Heat (fs) in WW2 era

Yeah dude, we have been arguing this exact point this whole time.

By the way if a trash player like me can obtain 2 nukes with M51 i think everybody can to??

The tank is fine, the BR is fine, Heat is fine. The only issue is the player.

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No is not fine is a undertired. Should be 6.3 or 6.7 not higher. And yes you are right just becuase the average M51 player is a stupid allied main thats is not a excuse for his actual low BR.

6.3 I could see, putting it equal to the charioteer which has similar pen but less reliable (shell shattered by behated, and no OP), but has a much better platform.

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Who is overperforming though? Is it you or is it the tank? I would argue that most people aren’t able to have the same success you have. You are able to work around a tank hull that is BR 3.3 in performance with a 8.0 Gun, most players can’t account for that weakness and until they learn to, the tank is going to stay where it is.

I THINK the average placements also accounting for no death leaving, like you hate that shit map and leaves during the loadout screen without spawning, I believe the game count you as dead last because you will have 0 mission points.

Also high placement means your mission score is all time high, high mission score doesn’t necessarily mean the player is good, if you have >80% placement but 1.2kdr then I could see your average match scoring 5 kills with 5 deaths, such playstyle cost the team a lot of tickets and also you feed the enemy a lot of sp to send reinforcement, and possibly CAS with the best loadout. So I still prefers having little deaths and high kill count as opposed to high mission points and high deaths counts, I don’t want to feed the enemy sp to come back with a CAS to nuke my team


There are only 8 tanks with rank V and 7.0 BR. So is very rare.

The problem is you dont have any.

The tank and looks like the most of the player do pretty well.
Screenshot - 2024-09-27T145157.207

So you played the m51 in a full uptier, for its current br, and got a nuke? I thought you meant that you took it in a 7.0 line up.

What? I have played the m51 like a hundred times.

Reminds me of when i checked the javelin on that website and it said it had an 80% win rate with a k/d of like 4

No evidence to back it up but I doubt that thunderskill is representative of the general player base in any case

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Of course you face 7.0 but they are mostly rank IV.

Sorry i think you are the other guy with 0 battles played.

TS is much better than the word of people actually never touched the tank.

Hard to say. It only has stats for people who go out of there way to stat check so I usually assume that the stats are inflated. Plus it can show very odd stats for lesser played vehicles depending on who is playing them for the last month.

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So you put it in a 7.0 line up and got a nukes in full down tiers? Sounds like getting a nuke in a full uptier in its current br but with extra steps?

I have gotten a nuke, well 20sp away, in a tiger while in full uptiers. If i was getting nukes with a tiger1 while fighting matches with 7.0-8.0, then that would be different.

1.9 is actually pretty low for thunderskill, for comparison the M1A1 Click-Bait sits at 1.93. The frags per battle is so high because you get 3 respawns instead of 1.


(I’m an idiot I got this wrong)

There’s only one Markimash and they 113 battles between the M51 and M51(W), dude you are really bad arguing a point why can’t your discussions be more like you k/d

To be fair, he mistook me as you. Seems like an honest mistake.

No the mistake was they guy i show above, thats all.

(I’m an idiot I got this wrong)

Must be mistaking both of us… cause I’ve got few more battles than you

I see what you mean, sorry

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Lack of source cited

If you are getting “outclassed” by a heat slinging shitboxes then it is a you problem. The three you mention are probably the least threatning tanks on their BRs.

You keep looking at raw pen values which mean nothing, heat slingers ar balanced by their fragility and lack of post pen.

You can spot enemy first and kill it with ease. You can receive a first blow and often survive it. You can often damage with your mg. You can target it for your cas to shred. You can artillery strike it.

All you asking is to be able to charge forward and not think.


Case closed, entire thread for discard.


Having just had a game in my cent mk3 where that thing ate like a million shots from enemy tanks, I feel another thing that leads to heat-fs complaints is map size. Like, the cent could survive getting hit by HEAT-FS just fine. Sure, it was a full downtier but that means it fought the tanks a tiger 2 could fight (6.7-7.7).

I think big part of that survivability was thanks to the large fields of poland making it much harder to hit ammo rack and raking the entire turret crew at 500 meters rather than ~50-150 the usual map has.

Experienced the same with APDS. Frontally penning a panther up close is a guaranteed kill at point blank with charioteer. Shooting many hundreds of meters away, I still pen but end up turning a lot of the crew yellow/orange rather than rake through driver/gunner/commander as originally intended.