Have War Thunder Lost its roots? Did modern vehicles ruin this game?

To me it is just a way to win the game without the need of team when I do good enough.

I don’t see the issue with the mechanic but rather with how it is implemented.

I see players neglecting their teams because they want the nuke.

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If You get 2500 SP points then You have done enough for the team.

Any action that can be considered ‘for getting the nuke’ is good for the team.

Spawncamping while the rest of your team is getting rekt trying to play the objective comes to mind.


By spawncampign You are killing enemy reinforcements thus helping the team.

Sure, but if the enemies that already ran past you smoke your team, you are useless.

You are not if Your team is able to kill someone, and he decides to spawn.

ahh, a Spawncamping debate, Joy.

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Sorry but no matter how we look at it, spawncamping is one of the best tactics in the game.

idc, do whatever you want. ill be back at spawn with my Strv 42 DT stopping the m18 horde. So do what you want. ill do my thing

Not really, because you have a enemy you can’t even damage, for a solid 30 seconds if they don’t move, and they can kill you.

If You are doing tactic wrongly, then it won’t work well.

Considering most spawns are wide-open, have fun getting behind cover, or retreating when you try to spawn camp. While it works, it’s a very degenerate thing to do.

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In all maps You can spawncamp without the need to show Yourself to the enemy while he has spawn protection.

No matter what You feel about it, it is one of the best tactics.

If you guys could not wander so far off topic, that’d be great…

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The topic is rather vague though.

Factually wrong

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Provide examples

Every air arcade map? How are you supposed to spawncamp with impunity without any obstacles? If you can shoot them, the spawning planes can also shoot you… Simple as that.

At the time You are going to engage them, they will no longer have spawn protection, no one talks about their inability to shoot You back.

At the moment I’m going to limit the points I make to ground battles.

This should have happened sooner. More intelligent is making the claims just about ground in the first place.

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