Yeah that is BS. My bad, two days. And 4 days to finish entire US tree
Still BS if you actually have a life and aren’t intentionally trying to “speed run” a grind.
Nah I got the lineup for some of them. I have the whole Soviet 8.7 lineup, but I don’t use planes and don’t play air, I find it lame. I do decently well with the Tiger II , T-29 and M51 with positive KD. I have negative with the T-55am, don’t know why everyone say this thing is op, it’s just mediocre in my humble opinion. I absolutely suck with glass cannons like the L44, so it’s really difficult to grind with them. I also spade non premium to get bonuses, but not all of them just the ones I enjoy, like the french 8.7 lineup.
I’m pointing out facts. I’ve literally ground out every tee and every branch to at least tier 6 except Israel air and my coastal fleets to about 50%.
No way I could have done half that if the game was how you describe it. And as I said I’m an average player but I look what I can do better rather then blaming the game when I’m failing.
Playing spades vehicles is inefficient. Best to play all the new vehicles you unlock.
This is besides the point. He showed it can be done. That’s 48 to 100 hours of game play but that’s with sleep. That’s 2 to 3 weeks of a couple hours a day for a whole tree.
Dude stop exposing my shitty stats please lol
I didn’t play a lot back then if at all, and played mostly ab. I started to spend money and more time the last 2 years maybe and after switching to RB. Btw now I play only on weekends because I work in another city during the week, I don’t have a decent laptop so I can play only on my desktop.
Tiger 2 is very powerful with everything going up in br except it. The t29 was great once but is just average now. M51 is bad for beginners, the heat round suffers big time to environmental clutter and spaced armour as well as unpredictable damage. The platform is also past its prime but if you know what your doing you can do well in it but that’s the player more then the tank.
T55 is very mediocre, not awful but probably not going to carry many battles with it. I also suck I. Basicly any leopard. Haven’t enjoyed any of them ever.
Good your grinding some of the tanks to ace but you really should play them all. You get a free tank for every 5 vehicles you ace just in the bonus rp reward.
Also a lot of people fail to use the warbond shop. Get the special tasks constantly and complete them. Buy backups and all the boosters you can. You can play very many of your battles running boosters this way and not relying on the daily log in to get them or spending real money.
Ok, that’s understandable then. I can only advise you to lower your expectations a little. Because the only realistic thing in the game is that it’s like real life. No pain, no gain.
I hope you enjoy the game again soon.
PS.: Switch to RB or sim, you get more XP there.
Always has been bad
You are rationalizing.
I never said it couldn’t be done. 10s of thousands have. I am saying the game is structured to make it as hard as they can get away with, in order to extract money out of people who get frustrated with it. This is the definition of abuse.
My issue isn’t the grind for vehicles. It’s long, but I don’t find it too crazy.
My issue is the grind for MODULES. Some modules literally break or make a tank, example the DM63 on the CM11. Without it you have a fat, slow, less armoured XM1, it’s not until you get the DM63 that you get the unique selling point of the tank.
They give reward rp to reduce the grind and rp. They give daily boosters. They give warbond shop for free premium vehicles and countless boosters for free. They run events for other free vehicles. The battle pass can even become free if you play the missions. They even foldered a tonne of vehicles so you don’t have to research them. It’s insane how easy you guys want the game to be.
If everything is easily obtainable like a walk in a park without any effort, then no one will spend real money to unlock parts, buy premium or premium vehicles to speed up the process, then their business model will become unsustainable, then what’s the point of doing business and not making money right? I mean some of us here definitely know what is like to be poor, when you are poor, you got no buying power, you are not respected, you can’t date hot chicks, less chance of getting one night stand, you drive shitty car, your house is small and live close proximity with other filthy people, even if you managed to have kids, they will have to work 3x harder compare to the one who were spawned in a more privileged family. Goddamnt bro life sucks without money, like you can’t even have the IS-7 because greedy player set a $2000 price tag on it.
They are three types of players, one who wants to have access to everything easily but offering very little things in return, another one doesn’t care about spending $1000 because it’s chump change for their pay grade and understand how business works, the third one is the complacent type who stick to what they have until the earth become uninhabitable, doesn’t care about getting the shiny new Ferrari/Lamborghini, and they also finds sportscar territory gameplay unfun.
I only have 4 or 5 premium vehicles and they’re useless for a real grind, I haven’t bought premium account since I got T-72AV (Turms-T) and still managed to grind most vehicles in Soviet Tech-tree over 8.0 with Tech-tree vehicles, and as you said, still same thing, because grinding in ground was always been long if you’re playing in ground.
Just stop for a while, I know your feeling but ignore the numbers, how much vehicles is from top tier, if you want to keep playing, just play and ignore how much is from X vehicle. I’m trying to do this and not looking into how much is from the T-80BVM for me and just playing some random vehicles I like.
And if you have premium account and vehicles, you got the knife and the cheese, now eat it. I mean, just play with 4 vehicles in your line up if you’re on ground or bomb bases and kill 1 or 2 planes in air, you’ll get a good reward and with in time you’ll grind whatever you want.
Just in case you missed it …
Spending 600 euros does not entitle you to anything.
The end game is not going to give you more fun or happiness. I don’t understand the rush.
In a year and a half I have spent 150e and I have 5 nations on land in tier 6-7 with about 1000h. I still have 6 months left premiun.
I set realistic goals and I don’t get overwhelmed at all, I have the most fun in 6.7, 8.3, 8.7 and 10-10.3.
Where I agree that it is horrible to unlock tanks and especially modules is in tier 7-8. Where on top of that is the worst part of the game. I protest not participating.
I played every nation up to 6 or 7 BR and then just got plain bored.I did love Germany at 5- 6 BR until they spammed it with the M109 artillery peice and destroyed the WW2 experience dead.So I play a few games a month at 4 BR now where the game at least makes a tiny bit of sense.I loved the game but Gaijin just ruined it with one dumb move after another.I played Russia at 6.7 ,based around a premium I owned and never played and I have to modify a whole line up of 6.7 now and I am finding it hard to be bothered.Now I see a long tiresome procession of samey old heavies to plod through until I get to the vaguely modern age.It will br millions in SL and frankly I cant be botherd to grind them all.Gone back to fallout 4.