Heat (fs) in WW2 era

I don’t play it, but every time it shows up its a free food for my hull down T34, the turret cheek seems to be able to take it just fine, but every hits taken result in at least one dead crews, sometimes non-critical damage like damage to the mg, that’s about it.


Is pretty clear dont derail the topic.

I have played it a bit. I find it to be like a lot of tds. Bad in like 90% of situations but really good in 10% of them. Like a dicker max how it sucks in any cqc map but does great when you have an open map with sniping spots.

Both do great in sniping situations but the second you get any sights on you, you are in deep trouble.

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Haha okay dude


The problem you are talking about isn’t that they are fighting more modern tech, it’s that they are fighting high penning vehicles. The fact that they are mostly more modern doesn’t matter cause this game is balanced by performance not history.


I was going to let this go but pettiness got the better of me.

KV-1s can face a tank can lolpen and oneshot T-54s for God sake!!!
This tank have a overall good perform and is insane 5.0 heavy tanks can face this abomination. This tank and m109 need move up asap!!!

Me: Yeah, but the KV-1s can also lol-pen the M-51.

You again:

Kv-1 can lolpen RU-251 so lets move the RU to 6.0 right??? Stop using that stupid argument please.

Is it a stupid argument when you’re making it? or only when I’m bringing it up.

Also, seeing as you’re pretty confident in your opinion and have shown us evidence of your matches and scores. Why don’t you run it in a 6.7 or 7.0 match and show us how awesome it is. I mean why argue when you can just uptier the vehicle yourself and show us how comfortable and capable it is at higher BRs


Both nukes are above 6.7.

OP of course only plays tanks on the receiving end of these supposedly problematic heat throwers and yet somehow has no problem doing well enough in his Tiger II’s. I don’t know who’s experience you’re pretending to speak from, but it isn’t your own.

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Where are these?


It’s a 6.0 vehicle. Above 6.7 means 7.0. I’m talking about 7.7 or an 8.0 match which is what the uptiers will be if the vehicles gets moved up in BR like you’re suggesting.

Let me know if I need to be any clearer.

Chef’s kiss hahahahaha


This is going in my scrapbook

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Ok, when the idiots of Gaijin fix the actual map dissater for sure i play this tank in uptiers but that not gona change nothing here.

Rank does not matter
Destroyed a vehicle 1-2 BR ranks higher.
Skill matters
Destroyed a vehicle 2-5 BR ranks higher.
Destroyed the most vehicles of one rank higher. Can’t be fewer than 5 vehicles. No Multiplier.

Now can you show us your stats with M-51, please???

Now can you show us your stats with M-51, please???

Bro you are gonna wear the Jumbo out.

Edit Also:

Your All-time k/d is exceptional, you must be really proud (sincerely, no sarcasm). Also, who are you playing with that is outscoring you to the point that your average place in the in the team is in the lower 26%?

Edit agian: or am I reading that stat backwards?

You are telling me that you played a rank 4 tank in a 7.0 match and didnt kill a single rank 5 while getting 2 nukes?

Why should I?
If my stats are good, you will say “this is proof it is op”
If my stats are bad, you will say “you are so bad that you cant do well in an op tank”



HEAT? Yes.

Late-war anti-tank guns, hand-held anti-tank rifles and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers were all equipped with HEAT shells. The german panzershreck allowed infantry to penetrate over 200 mm of armour

They tried to add it to tank guns - and did to Assault Guns/Stugs! Also tried putting it on planes.

However, guns suffered somewhat due to rifling making the jet weaker than it could be. So, they started trying to add fins to HEAT shells and well…

Technically HEAT-FS from 1941ish.


“this is proof it is op”

Nah he’ll call it a stupid argument and tell you not to derail the topic

Should I tell him that I prefer the tiger 1 over the m51?

I find it to be a much better platform with a much more consistent/deadly round. Only lose out on total pen which isnt much of any issue in most cases since the tiger 1’s round still basically pens everything frontally.


snickers in petty bickering yeah you totally should

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Thats why skeep practically all modern/urban shit maps. By the way if a trash player like me can obtain 2 nukes with M51 i think everybody can do??