Ground RB at 12.0 and higher should be all mixed

Don’t mind it as long as both sides has good counter against CAS to reduce their population, as a tank main I don’t spent all my time and money researching my top tier MBTs just to get slap with a CAS timer.

In my case, I don’t hate WoT- it gave me two years of fun before War Thunder existed and I have sweet and fond memories of it…

It’s just that War Thunder was supposed to be different than WoT- it’s the whole point of it…

It’s like the CoD vs Battlefield debate. One isn’t better than the other, they are just different games for different audiences with different preferences- so what would be the point of one attempting to imitate the other? That’s when games lose their identity in attempts at appealing to wider audiences instead of staying loyal to their own.

Both sides would have pantsirs so yup. or at least have the possibility to have them, which is better than 0% currently,

Just because some other nation is carrying you, doesn’t mean your nation is fun/worth to play. Your Merkavas will get trashed by top dogs, regardless of who is in your team. Yes, you might have higher WR but the core issue would remain.

One alternative to mixed battles is a MM system where struggling nations would always have at least one of the stronger ones in their team, so GER/RU/SWE teams couldn’t happen.

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I am impressed by the importance people give to Win Rates about everything else.

Yes, with mixed matchmaking, everyone would have a 48-54% WR.

No, with mixed matchmaking, your SAMless Israel with its sad Merkavas wouldn’t be any better to play.

Just because your team is carried to victory by other nations, it doesn’t make your nation balanced.


Do you know what I dont have sweet memories of? Playing USA top tier, because every match im forced to play with majority clickbaits vrs russian cas and either 2a7s or 122s.

FFs I didn’t hate toward WoT because what they are it has their own game design targeting different group players
like this game targeting other different group of players
but asking this game to be more like WoT is what disgust me.

Yes, it is a video game that with a focus towards realism and immersion not world of tanks arcade shooty scooty

Drive forward into, die. Call hacks, respawn CAs, die - blame Russian bias. - WT Player Logic

And then here - let me help you with thought process

Understanding the Problem: > Gathering Information: > Analyzing and Connecting Ideas: > Considering Options or Solutions: > Decision-Making: > Reflecting and Refining:

Breakdown : Problem - CLICKBAIT DUMB
Info : Player - Match behavior and knowledge
Analyzing and Connecting Ideas : Gaijin FIX or Player Fix Skill Issue
Considering Options or Solutions : Best to Worst
Decision-Making : - Core design and intent of the game, why players came to the game in the first place
Reflecting and Refining : - Solution & affect

Best example to date of a company holding player hands and making the game easier is World of Warcraft. It has become such a problem to the company and community that you are now able to again go back and sub to WoW Classic.

“Quote - Must be nice to have a participation trophy”

Again you are so so close to getting it. The point isnt to make (insert non meta minor nation here) more balanced its to make it so that every nation has A CHANCE TO WIN thats fair. Right now average players are losing 60% of their games playing or playing with USA . That isnt fair, the point is to make it fair.

Advocate for a change that will neuter ODL and wallet warrior spam then. This is a issue affecting plenty of nations/tiers, top tier USA is just one out of the bunch.

You cannot solve the one death leaving issue. Gaijin has sown those seeds and now must adapt to the crop that has grown. This is the most pragmatic solution that would instantly solve the issue, Im open to counterpoints that are not cope.

ODL is easily solvable. Do they want to do it ? That’s another story.

That you need to blame gaijin that think buy their ways to top tier is a good idea you think I’m not sick babysitting clickbait defenseless butt?
clickbait drags down US win-rate is not anyone but US main fault due lack of skills nothing more.


explain because Im sure this isnt insane.

So you play U.S, and it’s frustrating, is it not?

Click-Bait players may play a role sometimes, but they are not the whole picture. There are many matches that go down the same way without a single Premium player.

I put a 13.0 plane on my lineup specifically to avoid them, I rarely come across them and when I do, they have higher BR vehicles on their lineup, and same issues remain.

Wanna know what U.S needs? This is what it needs:

-More powerful SAM for U.S; SLAMRAAM, perhaps?

-Abrams-related fixes: turret armor for SEP and SEPv2, turret rings turned to volumetric, fuel tank bulkhead foxes (thickness and geometries), hydraulic pump correction, TUSK II being a mod on SEPv2, etc.

-M1A2 SEPv3 with improved hull armor as a true counterpart for the uparmored Leopards/Strvs/BVMs; possibly with Trophy too.

Just because U.S won more often upon being matched along a cocktail of nations that would carry it to victory it doesn’t mean it would be any more fun to play an Abrams on its current state against even a squadron of 122s.

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So it’s all about winning or losing to you, and you don’t care so much about the gameplay itself?

Each nation should be able to win by itself. Just because a modified matchmaking makes your teams win more often it doesn’t mean the true underlying causes of unbalance are suddenly fixed.


““I have a headache, lets take pain killers instead of curing the brain tumor””

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It wont make my ground v ground experience better, but having Pantsirs on my team would make CAS ruin my day a lot less.

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Literally yes, that’s the main objective of the game. Losing = less RP/SL Winning = more RP/SL. Losing bad, Winning good. Spend money to grind game should have a chance to win, more than 40%.

it called devolution happen to newer generation of playes