Ground battle also not only ground combined battle

Maybe that I’m in the tank and I have to die in order to be able to respawn?

Ok, enemy tank killed you. What is stopping your from spawning fighter/SPAA other than your ignorance and not understanding of game?

But we are talking about the moment when I’m in a tank and enemy is in the plane

Shoot at him with MG on your roof. If you fail and he get you, spawn in SPAA or figher and clean the sky.

Acknowledge the holy arrow and it will show you the path.

Can’t do that as my tank might not have it or enemy plane is coming from an angle that I can’t shoot at.

This is how it looks like in WT ;).


You wont achieve anything with excuses you know that?

This is how I attack tanks, so it is not an excuse but rather a scenario that happens a lot.

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Prove it.

Want me to prove that I can attack tanks from an angle that they can’t shoot at me back?

Yes. It happened a lot to you as you said and you just spent 2 hours arguing with me on forum so you obviously care about this enough to post video of 10 battles where we can see this.

And make it 10 battles in a row, dont pick just the good ones. Or you will burn in eternal hell of arrow.

Sorry but atm can’t really make videos on my setup, You need to wait for me to buy a new one.

But I can provide screanshoots of it or links to server replays that shows that I can attack the tank from an angle that he can’t fight back.

I can post old vidoes of me doing C&F and other things where this happened.

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People who care always find time and a way. Good night, excusonator.

Ask why players use SPAA in small numbers for a change.
EZ answer, they don’t sell premium SPAAs at high tiers where top tier premiums run rampant.
So until that stuff is changed will for sure just keep enjoying my CAS thank you.
As for a separate game mode, go ahead but you’ll suddenly have half less uses for MGs, all autocannon vehicles and SPAA, helos too since the mode made specifically for them is so garbage it makes me sleep harder than TEC vids

Yeah turns out when you don’t fix glaringly obvious problems that almost your entire customer base asks for constantly, it doesn’t just go away, who knew?

Also, when you never brush your teeth, you will keep ending up back at the dentist over and over and over again.

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Lmao, your own diagram admits that tanks are able to counter themselves just fine and exist as a stable self-contained self-balanced system. 💀💀

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Just wait when you notice rest of the diagram you ignored to prove your point.

(And I never said they are not able to counter themselves)

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It’s not a glaring problem nor does the entire customer base want the one thing you want addressed.

You are part of a small, niche’, insignificant percentage of players that want a Tank Only mode.

The opinions of your percentage group don’t matter. Simple as.

  • Air mode: the main differences between RB and AB are speed, spotting, aiming assists, reloading mid air, general cartoonishness. The playerbase splits about 50/50

  • Ground mode: the main differences between RB/AB are… again speed, spotting, aiming assists, also actually reloading (crew and rockets), general cartoonishness. Yet the tank main playerbase there splits about 85/15 though in favor of AB.

So why the huge difference in split toward AB in ground but not in air, if the differences between AB/RB is more or less the same in air and ground?

Because I left out one huge difference, of course. In Air, there’s zero combined arms in either mode. But in ground, one mode has intense relevance of combined arms and one has very little. So air has no imbalance in combined-arms-relevance, and ground has a huge imbalance in combined-arms-relevance.

Logically, that imbalance is the only plausible thing causing this huge 50%–>85% arcade popularity difference in ground vs air, since it’s the only major difference between the two cases. i.e. “people are fleeing from CAS cancer as much as they can”. There’s no other good explanation for it.

Which would mean that about 70% of the tanker mains who WOULD be in Ground RB (but are in Ground AB instead currently) are most logically “people of a similar mind to myself on that issue”: “refugees” of CAS un-fun-ness

You TO people keep using the old tired argument about the aircraft having their own mode.
This game started as aircraft only.

That angle doesn’t work. Never has. Never will. The rest of your response isn’t worth reading by default because the starting angle is meritless. You can try a new angle or just give up, but I’ll tell you something as a treat and a mercy; The small, insignificant TO crowd has been screeching for a TO mode for over 5 years but have done zero legwork in regards to explaining how it would work differently and how it would combat the issues created by the removal of aircraft and the subsequent obsolecence of spaa. All they have done is insult, lie and gaslight.

You will never get a TO mode. Simple as.

It does not suit Gaijin’s vision and such a mode has no merit in it’s addition. You want TO gameplay? Look elsewhere.

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There are no issues that couldn’t be resolved without aircraft.

Mixed mode would still be available, so no, SPAAs wouldn’t get obsolete at all.

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