Heat (fs) in WW2 era

Do I suddenly have to play a tank to know it’s downsides? It’s a good gun on a terrible platform- Like the IKV 103 at 4.0. You have to either snipe with it, or hope your enemy has the most sluggish reaction time and peripheral awareness in the world- which, to be fair, against the average heavy tank player is a given :P

If I had a dollar for every time a Kraut Main complained about HEATFS…

I’d have so much money.

If he had battles in it and claimed it was terrible, it would be 1 thing, but having no battles in a vehicle and saying its bad generally trends towards a vehicle being relatively poor in the average users hands, as afterall, the persons experience fighting them is to consider them relatively simple to deal with.

Question people who say something is amazing without using it, not people who say something is poor without using it with that kind of scrutiny lol.

Its why I questioned the chap earlier about the Ratel and using it (though from their profile looks like they have never used them)… because they talked as if it was very mobile, when it isnt lol.

obligatory ratel fighting (and frightening) german heavy mains gif

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I’d say the Firefly is more of a moneybadger.

Basically yes. If you want support something you need a real experience in otherwise your words are empty.

You should use that money for buy some skill for the allied mains, mybe with that help they can lear how to play the M51 LOL.

Much better, question both because dont have fukg idea what they are talking about ; )

Nah, you do not need to have explicitly played a vehicle to know if it is good or bad. Case and point example vehicle, Stormer HVM, most people will have never used it, most people know its a critically flawed SAM system if there is any kind of latency for the user, server or target aircraft. Personally I usually (when gaijin doesnt bug it out) think the Stormer HVM is an extremely effective SAM when it isnt being outranged by other SAM systems on your own side, but thats because I have good net, but my view of the system is going to be massively different to most people who played it.

This shows us the other side of the coin, 2 people can play the same vehicle and have completely opposite views of the vehicle, its personal preferences. This also shows how “you have to play the vehicle to talk about it” is moot too.

Playing a vehicle can help you to shape and develop your knowledge of said vehicles quirks, but you dont have to have played it to know them, you can do a thing called “applying your base knowledge” on to things and also watch youtube vids showcasing them, if you have played Shermans, you generally know how Shermans do things, you dont need to play all Shermans to talk about Shermans for example.

So long as what the person says generally is correct (such as it being a Sherman Chassis with a bouncy gun) they are not really wrong, if they view it as a simple and easy to kill target, maybe its because most people who use them generally are?


To be fair, anyone who has played the Sherman knows that it gets more challenging to play as its firepower increases becuase nothing else gets a significant improvement.

If you’ve played the M36B2, you’ve played the M-51, with the except better in all the ways that count, (Mobility, gun handling and reload).

It’s at 5.7, funny has the M36B2 been complained about yet?


M36 can be oneshoted by a single HE and is vulnerable to planes machineguns by the way his HEATFS should be removed aswell.

Do you just carry around HE loaded, or do you carry APHE that can easily one-shot either anyways? :P


Was anything I said wrong? Does it not rock more than any other Sherman ingame? Does it not have terrible armor for 6.0? Does it get a short-stop stabilizer?

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Is unecesary.

So according to most of the people here M51 and similar are fine basically for two reasons, poor amor and unreliable HEAT.
Well thats means Leopard 1 should return to 7.3, RU-251 to 6.7, SPz LGS to 6.0 and so on. And of course add proto leopard 1 armed with 90mm gun and capable of firing HEATFS to i dont know 6.0 ?? due the lack of armor and poor postpen HEAT???

This is ignoring the M51 also has mediocre mobility and poor gun depression. What do the Leo 1, RU 251, and SPz all have in common that the M51 doesn’t?

…The SPZ can also pull some pretty ridiculous BS due to the fact that its cannon doesn’t have any crew modelled, so going hull-down in it essentially makes you invulnerable to almost anything that isn’t high-caliber HE, not to mention hard to spot.

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And here is where mask are removed. Germany WW2 stuff can face lolpen postwar tanks but the other dont…

I have it, I’ve used it in many custom battles, and I’ve faced it. I’d say I’m pretty qualified to speak on it :P

For an April Fools war thunder should re-release the 1.41 version of the game Warcraft Classic style as a trial, but then only make it available to players with active Premium Accounts.

Literally everything 1.3 BR+ faces post-war tanks, and the “lolpen” ones are faced at ~3.0+ with the good ol Sav m/43 (1946)

99.9% of the time conventional tanks are better then the oft-complained about “op” postwar vehicles- I will always take a Pvkv m/43 over a Ikv.

That is the only difference to the normal M36, without the shell it would be pointless.

Most, if not all of the time dying to these tanks is a skill issue- APHE is overall a far better round then HEST-FS, and due to their light armor you can shoot them basically anywhere. Your shot will likely kill, theirs relies on luck.

I in no way fear M-51s. Sure, they have a powerful gun that will rip through my armor like paper, but they are bouncy and have basically no armor.

In summary: Cope, seethe, mald, and eat 105mm HEAT-FS in your 3.0 tank <3


Not that I disagree with moving the M-51 up a bit, but a 6.0 Panther can do worse things to 5.0 heavy tanks than the M-51 lol.

If you remove the HEAT-FS from the M36B2 you should move it down to 5.3 or even 5.0. As the M36B2 itself is worse than the 5.3 M36, only thing that makes it 5.7 is the HEAT-FS.

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Dont even need a 6.0 panther.

The 4.7 sherman firefly can lolpen 5.7 and 6.0 heavies (and heavies pretending to be mediums) frontally.

And the 5.3 challenger even more so. Unless shell shattered happens, it will frontally pen no matter what it points at.

Both of which are ww2 tanks (even if one barely saw service compared to the other).