Gaijin has already announced officially that every nation is soon to get SAMs that will be EVEN BETTER than Pantsir, so the real solution to the CAS issue is at hand already- and it’s not mixed battles. It’s nations getting balanced vehicles and counterparts.
Not allowing people to queue with their premiums while having no TT vehicles of that nation/tier combo. With this you would immediately get rid of all those Level 0 wallet warriors that installed the game 45 minutes ago. This alone would noticeably increase the average skill level of US top tier player.
Great I cant wait for the slop to finally be fixed this time next year! Meanwhile the game is unplayable for US players.
Correct - if we wanted to play WoT instead of WT we wouldnt be here playing WT. It is fun in its own right, just is different which is fine.
As far as mixed matches are concerned, im not really a fan of them either. I wouldn’t mind a few mixed matches thrown into the MM when balance starts to get blown out a little, like how air rb does it - but it is the lazy solution & would prefer to keep the overall more historical feel at least while playing rb (for arcade who cares anything goes there anyway). They just (as always) need to place a bit more emphasis on bolstering the weaker nations in certain area’s they need help in.
even things like ITO 90 in the game should be able to track and intercept KH-38 without problem that would be great step
Bro are you literally insane? Yes I bought this 70 dollar premium that I cant use, so are you also suggesting locking the purchase of premiums to players who have not already played? Do you understand how dumb that is?
Yes hello BVVD stop making money for the company thanks.
also yes I also want to have to grind for 100+ hours just for the privilege of buying a 70 dollar digital content pack. What a joke.
yeah, like jump straight to higher tier even that players never play a single match at high tier before is great idea
and see what happen? they got stomp because they don’t have idea how high tier even works.
My approach to the Premium issue is a bit different.
I would just say;
To solve the one-death leaving/lack of lineup matters:
1- Allow them to spawn 2x backups per match instead of 1.
2- Include up to 200 backups with the purchase of a Premium Top Tier vehicle; just enough so they can spawn 2-3 times per match until they unlock new Tech Tree vehicles that they could add to their lineup.
To solve the skill/knowledge matter:
3- Introduce a comprehensive and MANDATORY tutorial, comprised of at least 2 missions (key binding settings and features/mechanics explanation, and a PVE match), for every player who unlocks Top Tier (that includes newcomers purchasing Premium Top Tier vehicles).
That way, the Premium players aren’t gatekept from playing, but they are forced to gather at very least basic notions (about controls, features, etc) before joining live matches.
Keep in mind that mixed MM can happen. It just happens VERY rarely. Couple days ago I had a match where Russia was on both teams
As I said, those problems are easily solvable but they won’t do it. They chose to monetize the wrong part of the game.
Instead of making premiums unique vehicles that’ll enhance your TT lineups, they’ve gone the other way around making copy paste premiums that serve no purpose other than being pay2progress.
Kind of a crazy solution, running a pure premium/event lineup isnt a problem - as long as they are trying to contribute its fine by me. A problem which i think most would agree should be addressed is one death leavers, but thats not a good way to deal with it and just would screw over new players which is not a good thing for the game - what i think they should do is just put a timer on your lineup if you don’t spawn in more than once. If a new player doesnt have anything else at that br, thats fine - you can be helpful even with lower br stuff by capping points and scouting people, or just use a backup spawn with your premium vehicle.
There is no problem with pay to progress, not everyone has 10hr + a day to pump into this game, you regularly see players who have played for 5+ years with a single nation unlocked. The problem is not easily solvable, wait it actually is. You make MM all mixed so that the one spawn andies are on both teams and then they +everyone else in the game has more fun and is fair for both the premium andy and you.
all good suggestions
ODL wallet warriors infecting certain tiers isn’t healthy for the game either.
Happens every time during event that give interesting vehicle, I still remember spending the entire day fighting my comrades in object 292 lol literally USSR on USSR violence, now I understand what mods means by “mathematically possible matchmaking”
i agree, ODL is a big issue - but there are other ways of tackling it without punishing people just trying to grind the game or play their favorite era with a premium
I do agree that the digital content packs should give more backups. Its pixels and they only give you 20 what a joke. I think that the 2x spawn thing is fine but only a certian number of games otherwise those premiums are literally just better than tech tree tanks full stop. Maybe like 100 games or so.
Mandatory tutorial I dont know depends on how its implemented.
Here, I went to go have a quick spam match to prove a point. I am a 0.8 KD player. Defos the game that needs fixing.
I even had enough to bring F15E with AIM120 and AGM
You’d need to make sure both teams have equal number of ODL people.
You’d also have 16v16 games being reduced to 5v5 in matter of minutes, which isn’t fun for many people.
ODL wallet warriors have no beneficial effect on the gameplay, they’re just dead weight.
It’s not like ODL is exclusive to Premium players.
I keep seeing people on T-80BVMs, Leclercs, and many other TT vehicles ODL’ing pretty much every match.
Yet “Wallet Warriors” are always used as scapegoat and claimed to be the problem…
The thing about Premium players ODL’ing is that they don’t do it by choice, like those Level 100s with 7 vehicle lineups that ODL after rage-quitting or because they don’t like the map; Premium players ODL because they don’t have an alternative- which is why I suggest the increased amount of backups included with the purchase of such vehicles and the ability to spawn 2x backups per match instead of 1x.