Uh huh. Sure…
Its no suprise the forum is mocked and trolled, its a lack of respect and I think the game is suffering from the same thing.Both the forum and the game seem to deserve it due to the lack of effort put into both lately.
How did you spend $600 and struggle to get ~120 thousand RP? That’s 60 games max if you earn 2K RP a game
I wasn’t trying to insult you because you don’t want to spend 20$ on the premium account sale, but the point is that when you pay for something you expect to receive a product up to the expectations, and when you pay you have the right to complain if something is wrong. Honestly I think I’m far from being a whale, there are people who spent thousands of dollars for every game mode, I only play tanks on weekends.
You can pay all you want it wont stop Gaijin destroying your favourite maps over night or wrecking your line ups with a few silly and unneeded BR increses.Then you have things that people pay for that are nerfed to death because the F2P players complained they are unfair.So what advantages is the paying player getting over the f2p?
Premium time & vehicle means top BR in 1.3ish months at 2.5ish hours played each day.
Well, since I like large maps, they don’t destroy my maps.
They only “destroy” the CQC maps by making them slightly less CQC.
Grind is completely sufferable.
Yes but that is the word of paid friend of Gaijin Avis Wisla ,which means nothing.
With the amount of games you played,when did you last grind from bottom to top?
Weird of you to accuse all critics of being friends of Gaijin…
You’re doing a weird method of defending Gaijin from criticism.
And yet we see you saying there are no grinding issues in the game,Is that you being critical? You stated elsewhere that its a fact that all players hate anything era specific despite endless complaints about the joke WT has become with its era mess.
Wunderwaffe people complaining about eras just hate realism and want their OP Germany back not realizing that MAUS is a cold war tank just as much as M48 is.
Yes, you attacking my criticism of old War Thunder that was a slow grind compared to today, less balanced, less realistic, and only having an arcade mode since historical battles were never going to be balanced…
Yes, you are attacking War Thunder’s critics and defending Gaijin with your posts.
Few grown ups with actual lives (work, families, etc.) have the time/ability to play WT for 3 hrs a day everyday for months on end.
I guess Gaijin targets its games around the schedules of kids and retired people…
If you only want modern tanks ,why waste so much time,effort and possibly money on plodding slowly though the eras that mean nothing to you and possibly disrespecting ww2 which means a lot to many.Just makes for two big disgruntled parties.We need separate games now and for gaijin to recognise the true feeling for the eras be it WW2 or modern.No silly sharing.
No we don’t. The early tiers are needed for developing in game skills.
Your opinion ,once again offered as fact,thanks Alvis,nice disguise 😆
Imho the fellow player is acting for himself.
Even if i do not share some of his views (especially regarding self-moderation of this forum) - he is technically seen correct:
At least in theory lower ranks and tiers are there to allow players to get familiar with the game & game mechanics - and in order to collect crew XP.
The pure fact that a hell of players skip this possibility with a top tier “buy-in” doesn’t make his point invalid…
I think the game changes so much between the two tiers its all moot now.We are now just imposing WW2 on kids who dont care for WW2 and imposing newer vehicles older people who dont care for the modern era.Then we have the map issue.its just a dated game now showing its age.
Project much?