cold war stuff against heavies still, just not as much.
Maus has no problems against M46, some T-54s, Centurions, etc after all.

For example WW2 ends with a top tier made by T32E1, Is-4, Maus, etc in 7.7.
Cold war starts at 8.0 but 7.7 or below can’t enter 8.0 battles.
First Cold War BR (8.0) has vehicles as M46, BMPs, T-54, T92, M103, T-10. The Next BR 8.3 could be M47 or M48, Leopard, another version of T-54… 8.7 start with more modern stuff as T-55 and M60… Looking for balanced vehicles, I can’t say how they will be because I didn’t play all the vehicles of the game, but you get an idea.

Technically, cold war starts in 1949. Which at least one T-54 variant is not cold war.
M46 isn’t cold war either.
But yeah, M103 would stay 7.7 regardless. Along with M48, M47, etc.
You don’t balance based on year, you balance based on effective performance.
T-54 will never be 8.7 nor should it. Unless you want Maus at 8.7.

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Yeah, but they are not from WW2 too, they are in the middle.
What I said is based on balance, so heavys will be able of using its armor and the other vehicles will be in a BR where they can kill each other without many problems.

Dude, there’s nothing about me that is “Gaijin mouthpiece” nor corporate.
I also posted zero disruptive things. No one is in the corner staring at you.

@re4l_t4nquex Which doesn’t matter. If they’re effective beyond their years then it’s fine that they fight what they’re still effective against.


Why is everyone assuming that? I have only 1 Account.

Then don’t parrot others’ provocations against other players.
We’re here to play & communicate. Let’s not antagonize others.

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The T32E1 is nothing like the Maus. The Maus is too slow, has too much armor and a gun that can pen almost anything it faces. Not to mention the made up APHEDS. The T32E1 has a strong turret but its hull armor is nothing special and its gun has been nerfed by Gaijin. It doesn’t even get the ammo designed for it.


Yeah, vehicles should face another vehicles that are in a close capacities level, that’s why this post tryes to move heavy tanks out of modern vehicles menace, because against them heavy tanks have low chances of survival.

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Is nobody here aware that gaijin said they plan to decompress cold war?

bad take.

I brought that up earlier but it’s going to take considerable decompression for vehicles like the T32E1 and Maus to not fight late Cold War MBTs.


Agreed that they shouldn’t fight late cold war tanks.
Only early to arguably mid.

define late cold war mbts?

Here’s what I said:

“I brought that up earlier but it’s going to take considerable decompression for vehicles like the T32E1 and Maus to not fight late Cold War MBTs.”

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